
Rails redirect_to jQTouch site does not work as expected

I have a Rails app with a jQTouch mobile site that is displayed if the user goes to m.blah.com. First, I detect the browser, then to a redirect_to m.blah.com if it's an iphone, etc. All well and good. When I use desktop Safari, this all works exactly right. However, when I use an actual iPhone or the Apple iPhone Simulator, it does n...

Break out of jQtouch?

I'm trying to give my mobile users the choice to view the full website by loading a different page. Thing is, jQtouch thoughtfully transforms links into ajax calls, so the user doesn't leave the page at all. Is there some way to break out of jQt or exclude certain links from loading ajaxically? ...

jqtouch / google maps api v3 issue

Hi everyone, I'm having a hard time trying to make jQtouch and Google Maps api V3 together. I've tried almost everything. It seems that the only source of information is here I checked every single post. I'm starting with jQuery and css... so there's a lot of stuff I don't understand. First of all, I'm using jQtouch framework to build ...

jQTouch disable scrolling, enable scrolling, to disable scrolling

I'm working with jQTouch and I'm using the animations to link to different href #ids on the same page. On some pages I would want to disable scrolling, and others I want to enable scrolling. By setting disabled scrolling onload then enabling it onlick to another id it will work. However, I cannot switch back to disabled scrolling. Any id...

using jQTouch for large website

I want to use jQTouch to build iPhone app for large website. When searched for it, I understood that I must edit my HTML code for website to be Suitable to my app, how I can do this without conflict with the style for my website? Also, what is the basic steps to using jQTouch ? just Add scripts and Initialize as here : http://code.googl...

JQuery .load() function silently fails when offline

I'm trying to write an iPhone offline webapp using jqtouch/jquery. When I disable my connectivity, it looks like the jquery .load() function silently fails and doesn't even call its callback function. I've set $.ajaxSetup ({cache: true}); but it seems to have no effect. I also have my manifest file etc. working fine - the only issue is t...

jQTouch flicker on iPad with pixel doubling

I'm using jQTouch on an iPhone application and one of our requirements is to make this work in the iPad with pixel doubling. I believe there's a bug/issue with jQTouch on the iPad (running within an app UIWebView, but pixel doubled) that causes the screen to flicker during transitions. Pretty much every transition has a stutter/flicker ...

$.jQTouch.goTo is not a function Options

I am trying to use the goTo function to rotate between images, here is my basic JS: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $.jQTouch(); $(function () { $('.touch').live('swipe', function (event, info) { alert('called' + info.direction); var id = $(this).parent()...

Is there a JQuery alternative to JQTouch with better Android Support?

Basically looking for a JQuery plugin with better Android browser support than JQTouch. Or even an alternative Javascript framework with better mobile support. ...

jqTouch - why does the transition has no animation?

Hi, I'm using jqTouch. Trying to figure out why when the scene / div change, it just change abruptly without the slide animation? Here is the setting that I have now: var jQT = new $.jQTouch({ slideSelector: '.link', useAnimations: true }); Again the scene change works just fine, just that I don't see the slide animation...

how many div's can you have before the dom slows and becomes unstable?

I am developing a jQtouch app and each request done via ajax creates a new div in the document for the loaded content. Only a single div is shown at any one time. How many div's can I have before the app starts getting unresponsive and slow? Anyone have any ideas on this? EDIT: Its an iPad app running on Safari, and it would be less t...

jqTouch and animations

Anyone else ever had trouble with jqTouch and not being able to use all the animations? My project only seems to work using Flip to switch between the pages (well Divs actually). ...

iframe in jqtouch not scaling down the content?

I use jqtouch and I have an iframe in one of the divs that loads into the main page. The problem is that the pdf in the iframe is not scaled down as it does in an iframe in an ordinary html page. You only see the top left corner of the content in the iframe. So what in jqtouch is causing the content in the iframe not scaling down? ...

Initializing links in jqtouch in AJAX loaded content

I have an iphone web app built in jqtouch, when content is loaded by links ("a" tags) then any content on the next page is parsed by jqtouch and any links are initialized. However, when I load content via an AJAX call and append() it to an element then any links in that content are NOT initialized by jqtouch. Thus any clicks on those lin...

JQTouch link with no animation

Hello Programmers! Im building a web app using JQTouch and have been very impressed with it so far! I'm currently having a little problem in that I now need to link between certain parts of my site with NO ANIMATION. Reason for this is that I'm adding a 'tabbar' at the bottom of my page and in keeping with the whole iPhone feel would li...

Preventing an <input> element from scrolling the screen on iPhone?

I have several <input type="number"> elements on my webpage. I'm using jQTouch, and I'm trying to stay fullscreen at all times; that is, horizontal scrolling is bad. Whenever I click an <input> element, the page scrolls right, showing a black border on the right of the screen and de-centering everything. The inputs are offset from the le...

How to build an Ipad web app like GMAIL for the iPad

Hello, I'm interested in building am iPad web app like The GMAIL iPad web app. What is the best way to build it? What is the best framework? Jqtouch, webkit, etc. Thanks ...

jQTouch animated table cell hight

Hi everybody, I am using jQTouch to show a table list. When a cell (really a <li> tag in jQTouch) is clicked, I would like to animate the height of the cell down to 0, then hide the element. I have tried using jquery.animate() for this, and it works on firefox/chrome/opera, but it is super slow on the iPhone. Does anyone have any id...

jQTouch on Iphone - jumping to specific DIV after onclick and javascript function

I am just starting to use jQTouch. In #contact I have a button that calls javascript function sendEmail() How can I jump to/show the div #statusDiv in the javascript function after sending the email? function sendEmail() { // sending email // --> how to jump to DIV called statusDiv } <div id="home" class="cur...

Security problem using JQtouch

I own a website that has an API - every service that wants to use this API must have an API key and a Secret and the active user must have a cookie of my site. Let's say someone wants to develop an app using JQtouch and my API - the problem is that JQtouch is "client-side" - meaning that EVERYONE can discover the API key and Secret and ...