
ADO.NET Entity Framework and a Joined Subclass

Can you do a Joined Subclass in the Entity Framework version 1? How do you approach the issue? Joined Subclass: ...

jpa how to create new entity with same id as parent entity (JOINED Inheritance)

Hi folks, my question is very similar to, but instead i´m using InheritanceType.JOINED instead of Table_per_class. This means i don´t to change any table, just to create a new subclass, with the same id as the superclass. To summarize, I have a...

NHibernate Subclass of a Joined-Subclass problem

I have an application that has a core assembly with base classes that I need to inherit from.. I need to save these to the database and after reading about NHibernate decided to use it. However I have a problem with one of my new inherited classes.. I have setup the subclass map but when I save, it neither attempts to save any of it's ...

NHibernate search specific subclass

Is it possible to filter on a particular joined-subclass in NHibernate? For example, I have the following classes: Pet { Name } Cat: Pet { Paws } Budgie: Pet { Wings } Person { Pets } I want to create an NHibernate search to give me Persons with Cats with 4 paws. I can only seem to be able to restrict on a Pet's attributes (Name)......

NHibernate Caching Objects Based on Parent Class's ID

I have the following definitions for the Animal and Dog types. Note that the ID for the object is the AnimalID: <class name="Animal" table="Animals"> <id name="Id" type="System.Int32" column="AnimalID"> <generator class="identity" /> </id> <property name="IsBig" column="IsBig" type="System.Bool" not-null="true" /> ...

how to map a one-to-many collection to a joined subclass when key is in the parent class

I'd like to map a one to many collection to a subclass but the key of the collection is an attribute of the parent class. Currently i'm mapping AbstractFoo Foo and Bar class like this : <class name="AbstractFoo" abstract="true" table="abstractFoo"> <id name="_id" column="foo_pk"> <generator class="native" /> </id> <many-to-on...

NHibernate 2nd Level Cache and Joined Subclass

I'm having a problem where an entity mapped as a joined subclass is cached on insert, and the cache does not get updated when I perform an update on this entity. Should the NHibernate 2nd level cache be updated when an update is performed on a joined subclass? I'm using the SysCacheProvider, and the class is mapped with a <cache usage...

NHibernate: Applying Filter to Joined Subcass

I have the following mapping: <class where="IsDeleted = 0 or IsDeleted is null" name="File" table="tblFiles"> <id name="Id"> <column name="oid" /> <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">tblFiles_SEQ_OID</param> </generator> </id> <property name="IsDeleted" type="System.Boolean"> <column name="IsD...

How can I generate subclass joins in a NHibernate SqlQuery?

I am having problems getting NHibernate to generate a SQL query that actually runs without errors, as the query is missing joins for my subclasses. Lets take this minimal example: class Page { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string UrlSegment { get; set;} public virtual Page Parent { get; set; } } class ...

NHibernate - Retrieve specific columns and count using criteria querie

This is my mapping file: class name="CRMStradCommon.Entities.OportunidadEntity,CRMStradCommon" table="oportunidad"> <id name="Id" column="id" type="int"> <generator class="native" /> </id> <property name="Titulo" column="titulo" type="string" not-null="true" /> <many-to-one name="Estado" column="estado" clas...

Hibernate subclass with foreign key relationships

I need some help defining the following object hierarchy/ database relationship in Hibernate From the object sense – Agent is inherited from Person and Agency is inherited from Organization. they are inherited from Party which can have multiple Addresses associated with it The database consists of Agent -ID -Name -PartyID (referenc...

NHibernate Many-To-One on Joined Sublcass with Filter

I have a class setup that looks something like this: public abstract class Parent { public virtual bool IsDeleted { get; set; } } public class Child : Parent { } public class Other { public virtual ICollection<Child> Children { get; set; } } Child is mapped as a joined-subclass of Parent. Childen is mapped as a Many-To-One b...

Fluent Nhibernate - Specify foreign key constraint name between class and joined subclass

Hi, I think this should be simple, but I can't figure out how to do it. Suppose I have the following maps: public class AnimalMap : ClassMap<Animal> { Id( x => x.Id); } public class CatMap: SubclassMap<Cat> { Extends<AnimalMap>(); Map(x => x.IsDomestic); } Which creates tables as I expect: Animal ------ Id Cat ---- Animal...

Fluent nHibernate - DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn with multiple tables?

I've been trying to wrap my head around subclasses and joined subclasses in Fluent nHibernate for a few days now without making any sort of headway. I've looked at the wiki but it doesn't seem to give me enough information, and googling returns me old results that uses depreciated code or are seemingly unrelated. I just want a simple...

simple joined-subclass example tries to update the identity column of the base table

Hi, I must be missing something very important in the concept to get this error so any help appreciated. I get ----> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : Cannot update identity column 'ProductID'. when i run this var tblEvent = session.Load<TblEvent>(17); tblEvent.Code+= " - test update"; using (var tran = sess...

Fluent NHibernate JoinedSubClass is obsolete

Hello! I wonder about something. I'm sitting here with a solution there I have 1 superclass that has 2 subclasses and I'm currently mapping this using JoinedSubClass, but I get that this method is obsolete, and says that I should ClassMap and SubClassMap, but if I do this the AutoMapping does not work, and I don't want that. Is there an...

How do I specify the name of the PK in the subclass table when using SubClass in FluentNHibernate?

I am attempting a subclass mapping in Fluent NHibernate. In the parent class mapping, I have to specify the ID column name to prevent FNH guessing incorrectly: Id(x => x.Id).Column("UserId"); I also need to specify the ID (or foreign key if you like) field name in the subclass mapping, since FNH is guessing that incorrectly too. How ...

How can I model this object hierarchy in Fluent NHibernate without violating DDD principles?

I am trying to build a domain model that will allow me to manage Contracts. The Contract class is my aggregate root, and it has a single property right now, which is Reviewers. Reviewers, in the context of the Contract, each have a property to it's parent Contract, and a First Name, Last Name, and Login. The reason they have these pro...