
Web User Interface for a Java application

Hello, I'm trying to create a web user interface for a Java application. The user interface is going to be very simple, consisting of a single page with a form for users to pose their queries, and a results page -- sort of like Google's search engine or I'm quite familiar with the base API of Java, but I don't have much experi...

how to run metro webservice on jetty in Maven project??

how to run metro webservice on jetty in Maven project?? ...

JETTY 7.0.0.pre5 missing method LogFactory.setLogImplClassName

I'm trying to start JETTY from a shell script (previously we used Maven), and I'm coying over some dependent libraries into the JETTY_HOME/lib directory which appears to be causing Classpath conflicts, I'm trying to sort out where the proper LogFacotry.class exists, here's the exception I'm getting on startup. 2009-08-17 22:00:40.661::W...

Jetty: How to write to access logs

Hi all, In my Java servlet code, I want to be able to programatically write to the jetty access log. I am aware that jetty will automatically log every incoming HTTP request to the access log. However, my servlet needs to occasionally append it's own line to the access log. Has anyone here done something similar? Thanks! ...

Jetty Servlet does not run -- getting directory listing instead

I'm trying to get a servlet built and running in Netbeans to run on a jetty server. Deploying locally always works, however deploying on Jetty results in a directory listing rather than the servlet actually running. The problem seems to be with the context configuration, but I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Here is the XML for web...

ProxyServlet with SSL

I have some proxy servlet(link text): , and I want to make the connection(con A and con B on the diagram) to this servlet secure(with SSL). This proxy works under Maven Jetty Plugin. I have configured jetty to handle ssl request: <connector implementation=""> <port>8443</port> <maxIdle...

comet vs pubsub..?

may i know what is the different between these 2 approach ? can explain in lay man terms? ...

How to create stand-alone lift web application?

How to make a standalone lift application? Which tools/libraries to use? How does the performance compare to using lift application as a war in some application server? ...

Jetty / Tomcat session saving

Where does Tomcat or Jetty saves the sessionids (without session persistence configuration)? Does it go anywhere in the file system, or does it stay just in memory? ...

Atomikos + Jetty in a Maven build environment - Classloader issue?

I am working on a project with multiple JDBC data sources and JTA. I use Maven as a build tool, and I'd like to use the Jetty plugin (6.1.20) to run the application during development. I am trying to configure Jetty to use Atomikos as the transaction manager. I'm following the Atomikos documentation from Jetty, but the Jetty startup fai...

Restlet-1.1 example\book\rest\ch2\Example2_5 no client connectors for HTTPS

Example2_5 creates a client for HTTPS to handle request final Response response = new Client(Protocol.HTTPS).handle(request); The only related jar in Restlet-1.1 is org.mortbay.jetty.https.jar, which I added to my runtime classpath. Nevertheless, I am getting at runtime [java] WARNING: No available client connector supports the req...

What do I need to do in order to distribute a vc++ exe that embeds a jetty web-app?

Hi, I have a pretty basic vc++/vs question, but the googles are failing me. I've seen this question posed before, but none of the proposed solutions work for me. I come from a very high-level language background (java/c#), so these pesky linking issues are alien to me. I appreciate your patience... My problem is that when I send my e...

Enabling logging of a third party component

In one of codes I am using Jetty. I am using the Jetty jar and imports the Classes from my Java code. Jetty's default log level is INFO if not configured specifically. We can enable DEBUG mode by code. The logger seems to be a log4j one. org.mortbay.log.Logger jettyLogger = org.mortbay.log.Log.getLog(); jettyLogger.setDebugEnabled(true...

What's the difference between Jetty's Server.addLifecycle and Server.addHandler

I'm wondering what the difference between Server.addLifecycle and Server.addHandler is. Since a Handler extends Lifecycle, why wouldn't a handler added via addHandler also have its lifecycle added to the server. This is Jetty 6.1.1. ...

Mule/Jetty Setup

I have a working Mule application that I want to setup Jetty on to respond to http requests. The following config: <jetty:endpoint address="http://localhost:8080" name="jettyEndpoint" host="localhost" port="8080" path="/" synchronous="true" /> <service name="jettyUMO...

GWT 1.7 - Configuring a DataSource in Jetty (Hosted Mode)

Hello, I'm new to GWT (1.7) and tried to establish a connection to my MySQL database from the servlet. Because I got some errors, I googled them and found out, that I have to configure a DataSource in Jetty to get it working in Hosted Mode. I followed this tutorial: Tutorial I created my own JettyLauncher class as described and added th...

Package not found in maven jetty plugin

When i try to run jetty maven plugin(mvn jetty:run) I have received this error: [ERROR] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Compilation failure D:\projects\Projekt\src\main\java\[18,22] package org.apache.uima does not exist This package use class Runner, an...

Classpath for custom Solr Transformer

I have written a custom Transformer subclass for the Solr DataImportHandler. It is in a jar file, but I can't figure out how to get solr to find it. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/solr/handler/dataimport/Transformer I've configured the data-config.xml file with the full path to the custom transformer: transformer=...

Which java webserver is most suitable here?

Hey, I am developing a simple web application which contains these 3 components: client that uses Ajax,javascript, html to display data on the browser. Java webserver that interfaces between the client and data processing entity. data processing entity, implemented in C++. I need to decide which java webserver to use. Some options ...

Embedded Jetty looking for files inside its Jar file

Hey people, it's my first question here. I successfully embedded Jetty on a test application. It can serve files without issues. Now I want to know if it's possible for Jetty to serve files that are inside its own Jar file. Does anyone know if that's possible? Thanks! ...