
Practice exercises for learning jQuery

I'm picking up jQuery and jQuery UI and I would like some suggestions on some practice exercises for learning the libraries. I'm particularly interested in Ajax and anything that might be a little bit .net centric. I acknowledge that the jQuery web site has lots of simple examples showing how to use all the individual function calls, b...

jQuery.get() function not executing

I'm hijacking the click event and doing a $.get() on the href. Problem is, that the function that I'm defining doesn't get executed. Firebug Console, shows that a GET request was actually made: GET http://localhost:8000/products/a-26-tavella-grip-168168-1a-3/ 200 OK 12ms So, not sure what to make of this, the page is just a simpl...

How to launch $(elem).ajaxSuccess() before $.ajax({success: ... }); ?

Hello, what I'm trying to do is to automatically launch a function before going in the $.ajax({success}); method. I've this: $("body").ajaxSuccess( function(event, XMLHttpRequest, ajaxOptions) { alert("ajaxSuccess"); } ); and : $.ajax({ url: ".", success: function() { alert("success"); } ); My p...

Will there be any issues when JQUERY Datepicker used with AJAX Update panel..??

i have used JQuery date picker in form- form contains just one text box and when we clicks on it--> it pops up the JQUERY datepicker. In other web form in same project --> i have used script manager, Update panel and one textbox --> when click on it - am not getting JQUERY Datepicker Popped.?? What will be the issue.?? Any problem with...

jquery interactive popup windows

Hi Can any one provide link for jquery pop window (not div element) plugin. Window should open on mouse over/click events with loading image on link before window open. No light box is required. Example : infolink urls for advertisement ...

Upload file and form data with jquery and php

Hi, I am making a registration page in which i am uploading a image and other data. all these will be done through ajax. I am new to jquery . can anyone suggest me an example and or how can i do this Thanks ...

jquery r/w tooltip plugin?

Is there any jquery tooltip plugin that allows to write some values in popup bubble and save that value in DB via AJAX?! It should also be able to display values from DB ...

For what server error code does the jquery ajax 'error' option stand for?

Hi Can someone tell me for what server request code does the 'error' option in jquery ajax ($.ajax) stand for? Because I want to handle the 400 server error, but I can't seem to do it using that 'error' option. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong in my code or whether it's a bug... Please I need your assistance. Thank you. var o...

Submit a file element with jquery and ajax: No plugins wanted!

Hi, I'm trying to do a submit via ajax of a form that contains a file element. <form id="classic_upload" enctype="multipart/form-data> <input type="file" name="file" id="file"/> <br/> <!-- ...other inputs...--> <button type="button" id="classic_save"> Send </button> </form> What I need to do is to submit this form and check if the...

Why is this jQuery function not recognized?

With some help from the fine folks on Stackoverflow, I built a small newsletter subscription submission form: <div id="news-signup"> <form action="news.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <input type="text" id="your-email" name="your-email" value="YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS" onfocus="if (this.value=='YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS') thi...

Rails/facebox_render - Ajax is not defined (facebox's always loading...)

Hi, I tried to make a simple test with facebox_render and rails 3. Here are my steps: 1.) Installed Jquery 1.4.2 (Jrails) 2.) Installed the plugin rails plugin install git://github.com/ihower/facebox_render.git 3.) and added the following lines: in my application.html.erb <head> <title><%= yield(:title) || "Untitled" %></title>...

My jQuery program is getting ahead of itself. How do I stop it?

Here is the code: $("#inputtxt").change(function() { var doneflag = 0; var testname = " "; var rawinput = $('#inputtxt').val(); var scnt = 0; var indata = {}; $('#inputtxt2').val(""); $('#lnghost').show(); $('#lnghost2').hide(); // go load some arrays from data in a database getDBaseData(fnarray,lnarray,flarray); // Option 1: // ...

Ajax : how to modify jQuery sources properly?

My question is a little bit strange but I "need" to internal purpose update the $.ajax function. In the original jQuery code, there is: ajax: function( origSettings ) { // Some code function success() { // If a local callback was specified, fire it and pass it the data if ( s.success ) { s.success.ca...

jquery post return undefined

Hi The function is: <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery("#JqPostForm").submit(function () { jQuery.post("index2.php?option=compon&task=sendemail", jQuery("#JqPostForm").serialize(), function (data) { alert(data.email_invalid); if (data.email_invalid == 'true') { ...

jQuery.load doesn't work in IE?

This works in FF, but not in IE 7 and 8. Is there anyway to make it work in IE? setInterval(function() { $("#content").load(location.href+" #content>*",""); }, 5000); (this code is from http://blog.mediasoft.be/partial-page-refresh-with-ajax-and-jquery/) ...

load several fragments at once with jquery .load()

i am loading some fragments with jquery with following code var box = $(this).closest(".product-contain").children(".title:first"); box.load(url + " .maintitle", data); var box = $(this).closest(".product-contain").children(".detail:first"); box.load(url + " .alldetail", data); (i don't want to load whole .product-contain at once, bec...

jquery form plugin, no error handling

Hi, It seems that there are no error handling facility in the Jquery.Form plugin, which is very frustrating. Even though the documentation says we can use the $.ajax options, I still cannot make use of the 'error' option when the server returns an error, especially the 500 and 400 series. Is it that this plugin cannot handle any error a...

Ajax script stop itself

Hi! I'm working on script taken here to load a page in div but the script starts to run and in middle al funtions stop itself. If I move the lines of code up it run the first new lines and then it stops. My code is: function loadDemo(path) { $.get(path, function(data) { alert("Chiamata la funzione get per " + path + "!"); data = d...

Can't find form element.

I have used jquery to load some html from another page and added the content to a div called 'console'. This happens when I press a link: $ ('# Console'). Load (this.href + '# container'); I try then to retrieve the form which is part of the added html. I use $('#formname') but I can not get the form element. Why? What should I do? ...

How can I send an array variable to a ColdFusion CFC remote method via ajax using jQuery?

I have a ColdFusion CFC function like this: <cffunction access="remote" name="getResults" returntype="struct" returnformat="JSON" output="no"> <cfargument name="q" required="true" type="array" /> ... </cffunction> How do I call this function from jQuery? Neither form of array encoding by jQuery will get ColdFusion t...