
Error when deploying to Tomcat6: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry CRC (expected 0x0 but got 0x5ab93a08)

I'm having this error when I deploy my war to Tomcat. I am using Java 1.6.18, and Tomcat 6.0.24, Maven 2.2.1 INFO: WSSERVLET14: JAX-WS servlet initializing Jul 12, 2010 8:22:34 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start SEVERE: Error in dependencyCheck java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry CRC (expected 0x0 but got 0x5ab93a0...

JBossWS change wsdl url

Hi, I have a web application deployed on JBoss 5.1.0 with a couple of webservices. When i use the JBossWS console to see the registered service endpoints, all my webservices follow the same URL pattern: http://my_machine:8080/some_default_name/webservice_name?wsdl The problem is that i need to change the some_default_name part of the...

Accessing XML payload of Metro 2.0 Request/Response Web Service

I am developing a web service, using Metro 2.0 and Tomcat 6, and I have a requirement to be able to log the XML payload of the request and response of a web method for development/support reasons. The payload would only be logged when in debug mode. The Web Service uses a servlet implementation (com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WS...

I'm having problems creating a web service that takes a username and password and checks against a database

I am developing a web service that authenticates a user trying to access a web application. I'm new to web services and have seen a lot of different APIs and have started using JAX WS. Im not sure if this is an alternative to JAXB or if it should be used with it. Currently I have a test page that a user can enter their username and pass...

In my application i've used jsf2, spring, and hibernate which would i use jax ws or apache axis2 for webservice

In my application i've used jsf2, spring, and hibernate and now need to make webservice so anyone can suggest which to use and why one the one is better..? ...

How to consume JAX-WS web service (server) from excel (client)

I have JAX-WS webservice (server) running with Tomcat6. I am looking for sample code to consume this service from excel using VBA using wsdl, xsd files. The service works with Soap UI, Perl clients. ...

Tomcat fails to deploy JAX-WS webservice implementation

I'm running Tocmat 6.0.26 with jdk1.6.0_06 and jre6. My webservice uses only odbc14.jar and thats the only library I've included in it. it builds without any error but when i try to deploy it, i get following error: Jul 16, 2010 7:55:45 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext listenerStart SEVERE: Exception sending context initiali...

NoSuchMethod error using maven-jaxws-tools-plugin for wsprovide

I am trying to use the maven-jaxws-tools-plugin (v1.0.0 GA) with the goal being wsprovide, and am having little success. I had a number missing dependencies which I had to scour the internet for, and eventually, having followed several tutorials and blogs etc I think I've got them all in correctly. But now I am left with an error which ...

Jax-ws dispatching / saaj relation

Hi, I need to know the following: is Dispatch.invoke() method or invokeAsync(T msg) using SAAJ underneath for the connection and the marshal/demarshalling of the message? In general what is the relation of jax ws with SAAJ? Finally, where is the source code for jax ws? I could not find it (except for interface defintions I could not fin...

How to remove JAX-WS generated header comment?

Hi, a customer has asked us to remove the comments generated by JAX-WS from the generated WSDL and XSD files. The generated files have comments like these: <!-- Published by JAX-WS RI at http://jax-ws.dev.java.net. RI's version is JAX-WS RI 2.x.x-xxx-. --> I didn't find anything to do this simply, so i'll ask here. Any easy solution...

JAX-WS unmarshalling logging

Hi, is there any way that I could see the process of unmarshalling in JAX-WS services? I Generated some code from WCF service and I can see, that the response is comeing back in proper XML, but something goes wrong during the unmarshall process and I have no idea what is going on there and I end up with null result. Adalbert ...

How to load multiple jax-ws web services inside a single spring container

We are working on a SOA Project consisting of multiple web services. Each web service is based on Metro JAX-WS Framework and internally uses spring and hibernate.Each web service loads as a web-application inside a separate spring container. This means that our deployment architecture consists of multiple web-applications each running ...

Single Sign On with Java + Exchange 2007 EWS

Hi I've been working on a project which uses SPNEGO to have Single Sign On for a Java based webapp. At the moment, it is working successfully with Jetty + SPNEGO and Active Directory so if you visit my test page, it can output the auth_user as well as the Negotiate token if the browser has been configured properly. The next step of th...

how to use jaxws for a class referencing an interface

I have a java class which I need to annotate up for a web service. Everything is set up and compiles etc, the wsdl is generated using the maven plugin for wsprovide... the problem I have is that the class references an interface... @WebService(name = "myWebService", targetNamespace = "......") @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC...


I wrote 2 webservices, one with Jax-WS and one with Jax-RPC. They just return a String. I stress-tested both with jMeter and, strangely, thereby Jax-RPC was a bit faster. When do I really profit of Jax-WS in aspects of performance (response time, CPU-time, heap)? How can I proof it? thanks for your time! =) ...

How to use local wsdl file in generated service code (jax-ws)

It generates URL with http code, how do I change it to local file so that later web services could be packed to jar and this jar will be used as library. ...

JAX-WS and character encoding questions

Hi, I have a question on sending XML as string in a Webservice. One of our providers has developed a webservice that we should use. Their webservice is basically just a transport mechanism for their own request/response messages, e.g. class MyRequest is serialized to an XML string using JAXB passed to a setRequest method in their webser...

Is there a better way of manipulating SOAP messages than Jaxws SOAP Handler Interceptor before the message gets to the container?

I am currently using the jaxws and apache CXF framework to create webservices using the top down approach. I am using the SOAP interceptors to add remove SOAP header elements, using SAAJ, before the message gets to the container, and the container maps the SOAP action too the java method. I am doing this to create Security Token Serv...

JAX-WS client without having to generate new proxies when switching between test/production

I'm trying to configure my JAX-WS Client to switch between test/production enpoint without having to re-generate proxy classes with wsimport. The service I'm trying to consume use different WSDL's in test and production. For example the targetNamespace is different, as well as the soapAction address. I've tried using Springs JaxWsPortP...

Using JAX-WS, how do I have multiple ports inside one wsdl?

I would like to define 5 classes with an @WebService annotation on them and use wsgen to create a single wsdl for all of them. Each class would be its own port. I've been reading the wsgen documentation and this doesn't seem possible. But, when I look at the wsdl spec, it appears to be possible. http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_ports Does...