
jQuery AutoComplete does not refresh when new data entered into text box

I type the words "How do" and it pops up a list, and returns matches on "How do". I stop for a second, and continue typing " I make a sandwich?" for instance. It pops up on the "How do" but does not refresh the results when I continue typing. How do I get it to refresh once data has been typed more? Here's my code: $(document).ready(...

open autocompleter results' div on textbox click

Hi, i'm using this plugin for autocomplete http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete i want that when the user clicks on the textbox the div with all results become visible i' ve tried with $("#textbox").search() but doesn't work How can i do? thanks ...

jqueryUI autocomplete suggestions misplaced in Chrome

I'm editing the entire post to show the problem: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <link type="text/css" href="./jQuery/jQueryUI/css/ui-darkness/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="./jQuery/jquery-1.4.2.min.j...

jquery autocomplete retains textbox value even on deleting the text

I have strange problem with jquery autocomplete in my asp.net mvc (C#) application. I was trying to clear the text and save empty string to my database, but it doesn't clears and i am getting the old value in the form collection. The text seems to be cleared on seeing the browser, but when i saw it through the firebug, the value still...

Is it possible to change the Url which JQuery's JQueryUI Autocomplete generates?

Hi folks, I'm using JQuery JQueryUI's AutoComplete code. It goes to my url i provide (to find the answers), but appends ?term=<search query> after the url. I'm trying to get the following url intead ... /myurl/<term / search query> eg. /myurl/abcd /myurl/hello+world etc... is it possible to do this? Otherwise, it is possible to...

JQuery Autocomplete remote data

I've got it to work, and I have looked online and through the documentation, it's not very useful for some reason! Given this code that works as expected: <input type="text" id="color_input" /> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#color_input').autocomplete('autoComplete.aspx'); </script> What I can't figure out is how what t...

Autocomplete textbox with images and multiple selection using delimetre ','

hi i want a jquery or simple javascript script than gives us a control of autocomplete textbox with images with multiple selection option using delemetre for example i have to add two users of website into a group .. so i want that when i enter a first letter of a name user picture and name will be further i want that i could add multi...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with ASP MVC

I'm trying to get the jQuery Automcomplete thing to work, but it wont do as i want :P This is my code: JavaScript: $("#CustomerID").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/customer/search", dataType...

ASP.Net MVC Jquery UI Autocomplete - list not showing up when I debug

I have implemented an autocomplete in my app for zip codes. I am debugging in Firebug and I see in my console that the action is performing and I get a list of zip codes in the list of results, but the actual list is not displaying when I debug. Here's the action in my Customers controller: //the autocomplete request sends a parameter...

jQuery AutoComplete, How to accept Found & UnFound Terms

Hello, I'm referencing the jQuery autocomplete plugin code seen in this tutorial: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/how-to-use-the-jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget/ The problem with this tutorial is that it only support items found on the server. What I would like to do is allow a user to use items found on the server (as i...

How can I use autocomplete with event binding?

Hello, this is my first post here, I've found answers here before I have a form where I can add fields that have autocomplete. Instead of adding the autocomplete to each field as I create them, is it possible to use event binding to add the autocomplete? I am a newbie when it comes to events in javascript. This is what I have done to add...

jQuery Autocomplete - Show List on Double Click

I'm creating an autocomplete on a web page using jQuery's AutoComplete plugin. Does anyone know how to make the list show, if for example, someone has entered 3 characters, then clicked out of the input box, but then goes back to it? $("#details_business_trade").autocomplete({ source: resultsSplit, autoFill: true, mustMatch...

Jquery autocomplete on large array

Hi all, I am using Jquery autocomplete with local array of size ~5000, every word is ~10 chars. I am initializing the object like this: .autocomplete({matchContains: true, minLength: 3, delay: 700, source: array1, max: 10, highlight: true }) The problem is, that when I start to type, it takes a lot of time (sometime crashes the brows...

jquery autocomplete plugin - options list won't close after it's been scrolled - Chrome only

Hi all. I'm using the jquery autocomplete plugin (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/) and it's fine in firefox but i'm having a problem in chrome. The list of options that appears is longer than can be displayed at once so has a scrollbar down the side. Once you have scrolled the list with the scrollbar, ...

jQuery Autocomplete How do I use the same local array for two different input id text boxes?

I am currently using this for a single autocomplete box (id="drug"), and it works beautifully. I need to have a second autocomplete box (id="drug2") that uses the same array as its choices. I cannot seem to get it to work at all. Every time I try to modify the code I break it on the both. I'm sure someone out there has an elegant solutio...

Jquery UI Autocomplete - Way to show preferred

Hi. I'm a newbie programmer / designer trying to configure jquery ui autocomplete. I have it working, using a javascript object (array). The array contains retailer stores that we are directing our customers to. We have certain stores that are preferred and so we would like for them to come up earlier than other stores but I don't really...

jQuery UI AutoComplete - Not aligning properly on the page

Hello, I installed jQuery UI AutoComplete and have it functioning correctly. Problem is the alignment is not right, it's off by a pixel The dynamically generated AutoComplete DIV has the property top: 169px;, when top: 170px aligns the borders correctly. Anyone know any common causes for this? I'd like to clean this up in a non-hacke...

jquery-rails 3 autocomplete highlight. strong tag as text

I'm using jquery Ui autocomplete, with this highlight function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3053286/how-highlight-words-jquery-ui-autocomplete My problem is that it works. But in the drop-down list the strong tag is not rendered as html but as text. For example when i type Wild I end up with something like this Oscar <strong>Wild<...

Jquery Facebook Autocomplete disapear after postback of Update Panel

hey, i'm using the Facebook style autoComplete inside a asp.net ajax update panel, by problem is when im doing a postback to the UpdatePanel the Jquery Disapear, Any Idead? thanks, Code: $(document).ready(function () { $("[id$='DDL_Guests']").fcbkcomplete({ json_url: "../../Search.asmx/SearchAC", cache: false, filter_ca...