
jquery-ui, Use dialog('open') and pass a variable to the DIALOG

I have the following JS: $('#listeditdialog').dialog('open'); Which opens the following dialog: $('#listeditdialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, position: ['center',150], width: 450, open: function(event, ui) { $("#listeditdialog").load("/projects/view/tasks/ajax/?listid=" + XXXX); }, ...

ASP.Net file upload with an empty posted files collection

I have an ASP.NET file upload control which sits as part of a form. The file upload control is on the content page while the form definition is on a master page across the site. I've added multipart/form-enc to the form on the master page. I'm using jQuery to submit the form as I show a dialog box from jQuery UI. When I post, no file i...

jQuery dialog window not displaying form data in IE6

I've got a form that uses a jQuery dialog window for verification of the form data. When the user clicks the submit button on the form, the dialog window displays (only if the form validates) and shows the data the user has entered in the form. If they verify that the data is correct, they click OK in the dialog window and the form gets...

Display Spry results in Jquery modal dialog

I am using Spry to retrieve data from a SOAP webservice (received as XML). I want to display these results in modal Dialog using the jquery dialog plugin. I have an almost working solution, but the dialog shows the spry placeholders (i.e. the fieldnames surrounded by {}), not the actual retrieved data. Any ideas how I might achieve wh...

putting a jQuery UI Accordion in a jQuery UI Dialog

By creating the appropriate markup for Tabs, I've been able to place a jQuery UI Tabs widget inside a jQuery UI Dialog; but doing the same with an Accordion has not worked: clicking on the anchor of the accordion section causes the Dialog to close. Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this? ...

How to close jQuery Dialog within the dialog?

Hello, How to close jQuery Dialog within the dialog without using the close button? Inside the ui dialog is a simply form request and if a successful submission occurs, then the ui dialog automatically closes and refreshes the parent page. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#form...

JQuery UI Dialog Not Obeying Position Option On Open

My code, used to work, but I recently updated jquery-ui to 1.8 and jquery to 1.4 because some things weren't working. Once I did that, those things started working, however, now I notice this one dialog is positioning itself top-center, instead of middle-center. Let me explain the code a bit first. The code queries an AJAX request every...

Global jQuery dialog variable not working properly

When I call the function, the dialog doesn't work. If I move the dialog construction into the showtimes_list function, everything works fine. I thought that variables declared outside a function were global in context? var dialog_list = $("<div></div>").dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, height: 300, width: 720, }); fu...

mvc ajax.actionlink with jquery dialog confirm

I have a table with some rows of data items. For each row it will be some actionlinks that will call some methods (delete dataitem, change status dataitem etc...) Before each user clicks the button i want a jquery dialog to show up and give the user a dialog with some info, a OK and Cancel button. Some example code of the ajax.actionli...

how to open jquery ui dialog automatically when the page loads?

I need my dialog to open when the page is loaded automatically. What is the way to do it using jquery. Without any user interaction to open it. I tried this code but it dint work <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" media="screen,projection" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=...

JQUERY UI Dialog Modal - Is there a way to have the OVERLAY Div Persist? Or set which Div to Use?

The reason I want this is so that when the overlay shows a WHITE Background, I can add "webkit-transition-duration" property to allow the white background to nicely fade-in and out using the GPU. But problem here is that JQUERY seems to remove/add the overlay div every time the dialog is run. Any ideas? ...

bgiframe:true in jquery ui:dialog ie6

Hello All, I am learning to use the jquery ui:dialog. And when i go to this link for the example for a modal dialog, in ie6 http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#modal The resizing of the dialog doesnt work. I try to replicate the same scenario by myself, with the bgiframe:true option, the resizing still doesnt work. I know there is an...

jquery ui dialog doesn't call $.get inside dialog afeter first close of the dialog

I have a jquery ui dialog and inside of it I have another one and before opening the one on the inside I call $.get to receive the html for it if I open the first dialog and close it then open it again and try to open the dialog on the inside the html received from $.get doesn't get set page1 <script type="text/javascript"> ...

Jquery UI Dialog issue with IE 7,8

I'm currently using JQuery 1.3.2 , JQueryUI 1.7.2 and IE 7 I am having a problem with adding lots (list of 2000 items) of options into a tag inside a jquery dialog in production environment. I can't post any screenshot regarding this issue due to copyright materials. I have a button "New Contact" that is a JqueryUI dialog pop-up (mo...

Its possible to secure Jquery ui dialog with https when the rest of the page in http?

Hi, The Case: UI JQuery Dialog should contain credit data of customer, when the rest of the page is product catalog in http. Question: Its possible to secure Jquery ui dialog with https when the rest of the page in http? or all the page have to be https and not only dialog? (What I know that dialog is part of the page because that ...

jQuery UI Dialog positioning

Basically I would like the dialog to remain in the same position on the page, even when changing the window size or switching to full screen window. How can I always have the dialog positioned in relation to the site container div, rather than the window? For example, my site container div is 960px wide and is centered on the page. I ...

Jquery UI dialog + modify all href on open of the dialog

I got this Dilaog that is openning perfectly fine... the idea is to add a tag ?box=true to all a href of my page so when the user click and change page the dialog reopen if the user close the dialog it sets the ?box=false $(function() { $('#prebox').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var horizontalPa...

JQuery Dialog Grip Icon positioning problem.

I'm using the JQuery UI Dialog plug-in. Everything works great except for where the "resize" grip icon is being placed. It is in the Left-Bottom corner of the dialog instead of the Right-Bottom corner. I rolled the theme using ThemeRoller as JQueryUI.com. Any ideas??? ...

Jquery Close Dialog Box

I am wanting to add a close button to this dialog box. Can anyone tell me how to add this into my script? var IE = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>=0) ? true : false; if(IE){ $(function(){ $("<div>") .css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '0px', 'left': '0px', backgroun...

Close dialog causes Too Much Recursion

I have a table with rows which can be deleted by clicking on an icon next to each row. When the icon is clicked a confirmation dialog appears asking the user to confirm. Whichever action is taken (Yes, No, X) causes a Too Much Recursion error. The function works, in that the row is deleted, and the dialog closes, but it causes the TMR e...