
jquery-sortable using behavior of a linkedlist

I suspect I'm not looking at this issue in the right way so here goes. I have essentially a LinkedList of data on a web page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list) that I'd like to manipulate using traditional Linked List behavior (i.e. just updating the reference/id of the "next" object) for performance reasons. Where this gets ...

Sortable clone helper not working

Maybe I don't understand how clone works with sortable, but here is what I would like to do. When sorting an item I would like a clone of the item I am dragging remain until I stop drop the item in its new position. Here's the code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4....

jquery, list div-box above by clicking a button.

hi, i've got 20 div-boxes in a list [ div 1 ] [ div 2 ] [ div 3 ] and so on. every divbox should contain a button to change position with another div. one for up, one for down. [ div 1 <+><->] [ div 2 <+><->] [ div 3 <+><->] when i press the <+> in divbox 3, the divbox#2 and #3 should change places.... like it would by add the ...

How do I trigger a function with whatever table row I just dropped in jQuery UI Sortable?

I am working with jQuery UI Sortable plugin, and applying it to a table. How would I trigger a function when dropping whatever element I am dragging? Something similar to below: alert($(this).attr('id')); Full Solution For this, you have to set the container id's to something_number (something_1, something_2, etc). $(function(){ ...

Add some elements to a dropped item?

Hi, When I drop an item into a sortable list, can I modify its elements? I basically want to add a few buttons to the item when dropped, right now it's making a perfect clone of the source item. Example: <ul id='listSource'> <li><p>Hello!</p></li> </ul> <ul id='listDestination'> </ul> so when one of the "li" items gets dropped in...

sorting definition list with jquery

Hi peeps, Having spot of bother sorting a definition list with jquery sortable. I have a handle on the dt but need it to select the following dd as well so the draggable object is actually both dt and dd tags. Obviously these have no unique parent element with the dl so just wondering if there is something I'm missing in the docs or do...

serialize() sortable accordion

I asked this question on the jQueryUI forums, but got no response. I've created a sortable accordion but I can't seem to figure out how to serialize the indexes like you can on a non-accordion sortable. on my H3 elements I have the id="agendas_1234" and then the following code. But the line where I define the params variable doesn'...

How to tell when a jQuery UI sortable element is moved and in an invalid state.

I have two connect sortable lists. I want to fire an event when an item is moved away from it's current list but NOT into the other connected list or when the item is being sorted. Anyone know how to do that? What I'm going for here is to have the user remove an item by dragging it away from the list. ...

jQuery UI sortable - Saving changes to server

I am using this and it's working perfectly on the browser http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Sortable Now I want to save it to the server, I know about serialize, but I don't want to update everything. On the server I only want to know what was moved to where. Is it possible to find that out on the stop event? And how? Thanks in advance. ...

jQuery Sortable - Nested UL elements

Consider the following markup..: <dl class="table"> <dt>UL drag/drop</dt> <dd> <ul> <!-- group 1 --> <li>Row 1, column 1</li> <li>Row 1, column 2</li> <li>Row 1, column 3</li> </ul> <ul> <!-- group 2 --> <li>Row 2, colum...

jQuery UI Sortable - Determine which element is beneath the element being dragged

I've implemented jQuery UI's Sortable plug-in on a simple unordered list. Is there any way to determine which element is beneath the element being dragged? In this screenshot Row 3, column 1 is hovering over Row 2-3, column 1. In this case; I would need to get hold of Row 2-3, column 1. ...

Sortable + nested lists with jQuery UI 1.8.2

Hi all This question is all over SO, but no one seems to have had the same problem as I have. When I do something like this $(function(){ $('#unique-ul').sortable({items:'li'}); }); I'd expect it to "just work". By and large, it does. I can drag any <li> from any list to any other list, and any sublist of that <li> is dragged wi...

jQuery UI sortable event problem

in my code here http://jsfiddle.net/ebSf4/ you can drag from one sortable column to the other. I am adding some animation to sortable's receive event to make the dropped element animate to the size needed in it's new position. This is working great except the receive event fires late the first time you move a given element. The elemen...

jQuery, need help with 'sortreceive' ajax call and POST vars.

Hi there, I have a dilemma that just seems beyond my abilities at the moment! I have a group of connected sortables using the class 'biglist'. What I want to do is bind #biglist 's sortreceive callback (which is made whenever a list receives an element from another) to take the 'boxnum' value of the element (which signifies which list...

Adding a highlight animation when hovering a sortable object over a droppable object JQUERY

I have a list of objects called projects that are sortable, and a list of objects called categories that are droppable. I need to somehow make it so that when you click on a sortable project, and drag it down so it is hovering over a droppable category, the category that the project is going to go into is highlighted, or outlined or some...

Drupal JQuery UI Draggable / Stacking Divs

Hello, I'm trying to get the jquery draggable function to work, particularly the stacking feature, in Drupal. I've got the JQuery UI module installed and it works fine with a hide/reveal sliding box but not for the draggable? Here's what I've got in the body of my page: <?php drupal_add_js(' $(document).ready(function drag() { $(".c...

jQuery UI sortable doesn't support floating divs?

Hi! I'm having a strange problem, that I've been trying to solve for too long. I hope you guys could help. I have floating DIVs that I want to sort with jquery-ui-sortable. All goes well if I don't use a placeholder, but when I use one strange behaviour happens when the placeholder is in the top row on the last position. Here's the ex...

jQuery UI Sortable removing or adding an item trigger refresh the id

Help! I'm still very, very lost. After a lot of help, I was able to figure how to trigger a row add before an existing row, move a row without firing off a bound 'click' and a few other things. Here's the issue: I need this list to refresh the id's, no matter what action I take. When I remove a row, it works fine but adding a row, moving...

jQueryUI sortable,draggable revert event

Hi, I have a problem with jQuqeryUI. I would like to run some code whenever an element is dragged and dropped on an invalid target. As far as I can see, there is no predefined event for this, but I have thought about combining information from following events: over, out, remove and stop, to achieve this. However that might sound like it...

JQuery Sortable Effects

I have 9 boxes (div) on a page. I am able to move them to different positions, in a grid like fashion. So the basic sortable functionality is fine =) But I have a couple of questions: What if my boxes vary in width? Which they can do, if one changes the width (1/3, 2/3 and 3/3). Can I still have one 2/3 box and a 1/3 box on the same ...