
Email in Joomla

Hey i am having a joomla site, i hosted it in my own lap, using no-ip, the problem is mail function is not working,what may be the problem? how can i solve it? ...

Request different data from the same component in Joomla

I have a simple component that displays a list of products. I want to separate the products by type. Is there a way through the task= or something like that where I can call a different function in the model? Or... better question: How would I go about using the url to retrieve different data, change a header on the template, but display...

How to Add RESTful Web Services to Joomla 1.5+

Hi - pretty straightforward question: Is there a good web services solution for Joomla1.5+? I've been searching all over, and have only found references to a poorly-documented new xml-rpc server that's built into Joomla: Thanks a lot - I'm looking for a nice clean third-party a...

Can't create params for custom component

I'm currently working on a custom joomla component but I fail to get the component wide parameters to work. The joomla docs say that if you add to your 'myComponent.xml' file, the parameter should appear in the _components table. I do see my component but there are no params there. Is there anything I should know? Or anything I m...


how to use in joomla no.conflict. ...

joomla displaying html within the content

I have a joomla isntallation which displays some articles normally but when i added an article with a youtube video, the WYSIWYG editor converted the special characters in the embed code to html entities. Well, i'm assuming its the editor since it doesn't happen when i don't use it. The problem after is that if i go to the article, i se...

Joomla beginner

Hi, I am a very beginner to Joomla 1.5 ... I have read abt the sructure and how to build Module, Component and plugin... But i don't know when to built those and when to use those... anyone can shed light? ...

joomla : set session from javascript

hi, i have a persistent bar in my website and this bar can be slide in and out using mootool.. but i have problem with the user navigating to other page. it always load the default bar which is slide out...Example,if the user had click to slide in the bar, and when he navigate to other page, the bar will goes to default state which is sl...

Joomla conditional pages and menus

I'm trying to make a "Chapter selector" for my organization's website. I want to be able to select, say, the "Bay Area chapter" and have the site display articles and events for the Bay Area chapter (while keeping the chapter-independent parts of the site the same). How do I accomplish this? ...

Joomla question about custom module

Hi, I'm very new to Joomla. I have a question about components/modules. I'm doing the development of a site for a firm and they provided me with custom news releases component that's supposed to show on the home page. From what I've seen, I can call modules to a page with "" based on their position. Do I do the same sort of thing to g...

Joomla nested ul menu

Hi, everyone! What I'm trying to do is to get Joomla! to desplay the menu items in a nested ul menu, like this: Item Subitem Item2 Subitem2 Sub Subitem currently I'm using a custom HTML for this, I've written a custom...

joomla 1.5 search integration with custom components?

Does anyone know how to integrate the joomla search functionality with customly built components? Or know of a tutorial/information page with the information I'd need? I'd like the search to pickup information from my components, currently it's only returning data from articles, web links, contacts, categories, sections and news feeds. ...

Latest News Modules - links don't open new page

Hi everyone, I want to use a latest news module as an article list with thumbnails for each category. When I enable the mod the list displays perfectly but when I click on the thumb or title the article shows up on the same page at the bottom of the list instead of opening a new page with just that one article. I have tried the thumbs...

How to encode uploaded video files to .flv format in PHP

My platform is PHP JOOMLA MYSQL. I want to encode and load uploaded video files of different formats to .flv. I want this to implement in a video upload site where the users can see the videos in front-end after uploading and also I want to implement download options for them in mp4 and flv. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in ad...

Encode uploaded video files using php to .flv

My platform is PHP JOOMLA MYSQL. I want to encode and load uploaded video files of different formats to .flv. I want this to implement in a video upload site where the users can see the videos in front-end after uploading and also I want to implement download options for them in mp4 and flv. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in ad...

joomla tinymce editor problem

hi i am using joomla 1.5 for my site. in this i fetched the problem of tinymce editor when i clicked on any article the image button are not shown. when i clicked on edit html source button It showing only “{$lang_theme_code_title}” on the Title bar and all body is blank. so plz help me to resolved out from this problem. thanks in adv...

Joomla iphone template making

How to make an ordinary joomla site into a compatible mobile template when viewed from mobile ...

amember pro integrate with joomla

how to integrate amember pro with joomla. Please suggest an idea, more importantly I want to know how the subscription process works in amember pro ...

joomla map problem

hi to i am using joomla 1.5 for one of my cms project. in this i am using jce editor. once i get the embed code from google map. i just paste that code in one article and save that article it give the only hyperlink to map but it din show the plz help me whats problem besides its. thanks in advance Praveen ...

integrate dolphin community cms with joomla

Is there any extensions available with which we can integrate the joomla with dolphin community cms ...