
How can I position a jQuery dialog over a (Google) map?

If my map has too many points on it I want my users to zoom in to view fewer points. I'd also like to display other notifications, not sure if I should do this on the map or not, but it would relate directly to the stuff on the map. Anyone know of an easy way to do this sort of thing? ...

Help with jQuery UI dialog

Hi, I am using jQuery UI.Dialog. I'm having a small problem, when I click the link to show dialog box the text from #Test disappears and the modal overlay is shown but the actual modal box is not displayed. Using FireBug the dialog box is created but has Display:None so is not shown. Also, if I change this in firebug to Display:Block...

Trouble with jQuery Dialog and Datepicker plugins

I have a dialog, and I have a datepicker field on the dialog. When I open the dialog and click in the datepicker field, the datepicker panel show behind dialog. I try more properties: zindex, stack, bgiframe, but not success. Someone can help me? Tks. ...

How can I make a JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents?

I have a JQuery UI dialog popup that displays a form. By selecting certain options on the form new options will appear in the form causing it to grow taller. This can lead to a scenario where the main page has a scrollbar and the JQuery UI dialog has a scrollbar. This two scrollbar scenario is unsightly and confusing for the user. Ho...

jQuery UI dialog - problem with event on close

I'm trying to perform a specific action when I close a jQuery UI dialog. Here's a simplified version of my code: $('a.open-trigger').click(function(){ var test = 'hello'; $('#dialog').dialog({bgiframe: true, dialogClass: 'change', resizable: false, draggable: false, modal: true, height: 334, width: 450, autoOpen: false, show: 'fad...

ASP.NET:Integrating many pages to one using jQuery UI dialog

I have a four ASP.NET pages,Page 1.aspx,Page2.aspx,page3.aspx and page4.aspx.Normally the user will come to Page1 and then enter his data in the form elements.On clicking on the Go button Page 2 will come and so on up to page 4.Now i want to Integrate all of these items to A single page using jQuery LightBox/UI dialog modal popup.In my a...

jquery-ui dialog problem with .live

I'm currently loading data from a mysql db - if a certain condition is met, a volunteer button is displayed. When the button is clicked I want to display a dialog box, and a php file is called to populate the box. First I initialize the dialog: $(document).ready(function() { $("#chaincrewDialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); }); ...

jquery dialog save cancel button styling

I am using jquery ui dialogs in my application. How do I style the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons differently in a jquery dialog? So "Save" is more appealing than the "Cancel". I could use a hyper link for "Cancel", but how do I place that in the same button panel? ...

jquery ui multiple dynamic dialogs

Hello, So I have like a list of users on a page. each user name is clickable and it displays the user information in the dialog. Right now I'm using a static length for the list. I would like jquery to see how big the list of users is and apply the code to the list. Check out the code here: $(function() { var options = { ...

jQuery UI Dialog Buttons from variables

I have variables holding the translated labels for buttons inside a jquery ui dialog. I cannot fill the button array key with the variable itself, and can't find any way to let it treat my variable just as string. translations['ok'] = 'ok'; translatinos['cancel'] = 'cancel'; // not working jQuery('#foo').dialog({ buttons: { ...

jQuery UI Dialog box after form submit

I have a form which users may submit information. The submission can be successful or it's not successful. In either case, I want a dialog box to tell the user if it was a success or not. The page loads itself on form submission. Ergo, the page is not submited through Ajax. I know how to trigger the dialogbox by clicking a button / lin...

jQuery UI - Dialog Hide Effect in Firefox - Flickering

I have a function that calls .dialog on a dynamically generated element. The code: dialog: function(message){ $('<div>').attr('innerHTML',message).dialog({ draggable: false, width: 500, hide: 'puff', resizable: false, bgiframe: true, modal: true, buttons: { Ok: function() { $(this).dia...

jQuery Dialog Buttons - Click Event

Ok, so thanks to a lot of the users here at stack, I've successfully created a dialog that dynamically adds/removes buttons. Now I have a problem. I'll tell you my goal and what I'm attempting so you'll know why I'm doing, what I'm doing. I'm using Microsoft UIP in an application and on the web-side of things, it dynamically creates p...

JQuery UI dialog ALWAYS loads the same page into a container element ? How can i solve it ?

Hi, I have a container and some actions according to <div id="container"></div> <a href="#" class="action" id="add">Add user</a> <a href="#" class="action" id="view">View user</a> Notice i use a unique container to load any page. When i click an action, it triggers a click event // dialog settings var settings = { add:{ ...

Working with multiple jquery-ui-dialogs

Hi, I have a table with a lot of text inputs like these: (they are marks of tests for a few students). Every field has an associated icon for adding a comment, so when the icon is clicked, a dialog must be shown with a textarea, and then save its value to a hidden input. An example of a mark field: <input class="num" type="text" si...

JQuery UI dialog: how can i get dialog settings ?

Hi, If i want to create a JQuery UI dialog, i use something like: var settings = {autoOpen:false, draggable:false, and so on...}; var dialog = $("#container").dialog(settings); But now i want to know how i can i retrieve dialog settings as shown above, something like dialog.getSettings(); I need it because i have an application t...

How can I keep a jQuery dialog on the screen?

I don't want to have the dialog centered on the screen so I'm setting the top and left coordinates of the box. I'm positioning it so that it appears next to a link and won't initially be open until a click. $("#error").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, width: 'auto', height: 'auto', hide: 'slide', show: 'clip' }); and ...

Open Datepicker situated inside of Dialog

At the moment I have the dialog defined as : $('#dialogCl').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width:650, height:550 }); And the datepicker defined inside #dialogCl as : $("#c").datepicker({showOn: 'button', buttonImage: 'images/calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true}); I need to open the datepicker but it seems it puts th...

Can the Dialog X be disabled from jquery UI 1.7 dialog boxes?

Hi When a dialog box pops up there is a "X" in the top right hand corner. I am wondering if there is an option to disable this? Thanks ...

jQuery UI modal dialog sliding behind dropdownlists in IE6

I've just put the jQuery UI dialog into a web page. It's the first time I've used it. I thought I had set the bgiframe property correctly but when I check it in IE6 it's still slipping behind dropdownlists. Here's my javascript code. There's nothing flash on the page. A simple div with the text in and an anchor around some text for the '...