
Trying to edit results before displaying them on screen.

The following does not seem to be working properly. success: function(results) { var $results = $(results); $results.find('a[href$=".exe"]').each(function(){ if (FileExists(this.href) == false) { $(this).parent().remove(); } }); $("#divSearchResults")....

function calling error in ajax.

function manageVoting() { $("div.votemaincontainer").each(function () { // variable Declaration and intialization. var myRating = parseInt($(this).find('#[id$=hfMyVote]').val()); var currentVote = parseInt($(this).find('#[id$=hfCurrentVote]').val()); $('.VoteDownImage').live(click, function () { ...

replacing a input value

Hi, Is there a better way to replace a string as having & in the textarea breaks the script as it thinks its another & parameter? function doRequest(){ var str = $('textarea#tr').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "index.php?sd=t", data: "txt="+str.replace(/&/g, "and"), success: function(){ $("div").css('color','red...

How to pass var's to another page using jquery & php

I am trying to figure out how to pass my form var's to anothe page.. var login = $('#login').val(); var pass = $('#pass').val(); var data = { login: login, pass: pass }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: data, url: "page_2.php", success: function(data) { document.location.href = url; } }); It do...

ajax calling error when certain event fire on client side.

function manageVoting() { $('div.votemaincontainer').each(function() { // variable declaration and intialization var parameter = $(this).find('#[id$= hfUrl]').val(); var myVoting = parseInt($(this).find('#[id$=hfMyVote]').val()); // Object Intialization. var divVoting = $(this).find('[id$=...

jquery .load() - elements not in DOM - AJAX issue

Hi everybody, i'm new to jQuery and so i got the following question: var defaults = { width: 100, items: 0, from: false }; var ul = $(".myUL"); if (config.from!=false) { ul.children().remove() ul.load(config.from); } var li = ul.children('li'); config.items = li.length; ul.width(config.items*config.width); The problem is, t...

function calling error in ajax.

function manageVoting() { var parameter; var myVoting; var divVoting; var divVotes; var value = -1; var parameterData; $('div.votemaincontainer').each(function() { parameter = $(this).find('#[id$= hfUrl]').val(); myVoting = parseInt($(this).find('#[id$=hfMyVote]').val()); divVoting = $(...

jQuery $.ajax not working with url params in IE

When i do the following: $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'http://www.domain.tld/feed', dataType: 'xml', success: function(data) { ... } }); Everything´s fine in IE(8). But when i change the url option to http://www.domain.tld/?feed=myfeed IE does nothing. I think the ? is the problem, but how can i get this working in thi...

asp.net ajax client side framework

Hi, I am completely new to AJAX for ASP.NET. How do I check if AJAX client side framework is installed on my server? I am using Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET target framework is 3.5. If it is not installed then is it free to download and install for ASP.NET 2.0? Detailed help would be much appreciated. I am facing the following probl...

return Json error from ASP.NET MVC

I'm trying to return an error message via Json from ASP.NET MVC controller. I want to display carriage returns on the screen, so the error will look like: Error 1. Error 2. instead of "Error1.\u003cbr/\u003eErro2.\u003cbr.\u003e" Here's my ASP.NET MVC code Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; string str = "Error 1...

jQuery autosave form example?

Does anyone know of a working jQuery autosave example, one with an actual demo. I've been looking for a few days and have tried a few examples but I have yet to get one to work correctly http://forum.jquery.com/topic/auto-save-plug-in http://plugins.jquery.com/project/autosave http://ideamill.synaptrixgroup.com/?p=3 are a few that i'v...

How do I prevent javascript returned from an ajax request from executing when the response is inserted into the DOM?

So, I see so many people wondering how to execute JS code returned via ajax. I wish I had that problem. My JS executes, but I don't want it too! Using jQuery 1.4.2, I'm making a GET request: $.ajax({ url:'/myurl/', type:'GET', success:function(response){ $('body').html(response); } }); The response looks something like: ...

jquery tools : Configure tabs with ajax to change title

Hi, I'm using jQuery tools with the Tab feature and Ajax support to link to pages. My problem is that I want to change the title of the page when the tab is changed. I can't find any references on the guide. Thanks. ...

Regular form post/redirect for submit button with Jquery submits for other inputs (validation)

I have a form where I'm using Jquery to submit the form to create a preview output on the right-hand side of my screen (I have some complex inputs and want to use ruby to process them to create the preview). After the user has completed the form and presses the submit button, I want the form to submit normally (i.e., as if Jquery is n...

jQuery get cache probelm

I wrote a simple snippet to load dynamically pages parts as fallows: function LoadParts(container) { $("a._Part", container).each(function () { element = $(this); url = $(this).attr("href"); $.get(url, null, function (text, status) { var c = $(element).parent("span"); ...

jQuery post to asp.net page error : The length of the query string for this request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength value.

I am trying to do a jQuery post the content of a text editor to an asp.net page (asp.net 4.0) from my javascript.The asp.net page will receive it and save it to db.I append the text editor's content in the querystring.When the content is big, I am getting the following exception The length of the query string for this request exceeds th...

How do I use these JSON results to build a dynamic html table in jQuery?

I have a textfield where the user enters some number and clicks the "search" button. On clicking the "Search" buttton it displays all the associated JSON records with that number. How do I construct the dynamic HTML table by looping through each record? Here is my JSON structure returned from PHP: [{"number":"ABC123-product1","value":"...

Jquery change() function not working

I have two tables and I want to have change event on one table. That is when I click on first table, I want to have some changes to the second table. But somehow below change function is not working. Any suggestions? $("#history_table table:eq(0)").click(function(){ $("#history_table table:eq(1) thead tr th:nth-child...

Ensure jquery and FB JS SDK are both initialized

I am using the FB.ui method to publish something to the users wall and want to capture whether the user published or cancelled. To do this I am calling a function (say bi_published(){...}) which updates a table in the db which is being used to capture metrics. It does this by making a $.ajax call. The issue is bi_published has to be with...

.ajax() call that doesn't wait for an immediate response ...

I'm not sure if this is even possible or not, and I can't quite figure out how to actually do it, if possible at all. What I'd like to do is have a list of checkboxes get submitted to an .ajax() call. That .ajax() call passes the information to PHP for processing (and in this case it will be sending e-mails to each one of those IDs sel...