
JKS protection

Are JKS (Java Key Store) files encrypted? Do they provide full protection for encryption keys, or do I need to rely solely on access control? Is there a way to ensure that the keys are protected? I'm interested in the gritty details, including algorithm, key management, etc. Is any of this configurable? ...

How can I create a PFX file from a Java Keystore?

I have a Java keystore (.jks file) holding a single certificate. How can I create a .pfx file from this keystore? ...

How do I access a third party component using ASP.NET and a JKS certificate ?

I need to access a third party application that requires a JKS Certificate (which I have). My client application is an ASP.NET one. How do I go about this? (I would have liked to provide more information, but unfortunately I have none!) ...

C# client connecting to a Java server over SSL

As a team project I need to connect from a C# client to a Java 6.5 SSL server, however when I get to the stream.AuthenticateAsClient line it hangs. C# connect code public static void connect(string server, Int32 port) { try { client = new TcpClient(server, port); stream = new SslStream(client.GetStream(), false); stream...

How to use PEM file to create a SSL socket in Java?

See related question. I have a PEM file provided to me and was told that it will be needed in establishing a SSL socket that connects to a c++ server for some API calls. Does anyone know how I can read in the PEM file and connect? I was also given the parapharse password. ...

Convert from .jks to passwordless .p12?

I have a java key store that contains a cert and private key. I want to convert this to a .p12 file that has no password. I'm using the .p12 in a shell script. ...

How does keytool protect keys?

When you are building a key store with the Java Keytool utility, how are the keys protected? I've read through the documentation, and I realize that each private key has a key password, and then the store has a store password. But what mechanism is used to protect the data? Is it an encryption cipher? If so, what is the algorithm? I...

Setting Grizzly's keystore to use a jks in a jar

I'm trying to use com.sun.grizzly.SSLConfig.setKeyStoreFile() to set SSL for Grizzly. It only takes a String as input (not InputStream or File). I want to use a jks file that is within a JAR file. If I pass a string for a jar path (eg C:\dir\my.jar!\resources\my.jks), it fails. Other than just unzipping the file from the JAR, how can...

Can Weblogic Server's identity JKS contain multiple host/dns names?

Hi All, Server is setup using SSL and have come across the need to have multiple DNS names point to the same site hosted on the server. Addresses below are for demonstrative purposes.. For example, application address is: https://www.server.com/application/ . The server's identity JKS indicates that it's www.server.com. The need is t...

Converting .jks to p12.

Hi All, How to configure .jks file to p12. jks is java key store file so how can i convert to p12 format. ...

What are the merits of JKS vs PKCS12 for code signing?

When buying a code-signing certificate, what are the merits of starting with a PKCS12 versus JKS certificate? Some vendors give instructions on starting with a JKS or PKCS12 certificate signing request. We'd like to have maximum flexibility in using a purchased cert, especially given the cost. For example, we may be signing more than ...

how to load an rsa privated key encrypted with des in java

hi, in my job i was assigned a task in which i have to programmatically load a private and public keys from files and then store them in a .jks file,the private key was generated using openssl, its an rsa des encrypted key in der format,i have no problem loading the public key, however,i haven't found a way to load the private key in its...