
JQuery UI dialog - Outer window scrolls while scrolling inside the dialog

Hello I'm using JQuery UI dialog to show a popup containing a page. When i scroll inside the popup and if the scroll bars comes to the bottom, the parent page starts scrolling. How can i restrict the parent page from scrolling while scrolling inside the dialog. I've created a modal dialog using the following code. // Dialog ...

How can I close one jQuery UI Dialog and focus on another?

After my call to $.ajax(), all UI Dialogs currently close and the page appears to do a full postback as per firebug--this is not what I want. I want the List ** UI Dialog** (read: partial view) visible, then the "Create" button is pressed to open another UI dialog for creating an address. I want to ajax post the data (preferably strongly...

show dialog for option submit data.

dear all.. i have one submit form. i want if someone submit same data can show jquery dialog "This data already exists! Are you sure to input?" Then select OK or CANCEL. can you tell me the step that must i do?thanks. ...

How can I validate a ViewModel in jQuery Dialog?

My AddressEditViewModel has a bunch of attributes marked [Required(ErrorMessage="My Error Message Here")] and/or [DisplayName("etc")]. The DisplayName attributes work: <%: Html.LabelFor(model => model.Field) %> , and I think the Required attributes are working too, but I don't know how to provide feedback on the form (jQuery UI Dialog...

jQuery dialog with dynamic content

I want to create a jQuery dialog on-the-fly. I'm using this: var newDiv = $(document.createElement('div')); $(newDiv).html('hello there'); $(newDiv).dialog(); I then have this in the html header: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.min.j...

Jqueryui: how to make a shadow around a dialog box?

I'm trying to put a drop shadow around a jqueryui dialog box. Something like: <div id="dialog-form" class="ui-widget-shadow ui-corner-all"> Some stuff in the box with a shadow around it </div> and then doing: $(function () { $("#dialog-form").dialog({ resizable: false, height: 300, width: 350, modal: true }); ...

jquery dialog versus iframe

The below code is set up with jquery 1.4.2 and UI 1.8.4, plus the jquery iframe plugin. The insides of the iframe disappear when I call .dialog(...). If I comment out the call to .dialog, the content is there in the iframe: visible in the window and also in the Chrome inspector. If I put the dialog back, the dialog appears just fine, bu...

How to set custom buttons (text) in jQuery UI Dialog?

I do get that we easily can set the Close button text to a variable, using closeText option $("#dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, closeText: btnCancel, // <----- overlay: { backgroundColor: '#000', opacity: 0.5 }, buttons: { Close: function() { $(this).dialog('clo...

jQuery ui dialog image for the title

Is it possible when specifying a jQuery UI dialog box, to have an image be placed for my title instead of just plain text? Thanks ...

Spawning a jQuery modal dialog from another open modal dialog...

Can this be done? I've been messing around for a while with the jQuery UI dialog without much success. Thanks... ...

'jQuery' is undefined Jquery jquery-ui-dialog

I am using jQuery.ui.dialog.js to show the modal pop up.. But this Jquery.ui.dialog.js is throwing a jaascript error 'jQuery' is undefined. Please help . How can i resolve this. I am using this 2 .css and .js 1.jquery.ui.dialog.css & 1.jquery.ui.dialog.js 2.jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.css & query-ui-1.8.2.custom.js Please advice....... ...

How do you open a FullCalendar event URL in a jquery-ui dialog?

I am wrestling with figuring out how to open a FullCalendar event URL in a modal dialog using jQuery UI Dialog. I know next to nothing about javascript, so I'm not sure how the call syntax is supposed to look. I figure I'm supposed to use the eventClick option, but I cannot figure out how to use it to instantiate the dialog. Any help?...

Calling a jQuery Dialog without a DIV

Hi everybody, Is it possible to create a popup without being based on a div. Example, I have a the following DIV: <div id="dialog" title="Info"> <p>This is a test</p> </div> Instead of calling a dialog like this: $("#dialog").dialog(); I would like to call like this: $("This is a test").dialog(); How would it be possible? ...

jquery ui loading dialog on click only firing once.

I have an anchor tag on my page that toggles between active and cancelled entities. Only one link is showen at a time depending on what the user wants to see. I use ajax to replace the html with either active info or cancelled info. See below. The problem that I'm having is that when the user clicks the link the loading dialog should ...

jquery - problem with synchronize ajax and dialogbox in function

Hello, I have problem with synchronizing results of function I get with AJAX with that function. The idea is that I send AJAX request, then after reciving answer I open dialogbox, and after user confirmation function returns proper value. Problem is that my function (even if I set ajax request not to be async) doesn't wait for response a...

FullCalendar to load external file inside jQuery UI modal dialog box

So I am trying to use FullCalendar and jQuery UI dialog box. And i'm not sure to sure how to go about placing the 2 together very well. When I select or click on an empty day event, I want the jQuery Modal Dialog Box to pop up. ALTHOUGH I would like to have it load an internal file (php include). But the downfall with this is that I can...

will destroying a jQuery dialog remove any handlers attached to elements inside it?

Hey Everyone, I've noticed some memory leaks in an app i'm building, after playing around with for a while FF will start to use up more and more memory (upwards to 1 000 000 k). I've done some research and found that if i do a $(selector).html(some stuff) to replace the contents of something the jQuery handlers from the elements p...

How can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog?

How do I go about disabling a button on the jQuery UI dialog. I can't seem to find this in any of the documentation in the link above. I have 2 buttons on the modal confirmation ("Confirm" and "Cancel"). In certain cases, I want to disable the "Confirm" button. ...

Invoking an action using jquery ajax

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2. I have a modal dialog (done through jquery UI) that contains two text boxes and a button. All the controls are inside a form. I would like to invoke, when the user click the button, a controller action that do some operations on the passed data contained in the two text boxes and then return an integer value an...

How to have jQueryUI dialog box dynamically load content

I love jQueryUI's dialog boxes. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to dynamically load content built-in. I guess I have to use some other approach to achieve this? Will iframes load content only when they're made visible? Is that the right way to do this? I'm open to other dialog box mechanisms if they're more suited for loadin...