
Fade/Redraw/Modify ImageIcon on click in SWING JLabel on the fly

Hi, I want a JLabel with an Icon to look "clicked", when mouse is clicked on the Label. The Label contains an ImageIcon. Instead of changing the icon to another one, I want to redraw the ImageIcon with another colorset (e.g.: setXORMode(new Color(255,0,0) ) "on the fly". Anyone has a hint how to manage that? JLabel my_label = new JLabe...

Intersecting JLabels inside a JTable

In the below image I am trying to achieve the following.I have a table and lots of labels embossed over table cells.The height of the labels is always equal to the cell height.So if two labels come in the same point one hides the another as shown in the longer rectangles with red rect over blue.Alternatively what I want is to make the he...

Java Swing - JLabel Location

Hi, I have problem while setting the Jlabel location. I set the content pane to some JPanel, I created and tried to add my JLabel. JLabel mainTitle = new JLabel("SomeApp"); mainTitle.setFont(new Font("Arial",2 , 28)); mainTitle.setBounds(0,0, 115, 130); getContentPane().add(mainTitle); I want that my JPanel will be on...

Changing the value of jLabel in jDialog after loading it.

I've a JDialog with a JLabel. I want to change the value of label every 10 seconds. How can I redraw/repaint the JDialog with updated value in JLabel. ...

Java - Set width/height of JLabel

I am adding an image into a JLabel and trying to set the width and height... but it's not working... help? as you can see here... the tiles are not 32 by 32... code: import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; public class LayoutExample extends JApplet { Label msg...

Swing: JLabel which shortens too long text in the middle

Normally a left-orientated JLabel shortens text at the right by adding periods, e.g. Hello wo.... Anyone knows an JComponent (TableCellRenderer is not sufficient) which can shorten text in the middle (Hel...rld), e.g. useful for displaying file names? ...

How to highlight part of a JLabel?

Before any one suggests HTML, I explain later why thats not an option here. I have a table that contains a column with text cells in it. I need to be able to highlight some of the text in each cell. So for example if the cell contained "cat foo dog"... I might want to highlight foo. My current method is to use a custom table cell render...

Java JTabbedPane, update others tab JLabel value?

I have 2 JTabbedPane. I am unable to refresh the data. PLease help, here is my code: pane1: //.. some codes... // This is the ButtonListener private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { userInput = tf.getText(); // tf is JTextField //System.out.println("t...

How to disable the automatic HTML support of JLabel?

A Swing JLabel automatically interprets any text as HTML content, if it starts with <html>. If the content of this HTML is an image with invalid URL this will cause the whole GUI to hang since the ImageFetche which should load this image will quit by an NPE. To reproduce this problem simply create a JLabel as follows new JLabel("<html...

Problem with MouseListener on multiple JLabels

I have 5 JLabels inside a JPanel which is inside a JFrame. I am adding the JLabels using a for loop which iterates through an array of Colors: private JLabel target; // This is the origin of the first label added. Point origin = new Point(10, 20); // This is the offset for computing the origin for the next label. int offset = 200; f...

Can't figure out how to output result to JLabel instead of System.out.println.

I'm stuck again trying to figure out how to out the button clicked to label1. When I click button01 I get A printed out. I need it to print to the label1 though and say Folder A when A is pressed and B when B is pressed and so on. Any nudge in the right direction? import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.Action...

access to variable within inner class in java

I'm trying to create an array of JLabels, all of them should go invisible when clicked. The problem comes when trying to set up the mouse listener through an inner class that needs access to the iteration variable of the loop used to declare the labels. Code is self-explanatory: for(int i=1; i<label.length; i++) { label[i] = ...

Calling variables using arryes to change in JLabel after an action

hi guys, i'm having small problems in calling variables and changing the variables after the user hit the change button. i'm new here trying to learn Jave , hope you can help. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.*; public class NestedPanelsTwo { private J...

How best to display JGraphX?

Is it possible to display a JGraphX by adding it to a JLable? Much of testJGraphX (below) is taken from the JGraphX Hello World example, but the graph is not displayed in jLable1. Is there a better container than JLabel for a JGraphX? public class TestJGraphX extends javax.swing.JFrame implements TableModelListener { public TestJGra...

JLabel on change text event

Hi my problem is: How I can retrive the event on a JLabel when change the text inside?? I have a JLabel and when change the text inside I have to update other field. ...