
Problem with button addition when double clicking a command label

Hy, I got an intersting problem which I stumbled upon. When I double-click a JLabel in a JSplitPane I want to add another jbutton in a JPanel, its a shorter way to make a dragg and drop. The problem is that the button doesn't appears only if i'll position the mouse on the area the button should appear. Why does it happens this way? Anyo...

Restrict number of lines in html JLabel

I have a JLabel that needs to display some html-formatted text. However, I want to restrict this to being 4 lines long (and if so, provide a button to see everything). So far, I've tried setting the maximum size manually or via a layout manager. However, both of these solutions can cause part of a line to be displayed. edit: To add a...

how to create an array of JLabels in Java to be printed on a JFrame

I m trying to make an array of labels each label has a differented value which come out of a function. I dont know the exact no. of labels to be used i mean there could be any no of values to b printed Therefore, please help me do so ...

How to change the size of the font of a JLabel to take the maximum size

Hello, I have a JLabel in a Container. The defaut size of the font is very small. I would like that the text of the JLabel to take the maximum size. How can I do that ? Thanks :) ...

How to set a transparent Icon from a transparent SVG file

Hello, I have a transparent SVG file. I would like to use it as the icon of a JLabel, via setIcon(). I use Batik for SVG, but I don't know how to do this. Can you help me ? Thanks :) ...

Netbeans JLabel Icon/Text Does not Display when Project is Built

Hello, in Netbeans, I am using Jlabels to display images and text within a JFrame. The Jlabels display correctly in the IDE, but when I run or build the project, some of the Jlabels don't show up(Labels that are added later on after the first few). To fix this problem I have to start all over again and add the images all at once. This su...

Greek/latin scientific JLabel in Java Swing application

For a scientific application I want to design an input form which lets the user enter certain parameters. Some of them are designated using greek letters, some of them have latin letters. The parameter names should be displayed using ordinary JLabel controls. On Windows, the Tahoma font (which is used for Labels by default) contains bot...

JLabel not displaying all the characters even after dynamically changing font size

Hi all, I am trying to fit a sentence that changes often, in to a few jlabels. Widths of my 3 jlabels stay unchanged all the time. What I am doing is changing the font size so all the characters can fit with out non being out of the display range of the labels. What I do is call below code snippet when ever sentence is changed. Here is...

How to right-justify icon in a JLabel?

For a JLabel with icon, if you setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.LEADING), the icon is painted right after text, no matter how wide the label is. This is particularly bad for a list, as the icons would be all over the place depending on how long the text is for each item. I traced the code and it seems to be that in SwingUtiliti...

Problem painting JPanel gradient background with a JLabel on it

I have the following code to paint a JPanel's background: @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { UIDefaults uid = UIManager.getDefaults(); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; Dimension d = this.getSize(); g2d.setPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, uid.getColor("ToolBar.light"), 0, d.height, uid.getColor("ToolBar.shad...

Problem painting JLabel class to another JPanel class

I have created a class that extends JLabel to use as my object moving around a JPanel for a game. import javax.swing.*; public class Head extends JLabel { int xpos; int ypos; int xvel; int yvel; ImageIcon chickie = new ImageIcon( "C:\\Users\\jjpotter.MSDOM1\\Pictures\\clavalle.jpg"); JLabel myLabel = new JLabel(chickie...

How to change JLabel's shape?

I want to change the Jabel's shape to triangle,how should I do? Please Help me. ...

Draw a JButton to look like a JLabel (or at least without the button edge?)

I've got a JButton that for various reasons I want to act like a button, but look like a JLabel. It doesn't actually have to be a JLabel under the hood, I just don't want the raised button edge to show up. Is there an easy way to turn off the "button look" for JButtons but keep all the button functionality? I could build some kind of ...

How to change a JLabel's text in a loop without switching so fast the user can't see it?

I want to create a simple clock using Java. The code is so simple that I will give an example: for(int i=0;i<=60;i++) jLabel11.setText( Integer.toString(i) ); The problem is while I'm running my program the result didn't show each update in sequence. It show only the 60 digit immediately, without showing the change from 1 to 2 to 3...

Mouse event in Java

I am trying to move a JComponent say a label over a table.I am tracking this event using MouseMotionListener's mouseDragged method.This method perfectly helps me in tracking the item.Is there a way to track the mouse release after dragging is complete(.ie the dropping event). tktLabel1.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() ...

Java - How to reset JLabel constraints after initializing it ?

I initialize a JLabel in Java frame like this : contentPane.add(myLabel, cc.xywh(1, 1, 31, 6, CellConstraints.DEFAULT, CellConstraints.BOTTOM)); But before showing the JFrame i make a small condition which if returns true i want to set myLabel to be set to DEFAULT instead of BOTTOM, but i can't find anyway except redefining it again l...

How to set line spacing/height in a JLabel in Java Swing?

I have the following JLabel code: JLabel someJLabel = new JLabel("<html>first line<br>second line</html>"); someJLabel.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 16)); What I'd like to do is be able to control the line height/spacing between the two lines. PS: I've also looked at using paragraphs instead of breaklines, but it's the same ...

JOptionPane with two labels

I would like to create in Java a JOptionPane which should contain two different labels, Is it possible? If so, how to do it? ...

how to copy properties of a jlabel to another new jlabel

I want to copy my private jlabel object to a new jlabel object and make the new one public. Idea is to allow anyone to access jlabel's properties but not to allow make any changes that will be displayed on the original interface. Below code doesnt work as it simply copies the reference of the original object. public javax.swing.JLabel g...

MouseEvents for a JTabbedPane Tab component are not bleeding through

I have a JTabbedPane with a custom tab component. That component contains a JLabel (To display the tab title) and a JButton (A close button). When I change the text in the JLabel the JLabel stops receiving mouse events and I can no longer select that tab when I click directly on the label instead if I click around the label then I can se...