
How to run javascript code included in a page loaded with jquery.load()

I'm using jquery.load() to dynamically load sections of a page. But I'd like the included sections to be able to execute script. A simple <script> alert("hello"); </script> doesn't run when I AJAX it in. Is there another way to dynamically load content such that the scripts will run, or a way to manually run scripts in the inc...

ExtJS vs. jQueryUI

I recently had the experience of doing the same thing (a search combo box) with jquery and extjs. I found extjs to be buggy and overly complex. On the contrary, I found jquery to work very well and be very simple. I am wondering what are other people's experiences of using extjs. Does extjs complexity actually buy you something? ...

Synchronizing loading js files with ajax calls and loading js files with <script> tag

Dear all, consider this: core.js: var core = { all:{}, load: function(jsUrl) { $.ajaxStup({async, false}); $.getScript(jsUrl); }, init: function () { $.getJSON('someurl', function(data) { for(key in this.all) ...

Using jQuery validate to upload a form, using ajax in the submitHandler()... not working

I am using jquery validate with a form. I want to submit the form using ajax. When I put the ajax call in validate's submitHandler() The browser hangs. What's going on? The error message I get when I enable the validate method's debug is: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object" nsr...

$.ajax Call Error while my Call get successfully executed

hi, I am in situation where i m nt able to figure out where i am wrong. I am calling web service using jquery.It is working fine as it call webmethod done the operation .but it call function service failed on error clause than success in $.ajax call it should alert me 'hi' if the service is successfule.but it is calling ServiceFailed fu...

jQuery's ajaxStart and ajaxStop triggering

I have a JS component which has functions progressOn and progressOff to show/hide a progress bar. So far I've done this. It works,but only on the first request. $(document).ajaxStart(function() { layouts["main"].progressOn(); }) .ajaxStop(function() { layouts["main"].progressOff(); }); What could be the problem ? ...

How to add onchange event on dropdown on page load as well as to perform ajax call on its onchange event

Hi Guys, I am using HTML and JQuery. I have got below HTML for the dropdown. <select onkeydown="if (!document.all) { window.setTimeout(function(e0) { return function() { if (document.forms.length &gt; 0) { document.forms[0].submit(); } } }(this),0) }" onchange="if (document.forms.length &gt; 0) document.forms[0].submit();" name="city"...

reading json from jquery

Hi everyone I am trying to read some json and do 2 things. Insert some of the json data into a UL. Second thing is create a function that can be called from a anchor tag and displays the other data.Let me try explain with my code. My json looks like this [{lakeName:"Lake 1",lakeCode:"111",Readings[["24-Oct-10",12.5],["24-Oct-10",10.5],...

Add Textbox on button click

In my scenario I am building a tree structure. There are three buttons: Button number 1 - for adding parent node Button number 2 - for adding child node Button number 3 - for removing it There is a textbox which is entering the parent node. When user enter a parent node and click on button number 2 then a textbox should come under...

How to find the div html from the ajax post result in jquery

Hi Guys, I am using JQuery and I have below code. $("#departure_city").change(function() { $.ajax( { type:'post', url: '/specialoffers.aspx', data: { city: $(this).val() }, success: function(result) ...

jQuery UI tabs, access required to loaded data over ajax on tabsload event

jQuery UI tabs, access required to loaded data over ajax on tabsload event I am using jQuery UI tabs to load content over AJAX. JSON structure of content { content: 'content-data', stats: 100 } The tabs are being loaded by defining $('#tabs-ui').tabs({ ajaxOptions: function(result){ var data = Drupal.parseJson(...

jQuery load with variable, and split into 2 parts?

I'm looking for a way of increasing the performance of my code. Currently I do something similar to this: $(".div1").load("Page.aspx #section1"); $(".div2").load("Page.aspx #section2"); However, this means I'm having to make 2 GET requests. Is there any way of reducing this to 1 request by doing something like this: var content = $.l...

JQuery UI TabPanel Ajax loaded page not working properly

Hi, I'm using Django and lastest JQuery, and JQuery UI in my project. Created a tabpanel using UI widgets, its loading sub pages with Ajax. But loaded pages with javascripts is broken and redirects back to current URL I.E $('#tabs1').tabs({ cache:false, cookie: { expires: 1 }, ...

NETWORK_ERROR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101 in blackberry browser

Hi, I am writing a web application in which I am using jQuery.ajax() for HTTP GET, POST, PUT operations. In blackberry mobile browser, this is not working and giving the following error. Error: NETWORK_ERROR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101 In iphone browser, this is working fine. Can any one help me out in solving this. Thanks Srika...

Getting the response content-type from jQuery.Post

Is there a way when using jQuery.Post to discover the content-type of the response? I have a form in a modal window and the idea is that if the form is not valid then an HTML snippet is sent and the contents of the modal are replaced with this snippet, if it is valid I want a simple string with the content for a flash notification (of t...

Which dataType is better to use in jQuery.ajax() when you've to render HTML?

I am coding a PHP MVC and I usually to have use AJAX. This MVC is XML based that is rendered with a XSLT stylesheet. In my case I have a controller named AjaxController that controls all the AJAX petitions, here an example: public function getMembersAction() { $group= $this->getPost("group"); $this->view->members = Members::ge...

Jquery .trigger problem?

Hello, Simply my problem is my ajax scripts do not work if I click the link via Jquery .trigger instead of human click. If you want the whole story, please continue reading. I have used Jquery trigger function in my project. Let me explain first what does this do? I integrated Facebook login api to my project's user management system. ...

Rails 3 UJS is making it difficult for me to create a "Back" button

I have a basic search page that replaces html in a div with the search results. Clicking on one of the search results brings up a detail page. And I have a link on that detail page that says "Go back to search results". My problem is that it just generates a link to the root_url. Is there a way I can generate a valid back link to thos...

Dealing with Responses to Ajax Requests

I am working on a project where I have to send an ajax request to some java based middleware that someone else is in charge of. 4 things can happen in response to the data I POST back... the userid is correct so the response I receive includes: XMLHttpRequest.responseText = "someurl.html" XMLHttpRequest.status = 200 the userid is corr...

Jquery .load in asp.net

Hello Guys, I have a vertical left menu in my asp.net page. using jquery .load,i try to load other aspx page in the midlle div(content div) depending on the link click.Like this: $('#LeftMenu1_HyperLink1').live("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $("#ContentDiv").load("mypage.aspx"); ...