
Forcing an item to remain in place in a jQuery UI Sortable list

I've set up a jQuery sortable list but I need to be able to keep some items in the sortable 'fixed' in place and for the other items to sort around them. I thought that there would be built in methods to achieve this, alas this is not the case. I'm able to set up the list and not include the items in question: <ul id="fruit"> <li c...

How to horizontally sort divs using Sortable in JQuery

I am looking to sort my divs horizontally in a container div. I found an example on JQuery website but that is vertical sorting. I want it horizontal. I want to do it sorting in #sortable Div. Will you please guide me how can I convert this vertical sorting in horizontal manner. CSS <style type="text/css"> #draggable1 { width: 15...

How to retrieve parent container ID after sorting using Jquery sortable??

Hello I have following markup and javascript to sort some items. Items can be sorted within a block or across other blocks. It works but I have a problem in retrieving correct block ID after an item is moved from one block to another. For example, if I move item 1 within "Block 1", I get "I am in Block= block_1" but if I move Item 1 t...

two sortable lists need to get serialize parameters using jquery-ui

hi guys! can you help me with these codes: http://pastie.org/908345, its two sortable lists and I need to get the serialize parameter of those lists to be passed when I click the submit button but I always get "(an empty string)" on "console.log". I'm using jquery-ui for this functionality. thanks! ...

How do I keep child elements together with parent jQuery sortable.

I have a list of items like this... <ol> <li> <span></span> <img src="image.png" /> <p>Image Caption</p> </li> </ol> And I want to be able to sort the LI's but not the sub elements, they should just move with their parent. I am using the jQuery to do that... $('ol li').sortable({ 'cursor': 'move' }); ...

get the start position of an item using the jquery ui sortable plugin

I am using the jQuery UI sortable plugin and I am trying to get 2 alerts I want the staring position of the element and the finished position of the element. $(function() { $("#filterlist ul").sortable({ opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'move', update: function(event, ui) { alert(ui.item.prevAll().length + 1); } }); ...

jQueryUI: Sortable <thead> messes up ie ANY IE when TABLE's css display property is set to RELATIV

As the title describes most of the problem. Here is the example code that works as expected in Firefox. Could someone provide a workaround or fix? In action JavaScript $(function() { $('table thead').sortable({ items: 'th', containment: 'document', helper: 'clone', cursor: 'move', placeholder: 'place...

IE7 Jquery UI Sortable problem

I'm using Jquery UI sortable in my current project to make boxes drag and drop-able into new columns. It works in all modern browsers apart from ie7, in which you can drag and drop, but when you drop, it completely ruins the content of the box you're dropping. Any ideas? ...

jQuery-sortable, selector for the dragged element?

Hello I have divs inside columns and want to make them sortable. I'm using jQuery UI for this. However, I need to do something on the element which is currently being sorted. How is that possible? Here's my current code: $('.column').bind('sortstart',function({ $(CURRENTLY_MOVING).doStuff(); }); Martti Laine ...

JQuery UI sortable: restore position based on some condition

I call sortable.stop() to make an ajax call to store some data after drag&drop operation. When the ajax call returns an error (application logic error or net problem) I want to move the dragged element to its original/start position, how can I achieve it? The scenario should be user drags A to B the sortable.stop() event is called, i...

jQueryUI Sortable won't accept connected Draggable on a nested UL

I've posted an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/ericclemmons/LEHLX/2/ Really, what it comes down to is the classic "assigning users to groups" issue. I have a list of users and a list of groups, but I'd like to be able to have nesting of the groups: user "Eric" would be in "Users", "Web", and "Administrators". The problem is that I ...

Jquery ui sortable serialize not working

Searched all over and I can't find the answer. I can't get my sortable to serialize. All I'm getting is null data $(document).ready(function() { $("ul#sortable").sortable({ update : function () { serial = $("ul#sortable").sortable("serialize"); $.ajax({ url: "sort_images_ajax.php", ...

jQuery UI Sortable Question

I am trying to build a sortable navigation tree using jQuery UI Sortable. I have it working great in Firefox with no prblems. In IE it works pretty well, however, there seems to be some inconsistent issues when trying to move an item with a nested list down in its navigational tier. The list doesn't expand to create a drop point for t...

jQuery UI, draggable / sortable append problem

I am trying to append html to an item which I have successfully dragged to a sortable list but it does not seem to work. I am cloning the original item and have tried to append to the ui.helper to no avail. Here's what I have so far: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascr...

jquery ui.sortable with tooltips

On a page I have a sortable list with thumbnails. When rolling over the images I wanted a tooltip to show a bigger image. I found qTip, but maybe there is something better / easier? How can I connect the imgPath var from the sortable to the qtip? var imgPath = '<img src="002171/imm/001.jpg" />'; $("#sortable").sortable(); $("#sortabl...

jquery Ajax sortable list stops being sortable when Ajax call updates the list html

Hi, I am using jquery 1.4.2 and trying to achieve the following: 1 - function call that sends a value to a php page to add/remove an item 2 - returns html list of the items 3 - list should still be sortable 4 - save (serialise list) onclick My full WIP is located here [http://www.chittak.co.uk/test4/index_nw3.php][1] I tried to d...

jquery nested sortable

I have been using NestedSortabe from b-hind and found it quite useful until I upgraded to latest jquery and jquery-ui I guess they changed the way mouse events are handled or something to that effect. Point it the nestedSortable doesn't work any longer. So my question is tri fold does anyone know if the folks at jquery have implement...

JQUERY - jQuery UI Nested Sortables 2 - help getting it working

Hello, I'm interested in using the following JQUERY - http://lucaswoj.com/2010/01/jquery-ui-nested-sortables-2/ However, I can't seem to get a demo instance of the plugin work. Here's the code I'm using: <script type="text/javascript"> $('#findit').nestedSortable({}); </script> <div > <ul id="findit"> <li> List ...

jQuery UI sortable('cancel') - this.helper is null

I am trying to disable a sortable element from sorting when it has been double clicked. When I try to disable it, even without a condition, it gives me the error 'this.helper is null'. $('.roundedBox:first', division).sortable({ start: function( event, ui ) { if( true === true ) { $(this).sortable('cancel'); ...

Large number of connected sortable lists causes momentary hang in IE

I've got around 85 sortable ul's all connected with each other, and initializing the sortable() function works fine in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE it causes a 5-10 second hang while it loops through and connects them all. Yes they /do/ need to all be connected to each other unfortunately. Any suggestions as to how I can stop IE from ...