
how to do a javascript validation in joomla backend

Hi all, How to do a java script validation in joomla. thanks in advance for guidance. ...

Is Plone doing enough to keep up with other CMSes?

I do Drupal for a living and I like the system. However I've always been intrigued by Plone and wanted to learn it well to broad base my knowledge of CMSes in general. I've played around with Plone in the past and was both mesmerized and repulsed by it -- depending on the day. But then again here is what I saw as the advantages of Plon...

joomla: How to force a php webpage to save as a pdf file

As an example, I have actually been able to generate excel files by changing the content-type for an html document. In this scenario, I would use php to generate the table cells with information gathered from the database and then set the content-type before the page is rendered. Is there a way to do this for pdf's? ...

How to use SSL/https with non-menu items?

We have a site that needs to have several sections be secure. We have our SSL certificate installed, and for the areas that are accessible via menu item, it's no problem - we just use the SSL Enabled system parameter in the menu item editor. But we have a few sections (i.e. a shopping cart checkout screen) that are only accessible via a ...

Virtuemart: How to make link "Show Cart" dynamic?

I have link "Show cart" static now How can I make it dynamic, based on items added? ...

customizing componnet in joomla

Hello All, i have created a component using this component creator how can i add a simple registration form in that and also make its backend looks like the other component ...

JForm display in admin side

Hello, I am working in Joomla. I have install the JForm component that create form and display in front end. Now i want to display created form at administrator side. So anybody know how to display created form in administrator side..... ...

php find characters in url

I want to use php to search the current url for com_agora and if it finds it to display something and if it doesn't to display something else the problem is there can be lots of characters after com_agora in the url an example would be this com_agora&task=cat_view&gid=41&Itemid= so how would I tell it find it while not caring what ch...

Joomla Migation 1.0 to 1.5

Hi I have successfully upgraded My 1.0 installation to 1.5. Now my problem is how do I get all my components to be in the new install? I am running the legacy plugin but all my components didn't show up under Extension on the back end.... ...

How to add thumbnail to an article in Joomla ?

Hi Is there any extension that help me to add thumbnail manually to an article ? Not those exts wich do it on the fly using the first image in the article .. I want to add it manually .. Thanx in advance. ...

Joomla Banner Ads displaying duplicates

Has anyone used the Joomla banner Ads know how to make the Ads Rand() and DISTINCT. Everything I've tried to change on the banner.php page is not working. Here is what the code looks like. The images will Rand() just fine but they show up in duplicates. $query = "SELECT *" . ($randomise ? ', RAND() AS ordering' : '') . ' FROM #__banner...

Uploadify with Joomla cookie and session problem

Hi, I'm using Uploadify to upload the file But I'm not able to get the right session of the user. So is there any solution for that? I have look around and have saw some suggest that include the session_name and session_id into the scriptData: {'session_name' : 'session_id' } but it didn't work out. Thanks for help ...

Is there a way to make NetBeans hide specific files/folders?

I'm working on a joomla project and for debugging/type hinting/auto-complete have my whole joomla install as a project. Is there a way I can hide the folders I don't need in file or project view? Ideally I would have a project that scans all of the folders but simply displays this: administrator components com_myproject (display al...

jQuery .post not executing task in URL

Hello, My issue involves jQuery .post and Joomla. I have a template with a form that is within one of the accordion areas (using jQuery UI accordion). I have a button type=submit in the form. The form html is generated via jQuery when a user clicks a button in the accordion area. When a user clicks the form submit button, the event ...

what best module for creating a paid listing in joomla?

hi All, what is the best module for creating a paid listing in joomla? Im kinda newbie in joomla and trying to create a paid listing in my website.And i want the when the user subscribed to the paid listing his/her or her post will be pending before and reviewed by the admin before posting it to the website. thanks! ...

What is difference between /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i and /usr/sbin/sendmail in server configuration?

I have upload my joomla project on live server (Linux basd LAMP) in phpinfo file I found the "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i" for smtp configuration. and my local WAMP server configuration use "/usr/sbin/sendmail" any please let know why use -t and -i. what is it ? ...

Free Newsletter component for joomla 1.5.20

Hi all, I need a simple and flexible component for free to install in my website. I search a lot and found some components like cc newsletter, letter man etc... But i can't to able download. Is there any component which is available to send newsletter for the subscribed users. Kindly help me out of this issue. Thanks in advance. ...

Joomla Subsite Builder

hello all, I'm trying to build a New Joomla Site , which would be the Main Site and Users Registering to the site will be able to create their own Sub-sites. For. e.g. if main site is then sub-sites would be The steps in the Main Site that will help users to create thier own site are :- 1. Select user Reg...

Joomla query apparently running more than once

I have a reporting component in the administrator of a Joomla site. The user can choose from a dropdown list of available report types, which then calls a function to run the query and output a CSV file. For the most part this works. However, for one report, I'm getting a different number of results through the Joomla function than I do ...

Problem with images in my Joomla template

I created a Joomla template by creating the following files:index.php" , "templateDetails.xml","images" and "css". I installed it correctly but the images are not displayed when i am selecting the template. Anyone knows how to resolve this problem? I triple checked the paths and different settings of Joomla but i did not work ...