
Why don't all programming job interviews involve writing a program?

This discussion about Interviewing Techniques has inspired me to ask, "Why don't all programming job interviews involved writing some kind of a program?" In my opinion, asking an interviewee to sit down in front of a computer and write a small program, in a language they claim to be proficient in, to solve a predefined problem, would we...

Any good threads related job-interview question?

When interviewing graduates I usually ask them questions about data structures, algorithms and complexity theory. I would really like to ask a question that will enable them to show their familiarity with multi-threaded concepts, without dwelling into language specific issues. Any good questions? The only question I could think of is ho...

Job-hunting techniques - should we contact company employees for information

Hi First I can understand it is not programming related but you are welcome to Re-tag it as appropriate. This question is purely targeted to those who are in a position to make hire or fire decisions. I am a bit confused about taking the following action. I have the third and final interview with the senior management in a few days ...

Simple Code Review as a part of Technical Interview?

We will be conducting interviews in the very near future. As I find asking technical questions to be a poor gauge of whether a person actually knows something, or just "studied" for the interview, I was thinking of conducting a simple code review during the interview. Overall I would try to keep the exercise to 5-10 minutes max. Specifi...

How to get business domain knowledge (except actually working on them).

Many a times companies prefers candidates who has prior experiences in a particular domain. e.g. Banking, Telecommunication etc. And it is not possible for a person in the middle of his career to gain knowledge of each and every domain even though he has the required technical skills to do the job. What in your opinion should be done i...

How would you go about building distributed internet-scale systems ?

Hi, There are many job descriptions having a phrase similar to "building distributed internet-scale systems" in the list of required skills. Although I do have a basic sense of what it probably involves (using technologies like Hadoop, key-value stores, message queues, focusing on scalability, availability etc), could you describe how...

What should new computer science grads know?

I have been interviewing quite a few recent comp sci grads for hire at my development firm, and I'm continually puzzled regarding exactly what they should know before when graduating, since different schools emphasize different topics. What are some of the "must-haves" for new graduating comp sci students? I'll start with a firm understa...

Simple to advanced SQL queries examples to practice MySQL query performance optimization

Hi, Looking for websites/books SQL queries from simple to advance (queries optimization and performanance etc.. ) questions and examples to exam for MySQL Job. Thanks ...

Interviewing someone who is more experienced than me

Quite often I find that I am in a situation where I am asked to interview who is more experienced than myself. How should I approach such interviews? How can I judge such candidates? Are there specific things that I need to prepare for in such interviews? For example, consider the C++ language. The person I am going to interview will...

What are some good interview questions for Distributed Systems?

For a job that has a bend for distributed systems, what would you ask the candidate? Easy, intermediate and advanced questions are all welcome. I don't have specific requirements for the job. General questions are fine. On top of my head I can think of: Advanced (?) 2-phase commit protocol 3-phase commit protocol ...

Is it pages will compile in server?

I have been asked these question in interviews... Is it pages will compile in server? In server pages will compile or execute? When application object will create? Can anyone explain them in detail... ...

Code example, what can I write to impress employer?

I'm not a very creative guy. Often employers ask me to write some code and send it with CV. I know it's mainly to check how my code looks like but I also think that it is important what it is. Do you have any propositions? *This question is related with programming. Imagine that you are a person who check code attached with CV and tell ...

how to find a job in Drupal ?

Hi, I'm an IPhone developer who wants to change to Drupal developement. I have already read some books, coded some samples and stuff like that. I feel like my level in Drupal is not that bad now but I have no experience, how can I find a job? How can I show off my level in an interview? * Coding a module? And posting it on *...

How to merge two sorted portions of same array in O(n) time and O(1) space

Possible Duplicates: How to sort in-place using the merge sort algorithm? Regarding in-place merge in an array Given an array of size N, which is divided into two sets of sorted integers(0 to P and P+1 to N-1). How would you sort this array using constant extra space (O(1)) and in O(n) time. For e.g A = {1,3,5,7,2,4,6,8}, h...

Preparing for technical interviews

When interviewing for a programmer position, how can I be very thoroughly prepared for the technical interview (writing code on a board)? I'm asking specifically about interviews at companies(like Google) that tend to ask more algorithm design questions, algorithms that aren't in all college courses or textbooks and are used very often i...

Java Priority Queue Interface Implementation.

This were the questions I was asked in the interview fews days back and I was not sure about the approach. Suggestions would be highly appreciated: How can I have implement PriorityQueue interface to get queue() method in O(1) and dequeue() method in O(n). How can I have implement PriorityQueue interface to get queue() method in O(n) a...

axis‐aligned rectangles intersection

I need an algorithm that takes an unsorted array of axis aligned rectangles and returns any pair of rectangles that overlaps Each rectangle has two variables, coordinates of the upper-left corner and the bottom-right corner ...

Interview: Find shortest path to few elements

There is a museum organized as NxN room. Some rooms are locked and inaccessible. Other rooms are open and some rooms have guards. Guards can only move north, south, east and west, only through open rooms and only within the museum. For each room, find the shortest distance to a guard. What is the time complexity of your algorithm? ...

Interview: lists intersection with limited memory

You are given two sets of integers, sizes M and N with M < N. Perform inner equal join on these two sets (i.e., find intersection of the two lists). How to perform it if both the lists are in files and the available memory is of size K < M < N ...

Interview: Design an iterator for a collection of collections

Design an iterator for a collection of collections in java. The iterator should hide the nesting, allowing you to iterate all of the elements belonging to all of the collections as if you were working with a single collection ...