
how do you set the background of the screen when you popup a jquery ui dialog

in this example, the background of the screen changes when you load up the dialog. How can i set this on my jquery dialog. i dont see anywhere in the API where i can set this background behavior when the dialog opens. ...

jquery ui dialog, having multiple dialogs affects position

Hello, As I am making multiple dialogs, I am faced with difficulties. Here is my code: var dialog_count = 3; $(function() { var left_value = 0; var top_value = 0; for(var i = 1; i < dialog_count+1; i++) { $('.dialog_' + i).dialog({ width: 263, position: [800 - left_value, 800 - top_value] }); left_value = ...

jQuery UI dialog: window appears at the right of the screen in chrome and safari

anybody else had this problem, do you know how to fix this ? my code: var currentFormconfirm; $(function () { $("#dialog-confirm-confirm").dialog({ resizable: false, height: 220, width: 400, modal: true, autoOpen: false, buttons: { 'Yes'...

jQuery IE8 Object required

I have a button, that when clicked is supposed to open a jQuery UI Dialog. It works in FF3, FF4, Chrome, and IE8 with ChromeFrame. It does not work in normal IE8. I get an error that simply says "Object required". Below is the function the click calls. function punchNonProd() { var HTML = ""; HTML += "<tr id='burdenLine'><td><st...

Closing all jquery dialog windows in JavaScript

How does one close all jquery ui dialog windows in javascript? Situation: The page has multiple things that can be opened using the dialog boxes. I need a way to close all previous windows before opening a new one. ...

calling javascripts within a jQuery dialog

I'm having trouble accessing javascripts within a jQuery dialog. For example, page A calls a page B which is displayed within a jQuery Dialog. On page B, I'm trying to implement a jQuery Datepicker. However, it doesn't seem to work no matter where I put the Datepicker code (in page A or in page B). Any one know how to get call javas...

How to localise buttons on JQueryUI modal dialog

I have a JQueryUI modal dialog and everything is working fine except for one issue ... how do I localize the OK and Cancel buttons? I have gone through the demos and documentation and unless I am missing something very obvious, can't figure out how to do this ... My code: $("#MyDialog").dialog({ . . . buttons: { OK: functi...

give name and value to jqurey UI dialog button...

Hi, i want to give a name and value to the default button in UI dialog. how can i do that ? i would like to give to submit button a value and name! $("#dialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, height: 150, width: 600, modal: true, buttons: { Submit: function() { document.getEle...

jQuery Dialog, UpdatePanel, RegisterStartupScript, with Show: 'blind' bug?

Using ASP.NET Web Forms with an UpdatePanel, and using jQueryUI dialogs with a <asp:Button> inside. First, my code looked like this simple dialog demo with a show: 'blind' effect, but I had the issue that jQuery moves the dialog outside the form, preventing the ASPNET controls from posting back to the server. So, I used this excellent b...

jQuery modal dialog button text

Based on the code below to show a JQuery dialog, the button text shows up as the literal "b" as opposed to the value of the variable b. Ie: showWarningDialog('myBody', 'myTitle', 'go') shows a dialog with a button labelled b instead of go. How can you get go to appear? function showWarningDialog(theBody, theTitle, buttonText) { ...

Create more serious looking jQuery error dialog?

Is there a jQuery UI class you can use to create a more severe looking error dialog box than the one below? This is the HTML we use to create the dialog: <div style="display:none" id="div-dialog-warning"> <p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float:left; margin:0 7px 20px 0;"></span><div/></p> </div> And this is how we ...

jQueryUI dialog box height grows too tall

I have a jQueryUI dialog box that loads its content the moment someone opens it using the "open" event to initiate the $('#dialogDiv').load() call. Works great except the dialog box grows extremely tall if there's a lot of content being loaded. What I want is to limit the height. The maxHeight jQueryUI dialog option would seem to work...

Add button to jquery ui dialog

Hi. I can not add button to this jquery ui dialog. if possible please give me an example . thanks. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { //setup new person dialog $('#dialog2').dialog({ autoResize: true, show: "clip", hide: "clip", height: 'aut...

jQuery UI Dialog on jQuery Validation Plugin in ASP.net: Can this work?

I'm currently trying to run jQuery Validation plugin inside a jQuery dialog. The code is as such in the document.ready: $("#Dialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, height: 600, width: 590, modal: true, resizable: false, open: function (type, ...

jQuery Validation with Dialog

I have jQuery validation working pretty well using a dialog for the error messages. The problem I am having is that when I click submit, and all the fields are filled out correctly, I have a blank dialog popping up before the form submits. I can't seem to figure out how to stop that from happening. Setting the onSubmit to false will not ...

How can I create a single/multiple selection dialog using JQueryUI ?

JQueryUI has a very nice Dialog, but I wonder how I could create a similar dialog with multiple values I can select from. It does not necessarily need to have a text area. Similar to how the right-click window looks or how the selection dialogs work on Android. ...