
jQuery Plugin - Keep options object separate

I created a jQuery plugin that was working great until I started testing it with more than one object on a page. The problem is that the options object passed to each new plugin object is not always the same one associated with that specific object when I access it from inside a function in the plugin. I have a feeling that I am missing ...

JQuery Tooltip Plugin from Jorn

I am thinking someone may have run across this one, but not sure. From a high level, I am trying to roll over a input [type=text] and display a tool tip (with the contained value) using the plugin available at http://bassitance.de. I have to use titles and classes for validation on the specific elements, so I put a blank div to hold ...

Upload an entire folder's files with jquery.MultiFile.js instead of having to select each file individually

I have jquery multi-file working as shown in link text. However, what I really need is to be able to select a folder, then every file contained in the selected folder to be listed, at which the user could then remove any unwanted files before hitting 'upload.' Has anyone done this with jquery multi-file upload? Would it be difficult to ...

jQuery $.ajax(), $.post sending "OPTIONS" as REQUEST_METHOD in Firefox

Having trouble with what I thought was a relatively simple jQuery plugin... The plugin should fetch data from a php script via ajax to add options to a <select>. The ajax request is pretty generic: $.ajax({ url:o.url, type: 'post', contentType:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", data: '{"method":"getStates", "prog...

BlockUi + JqueryUI dialog: Can't get Ctrl + C to work

Hi, When a dialog is shown on BlockUI the user can't copy with Ctrl + C (a selected text in the dialog), only right click works. It doesn't work on all browsers. My code: $.blockUI({ message: null }); div.dialog({width: 600 }); I know BlockUI is the problem, does any one know how to solve it? Thanks ...

jQuery Cycle Plugin with typewriter transition effect

Hey, Wondering if anyone knows how to achieve a typewriter effect with the jQuery Cycle plugin. See here for desired effect: http://www.hungry-media.com/code/jQuery/tickerType/ Thanks. Dave ...

onAfter event in quicksearch plugin for jQuery called too soon

I'm using the quicksearch plugin for jQuery and generally it works well. I've added a function to the onAfter event which gets called but I have found that it is called before the style attribute on the row has been set to "display: none" Is there another event or a way to hook into another event that will fire after this attribute has ...

Using the scrollTo jQuery plugin with the Fancy Zomm jQuery plugin

I'm trying to use the Fancy Zomm jQuery plugin to show multiple images in the same lightbox by using the scrollTo plugin to switch to the next of previous image which are all in different divs. The problem is that it seams that I can't use jQuery inside the div displayed by the lightbox Does anyone know how I could use the Fancy Zoom p...

Best way to scope jquery plugins

I have a plugin I'm working on that will eventually be used in multiple places on the same page. I have noticed this can lead to issues around not finding the correct one to operate on when the plugin is called. What is the best way to use some sort of context when using this plugin. I have included a context object in my list of opti...

How to use jQuery to produce TinyURL

I'm trying to build a jQuery function that will allow me to produce a TinyURL from some other link for micro blogging reasons (yes, twitter)... I found this tutorial from James Padolsey, but am not getting a response back from the call. http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/create-a-tinyurl-with-jsonp/ function requestShortURL(longURL,...

replaceWith and jQuery draggable drop?

Hi all, I'm trying to understand why $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); will work outside the drop: function(event, ui) {} area in jquery's droppable script, but it won't work inside. Specifically, if I do $(".droppable").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); } I get a Runtime Error (line ...

How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

Hi, I'm trying to write a jQuery plugin that will provide additional functions/methods to the object that calls it. All the tutorials I read online (have been browsing for the past 2 hours) include, at the most, how to add options, but not additional functions. Here's what I am looking to do: //format div to be a message container by c...

pagination script in jquery for table pagination

HI all I want to paginate with table i.e in one page have contain 5 data table, but i can not find the useful document in django template so now i want to implement it with jquery. sow how can i it implement??? ...

How to keep some input text removed by jquery when going back with browser?

Hi! I have some bug with the following page: http://jsbin.com/agedu/ Source code with some comments: http://jsbin.com/agedu/edit The problem is that when typing something and doing the query to display search results, if I go back to the search page in my browser (Firefox 3.5 but it's the same thing with IE8) there isn't my search term...

Slide out and fade effect using jQuery and localScroll

Hi guys! I'm using localScroll to create a content slider. The problem is that I want to give a fade effect to the div that I'm sliding out, to make it fade before it disappears. Does anyone have any idea how can I make this? I tried something with onBefore and onAfter but I didn't get what I expected. Thanks! LE: here is the code th...

jquery tools - overlay positioning problem

Here is the link: http://pangeaadvisors.org/projects.asp 2009 Projects position in the center as I want them to be. But click on 2007 projects. When clicked, overlay positioned on the right side and without the background. ...

jQuery pagination plugin work with tables?

Hey, I am wondering if this plugin works with tables and if I will be able to display a certain amount of rows per page, like 7 rows on each page? Also, will it work with the latest version of jQuery? Thanks for any help. ...

Non-ajax GET/POST using jQuery (plugin?)

This is one of those situations where I feel like I'm missing a crucial keyword to find the answer on Google... I have a bag of parameters and I want to make the browser navigate to a GET URL with the parameters. Being a jQuery user, I know that if I wanted to make an ajax request, I would simply do: $.getJSON(url, params, fn_handle_re...

Seek a jQuery-based inplace HTML editor

I just stepped over to http://plugins.jquery.com/search/node/editor - lots and lots of choices - and if to judge by the dates, many new offerings. I'm hoping someone can help me narrow down the field according to these priorities... Stability & Well-formed XHTML (might argue against some of the most recent unless they are revisions wit...

When to use '$(this)' and 'this' in a jQuery plugin? (Article on net.tutsplus.com)

Hello, I'm learning jQuery now, and was reading an article of Jeffrey Way, "You Still Can’t Create a jQuery Plugin?" Almost everything is clear, but there are some points that I still cannot understand. Problems begin on the 'Step 3: Building the Plugin', heading title 'For Each...', and next 'Error Checking'. this.each(function() ...