
jQuery Autocomplete Problem - Not treating Arrays correctly.

I am using jQuery Autocomplete and MVC to populate a dropdownlist with a bunch of column names. Whenever a user changes the value of a DropDownBox on my form I make a request to my controller to return a new list of columns (as an array, wrapped in a JSON Result) that will populate my AutoComplete boxes. My Problem is that the autoco...

Data source for jQuery auto-complete plugin

Hey guys, I am using jQuery's auto-complete plugin for a simple search form. I am having trouble converting my JSON object data into an array for usage with auto-complete. My code: var listOfOrderedByNames = getAutocompleteData(); $('#OrderedBy').autocomplete(listOfOrderedByNames); function getAutocompleteData() { var output; ...

jQuery autocomplete modification Gmail like matching

$("#suggest3").autocomplete(someArray, { multiple: true, mustMatch: true, autoFill: true }); "Jhon Smith" "Borris Baker" "Dove Elliot" Now in the above combination when i would type 'Jhon Smith' a value ( Jhon Smith ) will be available in the dropdown....But how to tweak so that even when i type 'Smith Jhon' still the v...

jquery autocomplete and datepicker compatability issue?

Hi, I have a form that is constructed using ZendX_JQuery_Form, the form contains 2 auto complete inputs and 4 datepickers. The datepickers all worked absolutely fine until I added in the autocomplete fields as well, the autocomplete fields (linking to a backend php action in zend framework) work fine as well but they seem to break the d...

Use of $.data(li, "ac_data", data[i]) from function fillList() of jquery-autocomplete

I'm using the jquery-autocomplete plugin of Jörn Zaefferer and I can't understand the use of this line in the fillList() function: $.data(li, "ac_data", data[i]); Please help me. Thanks. ...

Yii: Customize the results of CAutoComplete

Hi guys! I need to make a dropdown list using CAutoComplete. Everything is set and works fine, here is my code of the action: <?php public function actionSuggestCharacter() { if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest && isset($_GET['q'])) { $name = $_GET['q']; $criteria = new CDbCriteria; $c...

jQuery autocomplete, and returning key for entered value.

Hello. I am using jQuery autocomplete from here : http://www.pengoworks.com/workshop/jquery/autocomplete.htm $("#TestTextbox").autocomplete( '<%= Url.Action("LookupAction") %>', { delay:10, minChars:1, matchSubset:1, cacheLength:0, on...

JQuery UI Tabs callbacks not working

Hello, I have been trying to get this working for the last 7 hours so please excuse the slight tone of frustration. I have successfully implemented a nice set of jquery ui tabs that load their content via ajax. The content loaded via ajax features a form. I wanted the first field in the form (which has an ID of #title) to be focused a...

Struts2 + jQuery Autocompletion (Solved, with DOJO :) )

I used the jQuery autocompletion for my Struts2 application. Pratically, my action made a list of strings that jQuery use. This is the script: $().ready(function() { $("#tag").autocomplete("/myAction/Action", { multiple : true, autoFill : true, minChars:1 }); ...

Set Hidden Field value to Javascript Variable using Jquery or Javascript

Very Brief Background: I am using Jquery Autocomplete to lookup the the value of an item from a database. That value is then somehow given to a hidden field within the same form and then inserted to the database. What complicates this slightly is that I am working through Jquery Ui Tabs, which I haven't had a lot of fun with in the pas...

Jquery autocomplete with jquery 1.4

Hello everybody, Referring to this post and this one. I'm trying to implement tag search for my blog/website something similar to SO tag system using jquery autocomplete plugin, I'm using jquery 1.4 latest version so I'm not sure whether it works with it or not, I've used this plugin before once. So without further jibr-jabr here is my ...

django-ajax-selects app: How do I create a new object when there isn't already one in the database?

I'm using django-ajax-selects, which is a freely available django app providing jquery autocomplete functionality. I've got it working - i.e. it is autocompleting the form fields I want it to. But I have a problem... I'm using it in a ModelForm which adds Partnership objects to the database: class Skater(models.Model): name = model...

Help with passing multidimensional JSON array to jQuery autocomplete via AJAX

I'm trying to implement a live search on my photos site using jQuery and the autocomplete plugin. Everything works when I specifiy the data locally: var data = [ {text:'Link A', url:'/page1'}, {text:'Link B', url: '/page2'} ]; However when I move this to PHP, jQuery is unable to parse the results properly. I'm really not sure what's...

Multiple instances of jQuery autocomplete on one page

I'd like to style each instance of jQuery's autocomplete plugin differently on each page. Except I can't figure out how to set the styles to be different for each instance. I can't seem to wrap the ac_* styles inside a div to identify them from the CSS. Every change I make affects both. Any ideas? Thank you. ...

jquery autocomplete filtering

Hello all, I have a page, which uses jQuery Autocomplete on the second two textboxes (investigator and institution). It is getting the data fine, and displaying it, but for some reason it is not filtering the list of data as i continue to type. Anyone know why? Is there something i need to do to turn this on? According to the jQuery si...

Jquery autocomplete

I want to activate jQuery auto-complete in a text-box when user enters any particular character like @. means when user enters his email address like [email protected] in text-box after typing "john" when user enters "@" in text then auto-complete should be activated, and should display the list of mail extension ("Gmail.com," "Hotmail.com...

How to make jquery autocomplete to work for a contenteditable DIV instead of just INPUT, TEXTAREA fields.

The jquery autocomplete provided by http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Autocomplete can work on a INPUT field or a TEXTAREA field. I have a use-case to make a DIV element act as a TEXTAREA by setting its attribute to contenteditable="true". Can I use the DIV's DOM handle for the autocompleter to behave as a textarea for the autocompleter. Cu...

JQuery Autocomplete strange focus behaviour

Hi everybody, I'm trying to show data into one JQuery Autocomplete Dropdown. The information is retrieved from one dynamic ASPX: $("#<%= this.txt.ClientID %>").autocomplete('<%=this.ResolveUrl("~/Page.aspx") %>') Obviously I don't want make more GETs than necessary, so I have a bit of control with a Java Timer (on every keypress): i...

jQuery AutoComplete results to something besides textboxes?

Okay, I have been messing with this autocomplete stuff for 2 weeks now, and it's starting to give me a headache! I've gotten it to do almost everything I need, but I'm hung up on one issue. I have two autocomplete text inputs that are tied together. The first input allows the user to select a person from a MySQL database table. Then, bas...

How might I cause jQuery Autocomplete to display results with images, and no PHP?

I am implementing jQuery Autocomplete and wish to display results with an associated image. Each image has the same name as the predicted result of the autocomplete field. i.e. If someone types "braz" then "brazil" appears with brazil.jpg inline beside it. I'm having trouble implementing this. If anyone can point me in the right direc...