
jQuery: Targeting elements added via *non-jQuery* AJAX before any Javascript events fire? Beyond the scope of live()?

Working on a Wicket application that adds markup to the DOM after onLoad via Wicket's built-in AJAX for an auto-complete widget. We have an IE6 glitch that means I need to reposition the markup coming in, and I am trying to avoid tampering with the Wicket javascript... blah blah blah... here's what I'm trying to do: New markup arrives...

Fancybox, getting Fancybox to bind using LIVE() to items being loaded onto the page after load

I have a page that loads and after it loads, it pulls in a list of LIs to populate a news feed. <li><a href="/url/" class="quickview">quick view</a></li> <li><a href="/url/" class="quickview">quick view</a></li> <li><a href="/url/" class="quickview">quick view</a></li> I'm trying to get fancy box to trigger when a user clicks on quick...

jquery addresses and live method

//deep linking $.fn.ajaxAnim = function() { $(this).animW(); $(this).html('<div class="load-prog">loading...</div>'); } $("document").ready(function(){ contM = $('#main-content'); contS = $('#second-content'); $(contM).hide(); $(contM).addClass('hidden'); $(contS).hide(); $(contS).addClass('hidden'); ...

Workaround for stopping propagation with live()?

I've run into the problem that has been addressed here without a workaround: I can't use stopPropagation() on dynamically spawned elements. I've tried creating a condition to exclude a click within the dimensions of the spawned element, but that doesn't seem to work at all. Here is what I got: 1) a large background element ("canvas") ...

jQuery UI draggable() and resizable()

I want to write the draggable() and resizable() code in such a way that all future elements with a particular class will inherit those plugins without calling them again. $('div.resizeMe').resizable({ containment: 'parent', minWidth: 400, minHeight: 200 }) When the above code is executed, all divs with resizeMe class inherits the resi...

jquery live event gets executed twice

I am loading content into a page with ajax that will have live click events attached to them. It seems like the first time I load this content everything works as expected. If I load this again, the events fire twice (when put breakpoints in the code). What am I doing wrong? Is there a way I can clear the dom of these elements befor...

JQuery: Live <a> tag partially working second time around.

I have the following jquery code: $("a[id*='Add_']").live('click', function() { //Get parentID to add to. var parentID = $(this).attr('id').substring(4); //Get div. var div = $("#CreateList"); //Ajax call to refresh "CreateList" div with new unordered list. div.load("/AddUnit?ParentID=" + parentID); }); Basic...

jQuery select change/click problem - change doesn't work in IE, click doesn't work in Chrome

As the title says, I have a problem with binding to a change in a dropdown select list - it seems that "change" doesn't work with IE(7 or 8), so when I try the alternative and use a "click" event, it works in IE but doesn't work in Chrome! Am I missing something obvious here? Here's my code: //event handler for showing hidden form elem...

using focus function with jquery live

I have a page in which i can successfully use the jquery focus function using live... $(".comment_text_class").live('focus', function() { //do something... }); but when something comes into the page(ajax loading) the focus function doesn't work as should be using the live function... as suggested i used focusin function.. $(".c...

jQuery, get datas in AJAX (done) then, display them as star (error)

Hello, I'm using a star rating, 100% working except when i insert values with javascript : EXAMPLE : http://www.gamer-certified.fr/test.html <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery.ajax({ type: "get", dataType: "jsonp", url: "http://www.gamer-certified.fr/export/widget.php", ...

Use jQuery Fancybox(lightbox type dialog) with dynamically loaded links

I'm trying to bind Fancy box links so that when the new links are created it will still work. I've seen a few other question on here but not really answered. This is what I'm trying to do. jQuery("a#[id^='domore_']").fancybox({ 'autoDimensions' : false, 'width' : 'auto', 'height' : 'auto' }); This works fine but whe...

jQuery Repeating event? is it bubbling? I can't tell

I have a site, this site allows its users to search through a large and expansive list of books and they add from this list to their own custom lists. By default the lists they add to is uncategorized. So after searching around on the site they finally come round to their own custom list and they want to break down and add items in it to...

How to do custom jquery lives in 1.4.1?

Hi I been sort of using jquery livequery plugin and jquery live together. However now that I am using 1.4 it seems jquery livequery is not working 100%. So I am not sure how to tackle this problem I have this in livequery $('#Description').livequery(function () { $('#Description').htmlarea({ toolbar: [ ["bold"...

Does jquery cycle plugin work with livequery?

I use this code and it's working fine on main page, but it doesn't work when you get new content through ajax (f.i. clicking on 'Recomendados' link) $('.videoList').livequery(function(){ $(this).after('<div id="nav">').cycle({ sync: 0, fx: 'scrollLeft', pager: '#nav', pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) { var imgurl = $...

How to live a plugin in jQuery?

Hello, Is it possible to add a live function on a plugin? The jPikcer plugin wont work I create it from a .live('click', function(e) Example: $('.Multiple').jPicker(); Thanks, Gino ...

How do you handle large repeated UI elements with JQuery

Howdy, Here's the situation: You have a very complex UI element that is repeated in a list. Each has a menu on it, buttons, it hides and shows subelements, buttons for switch it's state, etc, etc. The elements are populated via JSON so you have to construct the elements and the functionality of the fly. What's the best way to accompli...

how to create an function using jquery live? [Solved]

Hey all i am trying to create a function that well keep the user in lightbox images while he adds to cart, for a demo you can visit secure.sabayafrah.com username: mahmud password: mahmud when you click at any image it well enlarge using lightbox v2, so when the user clicks at the image add, it well refresh the page, when i asked abou...

aggregate form elements into object ? [Solved]

hey all i am trying to aggregate form elements into object and then send it via ajax here is the code that i start using but i cant figure out how to do the rest $('.jcart').live('submit', function() { }); Update 1: html form http://pasite.org/code/572 Update 2: I have successfully submit the form using ajax but it still refres...

Using jQuery's live() function on calling a plugin?

Hi folks, So I have a plugin - jScrollPane - http://www.kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/jScrollPane/jScrollPane.html - which is awesome, but, I want to apply it to an Ajax-generated div. How would I use jScrollPane in conjunction with jQuery's live()? Further info on live() can be found here: http://api.jquery.com/live/ Thanks! Jack ...

jQuery live with the ready or load event

I'm using the jQuery Tools tooltip plugin, which is initialized with $('selector').tooltip(). I'd like to call this on any current or future .tooltipper element. I figured that the following would work: $('.tooltipper').live('ready', function(){ $(this).tooltip() } But it was unsuccessful---the ready event did not fire. The same for...