
Has anyone successfully created a project using Tapestry, Hibernate and Spring for jax-ws web services?

I have a project using these technologies and I'm getting a number of issues. The first is this error:- org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException: Exception constructing service 'ValueEncoderSource': Error invoking service builder method org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.buildValueEncoderSource(Map, Invalidatio...

DetachedCriteria and jax-ws

Is there a way to pass a DetachedCriteria object to a jax-ws service? (my problem is that DetachedCriteria does not have a no-arg constructor, which is required by jax-ws) ...

When defining a message part (wsdl:part) can the message-type attribute 'type' be used to refer to a wsdl:fault?

I am trying to consume a third party WSDL using the Weblogic 10.3 clientgen ant task (which wraps wsimport). When doing this I get the following error: [clientgen] [ERROR] in message "JobSubmissionErrorFault", part "exception" must specify a "element" attribute Below is a subset of the WSDL I am trying to consume (names have been c...

Why is the WSDL fetched by JAX-WS on every WS call?

I'm playing around with NetBeans and JAX-WS and I see that the WSDL is fetched every time a WS is called. Is there a way to avoid this? Is there some configuration? ...

JAX-WS on JBoss fetches WSDL 3 times ?!?

I'm trying to use JAX-WS on a JSF app on JBoss 4.2.3 and from the logs I notice that for every operation it fetches the WSDL not once, but 3 times: [07/Jul/2009:14:45:52 +0300] "GET /wsdl/my.wsdl " 200 23731 "-" "Java/1.6.0_13" [07/Jul/2009:14:45:52 +0300] "GET /wsdl/my.wsdl " 200 23731 "-" "Java/1.6.0_13" [07/Jul/2009:14:45:...

Axis2 / JAX-WS error when unmarshalling xml file with large text elements

I'm completely stuck and need your help... I've created a webservice stub with jaxb 2.x for a service that sends a binary file (base64 encoded jpg images) within a soap message. Everything worked fine and I was able to receive and display the images, until I tried to export the eclipse RCP app to a product, which caused imediatly Linkage...

Java web service client:

Hi guys, I'm developing a web service client that needs to execute operation exposed on tomcat with axis2. The client has all the wsdl files that are needed. I can't import them statically with netbeans or eclipse because the client needs to discover the wsdl at runtime (this has been already done) and then execute them in an fixed order...

Debugging a jax-ws client in eclipse

I am writing a java client for a web service. I used wsimport to generate the proxies. Copied them over to my workspace project (in eclipse). Wrote a simple program using couple of ws calls. Now when I want to step into a soap call, eclipse says that source code for the file was not found (com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.class...

Using polymorphoic calls on a Axis2/JAX-WS web service from a .NET client

I have an AXIS2/JAX-WS web service using a code first implementation (yes I know, that is bad). The web service is being consumed by a .NET based client. Before we had Axis1, and when custom objects were passed between the client and the server, the client and the server code had to do their own serialization and de-serialization. When...

Marshalling polymorphic objects in JAX-WS

I'm creating a JAX-WS type webservice, with operations that return an object WebServiceReply. The class WebServiceReply itself contains a field of type Object. The individual operations would populate that field with a few different data-types, depending on the operation. Publishing the WSDL (I'm using Netbeans 6.7), and getting a ASP.N...

Is there a faster way to deploy WSIT Services than autodeploy?

We've recently upgraded our services technology stack. We opted for the WSIT implementation of JAX-WS. Currently, we're relying on our Glassfish Application Server to deploy the web service automatically based on the JAX-WS annotations. We have about two dozen different services and hundreds of operations, so this autodeployment take...

How to call Java web service (JAX-WS) from AJAX?

Hi I am developing java web services (JAX-WS) to insert data into mysql DB and retrieve it. This web service has two methods i.e. fetchFromDB and insertIntoDB. Services seems to be running fine when I test them using netbeans IDE. Address: /CalculatorWSService WSDL: /CalculatorWSService?wsdl but when I try to access it using AJAX'...

Utilise common entity classes across different JAX-WS web services

I have a few JAX-WS web services hosted on the same server. They use the same entity objects, but when the web services are consumed by a client, the reflected entity objects are always different between the web services. How do I force all the clients to identify the entity objects to be of the same data type across multiple web servic...

Java Web Services Container

I have just started learning Java Web Services ( JAX-WS ) and have one question. The reference documentation always talks about Web Services container. My question is : What is a Web Services container and why do we need it. I saw a simple example of JAX-WS in book "java web services up and running" where the web service is published usi...

netbeans and producing a web service best practice w.r.t dto's

I am just starting to use netbeans and web services and I want to implement a web service with netbeans and glassfish from an existing wsdl with standard netbeans short cuts. The dto's are generated and placed in a a source directory in the web project (it must be a web project). Is there a way I can change this generated source code d...

JAX-WS client: JAXB required?

Hello! I need to "dive into JAX-WS programming". So, I played around with Netbeans, after 20 or so erroneous attempts, finally managed to let a web service client execute a web service. I noticed, that a lot of code is generated, especially JAXB classes for the web service response. My current task is, to write a web service and web ...

AXIS2 and JAX-WS how can I change the SSL handshaking ?

I need to customize the SSL handshaking when calling a JAX-WS API on top of Axis2. I find no reference at all on how to do this. With Metro I can set a custom SSLSocketFactory, but that uses a non standard API. How do I get access to the Axis engine so that I can reconfigure it before sending a soap request ? ...

JAX-WS returning a complex object?

Hi, Im pretty new to Java Web Services, but I cant find a good explanation anywhere. I have 2 Java web projects within NetBeans. One as a web service and one as a client for that web service. I have also created my own class called "Person", which has what you'd expect: name, dob, etc. I would like to have a web service method called "...

Java 6 NTLM proxy authentication and HTTPS - has anyone got it to work?

I have a Java application (not an applet) that needs to access a web service. Proxies for the web service have been generated with JAX-WS, and seem to work fine. In one scenario it needs to talk through a web proxy server (actually Squid 3.0), which is set to require NTLM authentication. Running on Sun's JRE 1.6.0_14, everything works f...

Problems calling a web service from another web service with netbeans and jax-ws

I want to expose a web service on one node that defers onto the same web service contract on another node, basically then, proxy the web service, both nodes running glassfish. I am using netbeans and jax-ws and I cannot get it to work. I generate the web service server part and the web service client part and use the same dto's. So the ...