
Overriding @Path at Jersey

Hi! I've been trying to make a Jersey app that takes the following structure from the path: Example 1 (http:// omitted due to stackoverflow restrictions){source-id}/ With code (error handling and unneeded code omitted): With code (sum up): @Path("/source/") public class SourceREST { ... @GET ...

gwt-hosted mode when I am using jersey services

I am doing my project in GXT and using jersey services. I am trying to run that application in hosted mode.I have used -noserver option here. But still when I am trying to run the application in hosted mode it's giving me 'Error Response: 0' from the server side. According to me it's not able to find the server side in the tomcat. What m...

Java REST implementation: Jersey vs CXF

What do you think is the advantages/disadvantages between this two libraries? Which of these two are best suited for production environment? By the way I will be using JSON instead of XML. I also would like to know what library is most supported by the community e.g. tutorials, documentation. ...

jersey restful + grizzly server + hibernate

I can bring jersey + grizzly server up. But some problem occur during "SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory;" error says "SEVERE: service exception: org.hibernate.HibernateException: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found .. anyone know how to make hibernate can access hibernate.cfg.xml location. ...

Beyond the @Produces annotation, how does Jersey (JAX-RS) know to treat a POJO as a specific mime type?

I see a lot of examples for Jersey that look something like this: public class ItemResource { @GET @Path("/items") @Produces({"text/xml", "application/json"}) public List<Item> getItems() { List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); Item item = new Item(); item.setItemName("My Item Name!"); ...

When to use @Singleton in a Jersey resource

I have a Jersey resource that access the database. Basically it opens a database connection in the initialization of the resource. Performs queries on the resource's methods. I have observed that when I do not use @Singleton, the database is being open at each request. And we know opening a connection is really expensive right? So my q...

Authentication and authorization for RESTfull API (java jersery)

Hi, implementing service something similar with tinyurl or, I'm would like to expose service as API, I'm using java and jersey as RESTfull service implementation. I'm looking for simplest way for authentification of users who use API, OAuth is first thing coming in mind, but the problem is I don't need this 3 iteration calls wit...

Java Jersey RESTful services

Rather new to REST and Jersey, and I'm trying out some basic examples. I've got one particular question though, which I haven't really found an answer for yet (don't really know how to look for this): how would you go about storing/defining common services so that they are stateful and accessible to all/some resources? For instance, a l...

Jersey (Jax-RS) & EL

Hi there! im trying to get a controller to return a view through a Expression Language-Filter, but have no idea on how to get jersey to use EL for filtering a view. View with EL-tags: <html> <title>%{msg}</title> </html> Controller: @GET @Produces("text/html") public Response viewEventsAsHtml(){ String view=null; try { ...

Returning JSON or XML for Exceptions in Jersey

My goal is to have an error bean returned on a 404 with a descriptive message when a object is not found, and return the same MIME type that was requested. I have a look up resource, which will return the specified object in XML or JSON based on the URI (I have setup the servlet paramet...

jersey (jsr 311) & custom ViewProcessor

Hi! it seems i cant wrap my Head around how to implment a custom ViewProcessor in Jersey. Ihave the following Resource: @Path("/events") public class EventController extends AbstractController { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventController.class); @Resource(name = "eventService") private EventS...

Jersey Test Framework with no Maven environment

We do not use a Maven framework in our environments. Can you suggest a way to use the Jersey test framework for testing the Rest web services? I have tried to override the TestContaioner and TestContainerFactory interfaces to set up an AppDescriptor but I fail to understand how to set the LowLevelDescriptor to use the HTTPContainerFactor...

How to run Jersey with the built in web server from Java SE 6?

I don't want to use Tomcat, Jetty or an Java EE 6 container to offer REST services but the built in web server. ...

Create Hello World with RESTful web service and Jersey

I follow tutorial here on how to create web service using RESTful web service and Jersey and I get kind of stuck. The code is from HelloWorld3 in the tutorial I linked above. Here is the code. I use Netbean6.8 + glassfish v3 create using JAXB. This class represents the HTML message in Java package; im...

Flex 4 front end connecting to Java Jersey Web Service

I created a Java REST service using Jersey. I use three of the HTTP "verbs" GET, POST and DELETE. I want to create several prototype front ends for the service. After much research, a lot dating to 2008 and 2009, I have been unable to find anything remotely simple. My three options are: 1) resthttpservice. This project hasn't been upda...

User authentication on a Jersey REST service

I am currently developing a REST application, which is using the Jersey framework. I would like to know a way that I can control user authentication. I have search a lot of places, and the closest article I have found is this: However this article can only be used whith a Gl...

Jersey, Apache HTTPD, and usage

So I'm having a heck of a time trying to piece together what I think is a pretty simple implementation. This is very similar to another StackOverflow question only I can't leverage Tomcat to handle role based authentication. I have an Apache httpd server in front of my app that handles authentication and then passes LDAP roles to a Jer...

Spring 3, Jersey (JSR-311) and Maven dependencies

Hola guys! im currently struggling to integrate a REST Service based on Jersey and Spring. I'm using Spring 3.0.2-RELEASE and jersey-spring 1.2. But jersey-spring adds a dependency to Spring 2.5.6 to my project which of cause conflicts with the 3.0.2-RELEASE to give me thefollwing error: 11:58:25,409 ERROR org.springframework.web.cont...

Centralized way of organizing urls in Jersey?

Forgive me if I am asking an obvious question (maybe I missed it in the docs somewhere?) but has anyone found a good way to organize their URLs in Jersey Java framework? I mean organizing them centrally in your Java source code, so that you can be sure there are not two classes that refer to the same Url. For example django has a reall...

How to build a WebAppDescriptor with a filter class and servlet class?

I'm working on setting up a Jersey test suite for a servlet and a servlet filter that I want to test behavior of the combination of the two for. What I'm confused is how the Jersey documentation states how to build WebAppDescriptor using the WebAppDescriptor.Builder class, specifically between the servletClass() and the filterClass() me...