
How to make java (jax-ws) Client work with the WS SoapHeader ?

I have a VB.NET webservice that uses a SoapHeader. I also have .Net client that works perfectly with it. but I am trying to write a Java client to work with the webservice but it looks like java doensnt work with SoapHeader (the sebserive doesnt get it (NULL)) I am new to Java and I feel its a setting issue any help will be appreciated...

jax-ws on firefox extension

is it possible to use jax-ws web service in a firefox extension? ...

How does glassfish use ManagedObjectManagers?

Does anyone know how glassfish uses ManagedObjectManagers? I get the following exception: Exception in thread "Thread-14" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/glassfish/gmbal/ManagedObjectManager at com.sun.xml.ws.client.Stub.<init>(Stub.java:196) at com.sun.xml.ws.client.Stub.<init>(Stub.java:174) at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.<i...

JAX-WS client authentication on proxy server

I'm trying to use JAX-WS api to send some soap messages on a client application. However, I'm behind a firewall and the only option is to use a proxy server to go outside. I'm trying to find on google any answer about this and so far all fail: To Use System.setProperty for http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, http.proxyUser, http.proxyPasswor...

Why MTOM attachments get duplicated inline (JAX-WS RI 2.1)?

Hello, I'm trying to return binary data with MTOM as ant attachment, but actually data is inlined as base64 encoded data and then duplicated as attachment. Why? Here is my web service: @WebService @MTOM(threshold=0, enabled=true) public class BinaryService { private static final String SERVICE_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:8998/test"...

Glassfish - Deploying a WSDL with 2 functions of the same name

Hi all, i am using Netbeans to create a Web Service and the code is written in java. My problems arises from creating 2 functions that will be accessible by a client. The functions look alike by name but their parameters are different. When building the web service(int a war file) i get no complaints. However when deploying the war fil...

Dynamic invocation of WSDL 2.0 described service

Hi everybody, I am building a system in Java/Groovy that involves dynamic invocation of Web services. I use JAX-WS to invoke a service with a WSDL 1.1 interface, but I could not find any helpful information about how one would go about to implement DII for WSDL 2.0 descriptions. Could anyone of you point me in the right direction about...

java call function from multiple threads not declared as thread safe

Hi, There is a JDK function that, although the javadocs does not declare it as thread-safe, from looking at the code in Google, it seems that I could get the result I want by calling it from multiple threads without undesirable side-effects, since the function uses mainly stack variables. So it does not matter if it has synchronized blo...

How to avoid "505: HTTP Version not supported" error?

Hi all, I am trying to use the Bing SOAP API for a simple search request. But now that I finally figured out how to send the request using JAX-WS, I am stuck again. I get the reply com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.ClientTransportException: The server sent HTTP status code 505: HTTP Version not supported when I send the request. Can anyon...

Unable to return collections or arrays from JAX-WS Web Service

I found that I was unable to return collections from my JAX-WS Web Service. I appreciate that the Java Collections API may not be supported by all clients, so I switched to return an array, but I can't seem to do this either. I've set up my web service as follows: @WebService public class MyClass { public ReturnClass[] getArrayOfStu...

Web-Service: JAX-WS, CXF, WSDL... What's that all about?

Hello! Sorry fot his newbie question. But I really need a start on this one. I want to access a webservice in my JEE project. This webservice offers a WSDL file. So I understand I can use this to build Java code from it to access the web service. Now I read that Apache CXF is a good framework that I can use. But what's the difference to...

com.ibm.websphere.security.WSSecurityException: the realms do not match

I'm getting this exception when trying to access a JAX-WS webservice running on the same WAS 7.0 server as the client. Caused by: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: java.io.IOException: Unable to deserialize the Subjects in this Context, cause: the realms do not match I have a realm set up for user authentication and this call works fi...

Unit testing a JAX-WS Web Service?

Is there a way to test a JAX-WS web service? Mine is in Netbeans and I'm trying to use a web service client in the test package to do it but I wonder if this is the right way. ...

JAX-WS: Is it possible to define a global InstanceResolver?

I know I can use the @InstanceResolverAnnotation to define which InstanceResolver will be used by a certain service, like it is explained in this article: @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Documented @InstanceResolverAnnotation(MyResolver.class) public @interface MyWs { } // Now annotate the ser...

JAXBException in webservices implementation - <PropertyName> is not a valid property

I am using JAX-WS to implement web services. I have generated the client and service code using weblogic tools. The web service is hosted successfully. When I ping the service using the end point url from the browser, I am able to see the WSDL's. But when I try to invoke the service from a simple java program, I am getting "JAXBException...

Optimizing inter service calls with Metro JAX-WS

We are working on a SOA Project. The different modules are built as web services on the jax-ws metro glassfish stack. The tables related to a module are owned by the web service for that module and all other services requiring the data from that table need to get it by calling the web service (instead of direct database call-that is the ...

How to Deploy JAX-WS Service on Jetty + Axis2 + Complex datatypes

Hi! Yes, partly question, partly answer. This works: server-config.wsdd: <service name="connectionTestWebService" style="wrapped" use="literal"> <parameter name="className" value="com.frontend.services.jaxws.ConnectionTestWebService"/> </service> Note especially the "wrapped" parameter here. Then your WebService can be some...

where to find example of logIN and logOUt operations in web service?

Hi, I looking for a web services tutorial using Jax-ws wherein it has login/logout methods. for the login it will return the session id. for the logout it will end the session. any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, winston ...

maven, wsgen and dynamic url

After implementing a test solution described here : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2158175/use-maven-to-trigger-a-wsgen-wsimport-in-a-row-using-wsdllocation I wonder if there is a way to generate the client jar without knowing the WS URL, so that it would be usable against any similar ws deployed somewhere else. Any idea? ...

How do I access a password-protected WSDL using JAXWS without using default Authenticator?

wsdlLocation below is password protected, but paranoia makes me uncomfortable with having set a default Authenticator for the application. How can I set authentication without using a default Authenticator? protected Orders getOrdersPort(String wsdlLocation, String namespaceURI) { Authenticator.setDefault(new Authenticator() { ...