
How can I overload method in Java web-service?

Suppose I have the following methods declared in my web service: @WebMethod() public Long addNewApplication(String applicationName) throws ServiceManagerException { // implementation } @WebMethod() public Long addNewApplication(String applicationName, ApplicationState status) throws ServiceManagerException { // implementation }...

How to create folder for generated sources in Maven?

I have to generate sources using wsimport and i assume that it should go to /target/generated-sources/wsimport rather than /src/main/java. The problem is that wsimport needs target folder created before execution and it fails. Can I create that dir first using any maven plugin. I can do it using ant but i prefer to keep it in POM. ...

How do I get the original object back from a class generated by NetBeans for transfer by JAX-WS?

Java EE 6, NetBeans 6.9.1. Part of my project is a SOAPy web service. I've written the server-side part of it, and that seems to work OK because GlassFish 3.0.1 is correctly generating WSDL files for the web services. The web service sends and receives JPA entity classes, which the client operates on. I used NetBeans' "New > Web Servi...

Annotation endpoint Location for JAX-WS

Hi, does exist a specific annotation to define the address of the endpoint. In fact, I want to remove the attribute address in the SPring file and move the annotation directly in the impl. class. Current: jaxws:endpoint id="dataManagerEndPoint" implementor="#dataManagerService" address="/datamanager/v1.0" @WebService public interf...

Import location in wsit-client.xml to file in another jar, using an URL string to locate a file on the classpath

Normally the wsit-client.xml has import statements like this: <import location="foo.xml" namespace="http://foo.org/" /> I've found that their can be online one wsit-client.xml on the classpath/META-INF, but can I refer to an xml who's located into another jar in that wsit-client.xml? Something like : <import location="classPathResour...

Calling a WCF service from Java, redux

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3015124/calling-a-wcf-service-from-java Following on from the above question, does anyone know how to get wsimport to see WCF properties marked with the [MessageHeader] attribute, and hence generate fields for said properties on the generated Java proxy classes? Unfortunately the requirement has now c...

Clustered Web Services

Is possible to do a clustered web service (with JAX-WS), that each node receives automatically the resources? May be with EJBs? If possible, how to do it? Thanks ...

Issue using a string in a soap client

I'm writing some client wsdl code in java (jax-ws) but when I try to compile my code I get the following error: cannot be applied to <java.lang.String> but the WSDL it is listed as xsd:string Any ideas on how to get around this issue? ...

java/ soapfault problem in web services

Hi, I have the following problem: I am using SAAJ for web services. I have a SOAPMessage with the following soap fault: <S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; <S:Body> <S:Fault xmlns:ns3="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"&gt; <faultcode>S:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>java....

What is the best way to send XML data to webservices jaxws

What is the best way to send XML data to web services jax-ws? One of the way I could make out is to convert xml into String from client side and send it as a String to WebService. I don't think this is the best way / best practice . ...

Why is inet:/ interpreted as inet:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 by com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer?

We found this issue while implementing a reconnect logic for a WS endpoint using JAX-WS stack deployed on Glassfishv2.1 server. We deploy the web service on a cluster environment. To simplify the deployment, we use as the IP on which the endpoint needs to be published, so that it can be accessed from all available IPs pertaining ...

How to add SOAP Headers to Spring Jax-WS Client?

How can I add SOAP Headers to Spring Jax-WS Client? Specifically, I have a Jaxb object I would like to add to the header but xml examples would be appreciated. I am using Spring's JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean described here. Also, I am generating my client as described here which is working less the headers I need to add. Thank you. ...

jax-ws web-service tier to the hibernate-based data provider

A data provider (java, hibernate) has an API for accessing instances of JPA-annotated classes. A web-service (jax-ws) is exposing the API to the network clients. A bit of a problem I'm thinking to solve is that a client of the data provider cannot be easily reconfigured to either use the provider directly or over the web-service. The rea...