
jQuery UI datepicker - add static text underneath the calendar?

This is on the one that pops up when you click the linked input element. I want to be able to insert some static text underneath the table of dates that will appear and stay even if the user scrolls to different months. I managed to sort of getting working by, with jQuery, using $('.ui-datepicker').after('text'); on the .ui-datepicke...

Jquery UI Sortable Item Contents

So I have this shopping list coded in php and js: http://www.whatcouldicook.com/recipes/planner So people can add, delete or sort the list and thats fine, I dont want multiple lists and instead just have a list item containing a heading tag to represent a new list. All this works and then using serialize I can save the ordering/modify...

jQuery UI - Accordion Display issues

My accordion is working properly, but I'm having a JS issue that are prohibiting it from displaying correctly. http://jsfiddle.net/frEWQ/4/ The JS is not applying .ui-corners-all to the H3 after the "kwick" div below it has finished collapsing, giving an odd cut-off border after the animation Any suggestions? Thanks // fi...

JQuery UI Autocomplete, value after select (by mouse) is different than (by arrow-keys)

Hi, I'm using jQuery UI Autocomplete 1.8.1 with Jquery 1.4.2 and I have this issue. At first, I can't force the value of the Autocomplete input field, well this is not a big problem. But I have this issue with it: I doesn't act similarly when a user select a choice using mouse to using keyboard arrows. When using keyboard everythin...

jQuery DatePicker - Choose Next Weekday if Current Date Falls on Weekend

Hi all - I know how to gray out the weekends on the jQuery Datepicker by instantiating it like this: $('.calendar').datepicker({ beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends }); The Datepicker also automatically selects the current date, so if the current date happens to be on a weekend, nothing is selected. How can I make it select the nex...

jQuery UI Drag/Drop does not work in FF

I've been looking all over the place, but I haven't landed an answer yet. Is the current jQuery UI 1.8-1.8.2 supports Firefox 3+? I have 3.6.3 installed, but the example on their websites works for my IE7, IE8, Chrome, but not Firefox. http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/#connect-lists Is anyone else having this problem? It is not PC s...

Jquery : How to load a function after some interval or after end of another function or event

I need to run a function 'setNotifications()' after a timed delay or at the end of completion of the previous animation('#topannounce' animation).But jQuery is not running the 'setNotifications()'after the animation. What should I do? or is there a better way to run the function?Plz hlp.Thanx. Here is the jQuery I have. $('a#resetbtn')...

How to auto-center jQuery UI dialog when resizing browser?

When you use jquery UI dialog, all works well, except for one thing. When the browser is resized, the dialog just stays in it's initial position which can be really annoying. You can test it out on: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/ Click on the "modal dialog" example and resize your browser. I'd love to be able to let dialogs auto-ce...

How to align Datepicker to text box right edge?

I have jQuery UI Datepicker on the top right edge of my layout. By default, it opens aligned to the left edge of its text box. Thus, it falls out of the layout: How to make it open aligned to the right border of its text box? ...

Keep Jquery dialog State after poseback

Hi i have a dialog that made by jquery in this dialog i have asp button that save information in database but when i pust the button the page will be poseback and dialog will be close but i want to keep dialog state how can i do that cheers shaahin please give me an example ...

How can I check if a particular jQuery UI function is available and use a different function if it isn't?

I'm writing a jQuery plugin and I would like my code to take advantage of the jQuery UI show(effect, [options], [speed], [callback]) and hide(effect, [options], [speed], [callback]) functions, which allow you to show and hide elements with a nice animation. However, I'd also like my plugin to degrade gracefully if jQuery UI isn't availa...

jQuery UI Draggable 'stop' event called too many times?

I have a feeling I'm either misunderstanding the 'stop' event or not doing it right, but it seems to be called several times while the element is bound to is being dragged. makeAllDragable = function () { $(".test-table").draggable({ start: function (event, ui) { $(this).click(); }, stop: function (event, ui) { foo(...

How can I put icons on a jquery ui input button?

Based on the jquery ui button documentation, I tried the following: <jquery>$("#test").button({ icons: { primary:'ui-icon-gear' } });</jquery> <input id="test" type="submit" value="test"></input> However the icon doesn't appear on the button. If I change the <input> to a <span>, it works; but I need the icons on a form submit button. ...

jQuery: position() on created element

The following code creates a div at the bottom of the page: var popup = $('<div id="popup" />') .appendTo('body'); The following code causes it to position correctly once there. $('#popup') .position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left bottom', of: $('#someDiv') }); But this code causes it to appear in the DOM but not be positioned...

Jquery draggable not working in chrome/safari

I have created a page that uses ajax calls to load product images. The jquery code for drag, drop and clone would not work when in the index.php page so I moved it to the page that gets called to request the products as each product has drag, drop code created for it. Works fine in FF, even IE but not in Safari or Chrome. Below is the j...

Is it possible to use JCrop to select multiple area in an image?

I am looking for a solution where I can mark couple of hotspot area in an image. Found JCrop is very well designed for that. But it allows single area to be highlighted but I want a JavaScript solution where multiple area can be highlighted. Can JCrop do this or are there any other API available? ...

jquery ui dialog doesn't call $.get inside dialog afeter first close of the dialog

I have a jquery ui dialog and inside of it I have another one and before opening the one on the inside I call $.get to receive the html for it if I open the first dialog and close it then open it again and try to open the dialog on the inside the html received from $.get doesn't get set page1 <script type="text/javascript"> ...

close jquery UI dialog when file download begins

I am using an ASP.Net MVC site that has a link to an ASP.Net WebForms page that performs the actual download. I would like my jquery ui dialog to close when the download starts. Is there a javascript/jquery event that I can use to accomplish this? I found an example with exactly what I want to do here, but since I'm using MVC instead of...

jQuery combobox with nested option values?

I'm trying to create a combobox with a set of nested option values, using flyouts for the sub-values. jQuery UI Autocomplete seems to be the way to go for a flat list of options, but how can I use it with nested options? If there's a better plugin to use, I'm open to it. ...

Where can I download a non-minified version of jQuery UI?

I'm trying to customize the autocomplete combobox with the intent of using it for nested lists with flyouts. Starting this with the minified version of jQuery UI is obviously not ideal. The download builder only provides minified downloads. ...