
SOAP JAX-WS client in ruby

Hi All, I want to write a ruby web service client for a SOAP (JAX-WS) web service. I looked into soap4r and handsoap but couldnt find useful resources to write a (JAX-WS) client Can you help me to find some resources and som way of doing it. Coz as i can see, my web service is developed using oracle JDeveloper and looks little differen...

How to execute a jax-ws soap request from a string or inputstream

Hi, I am using jax-ws ri (metro) and would like to execute a webservice call without an http container. I have an XML file containing the SOAP message (exactly the same as the HTTP POST BODY) and would like to execute in the same virtual machine a soap action. How can I do this? SOAP MESSAGE AS XML FILE -> WS Endpoint or Port -> SOAP M...

JAX-WS Password Type PasswordText

I've got a simple command line Java JAX-WS app to test a SOAP request, but the server is expecting the Password Type to be PasswordText and I'm stumped on how to set this... The code looks like so: @WebServiceRef private static final HelloService helloService = new HelloService(url, new QName( URL, "HelloService")); public sta...

jaxws ri unmarshal exception

I am using jax ws ri implementation for webservices, if in include extra < or > tag in request to my webservice, i m getting following error S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> S:Server javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException - with linked exception: [com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCha...

Call web service with attachment

I am having a rather frustrating issue trying to call a web service that requires an attachment. This is the error: Unexpected Attachment type =class java.lang.Object from here: class="com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.ResponseBuilder$AttachmentBuilder" file="ResponseBuilder.java" line="250" method="createAttachmentBuilder" Th...

JAX-WS client ASYNC service invocation using WLS 10.3.3

I am writing an integration webservice which will consume various webservices from a couple different backend systems. I want to be able to parallelize non-dependent service calls and be able to cancel requests that take too long (since I have an SLA to meet). to aid in parallel backend calls, I am using the ASYNC client apis (generate...

What is the size limit of a SOAP message's input parameter

Is there a size limit on a SOAP message's input parameters? I currently need to get a potentially large-ish string with the request, so I'm trying to decide if I will have to use SOAP attachments or not. I am using Java Web Services. Thanks, Alex ...

Apache CXF -Enunciate wsdl generation Error.

We are using Apache CXF code-first approach to create web-services. We have a custom soap header to pass user credentials. I am trying to pass the usercredentials in the SEI using a @webparam annotation. These are two operations in the Service class. @Path("/item/{id}") @GET public Item getItem(@PathParam("id") String id, @WebParam(n...

I'm looking for a way to have both a servlet and a jax ws listener preferably in the same class

Hi guys , I have a servlet that acts as controller for a jsp pages , and I want this servlet to able to listen to jax ws messages through the Provider interface , this would be an ideal solution. I also tried to have a different class that implements the Provider and with that class to pass messages to my servlet , but also it wasn't su...

Setting jax-ws client timeout

Hello Folks. I've trouble setting jax-ws timeout. My code is: @WebServiceClient(name = "VoipDBJDBCService", targetNamespace = "http://db.server.voipmeter.jextreme.eu/", wsdlLocation = "http://trace0.nyc.blinkmind.com:8080/voipdb?wsdl") public class VoipDBJDBCService extends Service { public VoipDBJDBCService(URL wsdlLocation) { ...

Problem with List<E> properties in exceptions thrown from JAX-WS/EJB3 web service

I have a (JAX-WS/EJB3) web service which has operations that can throw ValidationExceptions, which holds a list of standard POJOs that represent stuff that didn't pass validation. This list causes marshaling to break. Firstly, the exception class: public class ValidationException extends Exception { private final List<ValidationErr...

How to create a Java web service client in NetBean to consume WCF web service

I try to create a Java web service client in NetBeans 6.9 to consume my WCF web service. There are several problem I have: The WCF uses clear usename security for authentication. When I add web reference (JAX-WS style) in NetBeans, it didn't generate related clear username authentication code and WSDL/configuration. How do I configure ...

Accessing a password-protected WSDL in Weblogic when calling a web service

We're using Spring and JAXWS-generated client classes to access web services in a weblogic-deployed app. The WSDL defining the web service is remote and password-protected (basic http authentication). In a unit test it suffices to define a proxy in ~/.metro folder with the url and http password to use when accessing it. Is there a simila...

Can I have Object type as a parameter of @WebMethod?

I've tried to create a web method which has parameter of java.lang.Object but I receive error similar to: http://community.jboss.org/message/532500 One guy answered to this saying that: "You can pass only JAXB supported types web method parameters. java.lang.Object cannot be passed as web method parameter." And indeed, when I changed ...

Looking for Tutorial/How To for JAX-WS Client Security

Hi, I have been given a WSDL to generate a client against which uses a security policy. This is my first time using a security policy and although I've read about it (basic theory), putting it into practice with specific elements and a specific technology isn't straight forward (to me anyway). I generated the client using wsimport and...

how to depoy a jax-ws service to eclipse or tomcat?

As a web services beginner, I have tried for 2 weeks to get a hello world webservice working with maven, eclipse and tomcat. I gave up trying to get any of the code/wsdl generators to work, and I followed this tutorial http://myarch.com/create-jax-ws-service-in-5-minutes to hand code an example, which is brilliant. This results in 4 cl...

Java Metro Security: StreamMessage has been already consumed

I'm using metro 2.0.1 for a client application who connects to WCF Service With security. Everything works fine in my unit tests but when I call the method in my Java application I get the following exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: StreamMessage has been already consumed. See the nested exception for where...

One handler for multiple webservice

I am using JAX-WS for creating my API. I have implemented SOAPHandler for the web-service. Now can i use that same handler for other web-services which needs the same functionality? If yes, can it create any issue when many web-services are being accessed at a time. ...

wsimport - Imported schema with no namespace ==> package with name 'generated'

I created a Web Service which has a WSDL importing a schema(let's call it SCHEMA A) file which has no target namespace in it. It defines it's own types but also imports other schemas. So when the JAXB bindings were created the package given to the types coming from SCHEMA A was "generated". For the schemas imported the packages were fin...

JPA merge readonly fields

We have the simplest CRUD task with JPA 1.0 and JAX-WS. Let's say we have an entity Person. @Entity public class Person { @Id private String email; @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(insertable = false, updatable = false) private ReadOnly readOnly; @Column private String name; @XmlElement p...