
Which is the better Eclipse plugin for developing JAX-WS WebServices: JAX-WS Tools or SOA Tools?

Which is the better Eclipse plugin for developing JAX-WS WebServices? JAX-WS Tools SOA Tools Thanks in advance. ...

How can we call a web service in java application?

I want to call a web service in my java application. How do I achieve this? I'm new to web services. ...

Publishing a WS with Jax-WS Endpoint

Hello Folks, I build a minimal Webservice and published it by javax.xml.ws.Endpoint. If I try to get the WSDL at http://localhost:1234/AddService?wsdl it works fine. Trying to recieve it at i don't recieve anything. This address is the same as localhost. Is there a posibiility to publish a we...

How can I access the remote WSDL provided by a webservice based on https in java code or ant-target?

How can I access the remote WSDL provided by a webservice based on https in java code or ant-target? In other words,I want to use the webservice in java code and jar the code generated by the wsimport. ...

HttpSession is sometimes "null" in case of JAX-WS webservices

I am working on JAX-WS webservice and sometimes on heavy load i am getting HttpSession "null". This is how I am getting the session: MessageContext mc = wsContext.getMessageContext(); HttpSession session=((HttpServletRequest)mc.get(MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST)).getSession(); if(session==null) { logger.warn("Session is null"); } ...

JBoss 5 is giving "null" session

I have a JAX-WS web service and some times [during load] JBoss 5 gives a "null" when I do a get session. Is there any "max session" parameter for Jboss? Thanks| Abhi ...

Inheritance on method parameters not working

Hello, I have a test web service with following methods & classes, Method public String addPerson(Person p) { if(p instanceof Employee) { return "Employee"; } return "Person"; } Note: Method is annotated with @WebMethod, @WebParam annotations, so is web service with @WebService. Classes Class Person { public String name; } Clas...

Why does JAX-WS need wrapper classes?

I created a simple webservice, which implements an add operation, and created some client files with wsimport. Now I want to include as less as possible wsdl specific artifacts. Here is an example of how the web service will be called: String serviceNamespace = "http://jws.samples.geronimo.apache.org/"; String serviceName = "CalculatorS...

Using Spring XML, create a JAX-WS Client without a serviceClass

I know it is possible to create a jaxws:endpoint without the SEI, so long as you have the wdslURL, serviceName & endpointName, address. I see lots of examples about wsdl2java, and then using that class value as the serviceClass attr. And lots of Java based examples, I am more interested in spring based XML. For example, here is what I...

java web service client instance problem on glassfish v3

Hi, I have deployed web app containing web service on glassfish v3, generated client classes with wsimport, and Im using client in the same web app. I get the fallowing problem when I want to create an instance of ws client in servlet: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Method daLiOpPostoji is exposed as WebMethod, but there is no corre...

Is it possible to generate webservices client code to a special package using apache cxf in maven?

I am trying to generate the webservices client once i build my project on the fly .. It currently does so but put it in package named based on the namespace of the WS.. so lets assume the name space is google.com , the generated files would be in com.google .. <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <artifactI...

Throwing custom exceptions in JAX-WS

I have a JAX-WS web service with a web method that may throw an exception. @WebMethod public Folder getTree() throws UnauthorizedException { //... // Get authorization data.. //... if (!authorized) { throw new UnauthorizedException(); } //... } It works all right if user is authorized, but when the ex...

Implementing long polling with SOAP-based @Stateless EJB exposed as @WebService

I have a pre-existing SOAP-based web service with which I'd like to provide a long-polling based notification system. How can I implement this? The client is currently a Java desktop rich client which must receive updates from other connected clients. The server is GlassFish 3.01. I had a basic, blocking @WebMethod but I had problems res...

JAX-WS and SharePoint usergroup web service

Hi All, I have a small app which query our SharePoint server' Web Service interface for a list of all users for a group. I can see the raw HTTP response is coming back with all the users listed, but JAX-WS response object (as created under NetBeans 6.9) contains only a blank Group Name String value. There is no trace of all the user nam...

What are the specifications/recommendations for data types in JAX-RPC web services?

When developing a web service using Java, Axis1 and JAX-RPC, what are the constraints, recommendations and specifications that must be followed when sending complex data types over a web service? For example, the method: public MyComplexClass webServiceOperation() { return new MyComplexClass; } Is there any limitation on the methods...

How to remove JAX-WS Web Services node in Eclipse Project Explorer?

For development I use Eclipse Helios. In one of my projects in the project explorer a new node showed up. It is called JAX-WS Web Services. I do NOT use webservices in my project. The node has two sub nodes, Service Endpoint Interface and Web Services. Both of them are empty. I have some other project open too. They do not show this node...

setProperty(SOAPMessage.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION, "false") does not work in jax-ws

Hello there, I have an interesting issue in a jax-ws client generated with wsimport tool and using a SOAPHandler to intercept the message before it goes out. I need to omit the xml declaration, since the web service is out of my control and throws a fault if there is an xml declaration, I have been trying all sorts of variations, includ...

How do I get the login creditials passed to the JAX-WS service client with is associated policy sets and bindings in Rational/WebSphere tooling

I am specifically using WebSphere Integration Developer V7, but I also could be using Rational Software Architect V 7.5.1 (as I have both). Context: I am trying to create a JAX-WS client to call into the Human Task Manager and Business Flow Manager services in WebSphere Process Server V7, that are exposed via JAX-WS. By default they hav...

JAX-WS Servlet destroy()

I have some resources that I allocate when my web service is created that I need to be released (for example, I need to flush and close file streams when the servlet is being shut down). How can I have code executed when the JAX-WS servlet's destroy() method is called? ...

Webservices with Maven, Spring and Hibernate

I am developing an application using Hibernate, Spring and JaxWS. I was using JaxWS 2.1 and everything was running smoothly .. I need to upgrade to JaxWS 2.2 so I could use the @XmlElement annotation to require a parameter @XmlElement(required=true) .. So I updated my pom file <!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.xml.ws</g...