
jQuery formular onEnter

I have a form with two input fields, one text and one send button. I want to submit via jQuery .ajax() without reloading the document. It works as long as the button is clicked, but not when you press return/enter, then it submits without ajax methodology. I tried onEnter() or onSubmit(), but that didn't work either. These are the code ...

What's needed here for the ajax server response to be executed as-is in the jQuery ajax post function?

The jQuery function below returns this string: '#prayer_date'.html("03/19/1968"); But it doesn't get executed because the function below doesn't act on the data variable. What would you need to do to have the result above executed as-is in the function below? $('.showprayer').click( function(event) { $.post('/show_prayer', { 'nam...

Is there much significance in the choice of $.ajax() over $.post()?

According to this answer, it is better to use the $.ajax() function: $('.showprayer').click( function(event) { $.ajax({ url: '/show_prayer', type: 'POST', data { 'name' : $(this).text() }, dataType: 'script' }); }); rather than the $.post() function: $('.showprayer').click( function(event) { $.post('/show_praye...

How would I modify my jQuery ajax response to do the same thing with JSON that it currently does by returning JavaScript?

$('.showprayer').click( function(event) { $.post('/show_prayer', { 'name' : $(this).text() }, function(data) { eval(data); }); }); The jQuery function above returns the following string as the ajax response coming back from the server: '#prayer_date'.html("03/19/1968"); Someone seeing this code earlier responded that "...

How can I pass more than one array using $.ajax to ASP.NET MVC action?

I'd like to pass the contents of two sets of textboxes to an action on my controller using jQuery $.ajax. Code I have so far is as follows (all abbreviated for ease of reading): In my html: <div class="venue-holder"> <input class="tb-venue" id="venue" name="venue" readonly="readonly" type="text" value="Esfahan" /> <input class=...

Where to define a jQuery $.ajax() success function if you don't want to define in the call to $.ajax() ?

If I want to separate out my ajax success function so that it is defined elsewhere in my <script>, does it have to be inside the $(document).ready(function() { section or could it be defined along with non-jQuery javascript functions? $.ajax( { url: '/load_prayer', cache: false, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', ...

Can't find form on returned HTML

I have a main page consisting of a link and a div with id 'containerDiv'. When you press the link it loads some HTML from another page using Ajax into this div. The HTML that is returned contains a form. When the form is submitted, I wish to stay on the same page and display the resulting content in the div. Please see a picture showi...

PHP handling of JSON-sent data

I won't tell you I've searched and tried dozens of syntaxes from the internets. You couldn't tell if I'm lying or not. So... This is part of my html (the relevant part): var jsonData = { address: 'address', address1: 'address1', address2: 'address2' }; var out = JSON.stringify(jsonData); $.ajax({ type: "POST", con...

problems with ajax request in page with form. jquery

Hello, I'm making some things with jQuery ajax function, and I have a problem when I put a form in the middle of the html. In a nutshell: I have a dummy form that is controlled by the ajax, when it is submitted the ajax function complets the inputs below. The data submited by the ajax is contained in a form tag that is submitted when a b...

Rails 3: Simple AJAXy Page updates?

I can't believe I've been looking four hours for this simple task, but I have. In Rails 2.3, I could replace one section of a page with this simple code: render :update do |page| page.replace_html "div_id", :partial => "new_content",... end In Rails 3, Ryan Bates has me writing entire new javascript functions, switching from Protot...

$.ajax ignoring data param for DELETE requests

I just updated from jQuery 1.3.2 to 1.4.3, and I'm seeing some new behavior when making AJAX DELETE requests. For some reason, the data being passed in my data parameter is not being sent to the server. For example: $.ajax({ url: '/example', data: {id: 12}, type: 'DELETE' }); Ends up sending a DELETE request to /example ...

Is this the Correct place of using this statement in Jquery

This is the statement which I am referering the below code $.ajaxSetup ({ cache: false}); I have a PHP script which produces JSON. I am consuming this json using: $.getJSON ("GetDetails.php?id=123", $("#formname").serialize(), function(data){ **$.ajaxSetup ({ cache: false});** //I do a...

Filling JQGrid Searchoption values dynamically

In my colModel I have defined that one of my columns will have a drop down filter in the filter toolbar. I use ASP.NET Webforms and a webservice webmethod I have tried to use dataUrl for this and it works with a static HTML page. However I need to use a call to my webservice, which I can't get working. searchoptions: { dataUrl: 'WebSe...

Simple jQuery ajax questions with success return data?

Hi I have the following: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: global.pathPrefix + '/services/brochure.asmx/ShowPostRequest', data: "parkIds=" + $('input.ids').val(), success: function(msg){ alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); }, error: function(msg...

jQueryUI dialog box height grows too tall

I have a jQueryUI dialog box that loads its content the moment someone opens it using the "open" event to initiate the $('#dialogDiv').load() call. Works great except the dialog box grows extremely tall if there's a lot of content being loaded. What I want is to limit the height. The maxHeight jQueryUI dialog option would seem to work...

jquery:How do i attach an array to form request and send it to php in Jquery

var subtbl = $(this).attr('data-counter'); var stunbr = $(this).attr('data-stunbr'); var m = 0; var checkedlines = new Array(); $.each($("#sub-table"+subtbl+" "+"input:checked"),function (m){ var chk_value = $("#chk_"+stunbr+"_"+m).attr('value'); ...

Sending Zip file to Client via Response - incorrect type being sent...

Hi Guys, OK, I've been pulling my hair out about this for ages. I have a WebService which sends a zip file to the browser. This works; when I test the WebService and 'invoke' the method through it directly, the zip file is downloaded to the browser correctly. The problem arises when I use jQuery to send an AJAX request to the WebServi...

jQuery update DOM to access injected html tags

Ok I'm submitting a form via ajax. The result string is a bunch of html links and images which I append to the body of the DOM. Is it possible to search with jQuery within this new code? before ajax request: <div id="results"></div> after ajax request: <div id=results"> <img src="somevalidpicture.jpg" class="image"/> <img src="...

Can jqueryui tabs load new complete html page?

Hi, I created an index.html page that have 3 different tab. With the function tabs() of jqueryui I want load with ajax an html page. Every html page use jquery library, so every page have this code: <link type="text/css" href="css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.3...

ajax dropdown with clientside filtering capability

Can any one provide me an idea about any ajax control which has following capabilities: User should able to type to get auto-suggestions Dropdown should only display the values starting with the keyed-in characters. Most importantly there should be only one postback to fetch all the data to client side on the first key-in and then shou...