Maybe I don't understand how clone works with sortable, but here is what I would like to do.
When sorting an item I would like a clone of the item I am dragging remain until I stop drop the item in its new position.
Here's the code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="
I'm trying to use jquery-ui. I am using one of the drag and drop examples which is pretty much exactly what I need, except instead of moving items between the two lists, I'd like the items to be cloned:
$(function() {
$("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable({
connectWith: ...
I've made an ASP.NET web form that uses the standard ASP.NET validation. I'd like to make the error summary show up in a jQuery UI Modal Message as well as below the actual form.
Is it possible to execute the script if the validation finds an error?
I am using the jquery-ui library. I have two sortables. I want to know the index of the dragged source item. I have something like this:
$(function() {
$("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable({
connectWith: '.connectedSortable'
start: function(event, ui) {
I have a jQuery UI draggable() that works in Firefox and Chrome. The user interface concept is basically click to create a "post-it" type item.
Basically, I click or tap on div#everything (100% high and wide) that listens for clicks, and an input textarea displays. You add text, and then when you're done it saves it. You can drag this e...
Is it possible to open the next panel in a jquery accordion menu through a seperate button onclick event? That is instead of clicking the heading to open another panel, use a button not connected to the accordion.
The reason I want this is so that when the overlay shows a WHITE Background, I can add "webkit-transition-duration" property to allow the white background to nicely fade-in and out using the GPU.
But problem here is that JQUERY seems to remove/add the overlay div every time the dialog is run.
Any ideas?
I have a list of items that have some jQueryUI buttons associated with them. After an action (deleting an item) I want to reload the list via ajax.
Only problem is when I do so the JQueryUI buttons no longer show, just the standard markup.
I know I can use for dynamically adding click handlers etc, but how do I apply a jQ...
I'm using the masonry jquery plugin on a project:
Basically I have a set of boxes (thumbnails) in a grid. When one is clicked, I want it to expand to a larger size to show more content (additional images and text). I'm struggling with how to make the thumbnail dissappear and then have new c...
I have several jQuery UI Sliders and I want to collect their values. Thought it would be a simple task, but when I was going to do it I got stuck and not quite sure what to do anymore :p
The object I would like to end up with should look something like this:
a: 80,
b: 90,
c: 20,
I can do it manually like this:
I'm trying to make an element draggable, like so:
var element = $("<li id='test'>Hello</li>");
element.draggable("option", "connectToSortable", '#panelTarget');
element.draggable("option", "helper", 'clone');
element.draggable("option", "revert", 'invalid');
nothing h...
This is my favorite coverflow:
Is there some way to download this? Or is there an implementation guide?
All I see are some blog posts with nothing on how to implement.
I want to create a pagination script using jquery UI's slider widget. So far I have got the slider working but I dont know how to send request to the server to fetch new content.
So far this is my HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>jQuery UI Slider - Range slider</title>
<link type=...
I have a sidebar with collapsible menu it works fine but all the values come expanded the initial loading time.I want it to be closed on load and toggled thereafter.
Here is the jquery used
// Sidebar Toggle
var fluid = {
Toggle : function(){
var default_hide = {"grid": true };
["pagesnav", "commentsnav", "users...
I have just implemented the excellent jQuery UI autocomplete.
There is a strange bug in IE 8 (and maybe other versions).
When you select an item from the box of suggestions in IE 8 the cursor moves to the begining of the textbox before the suggested word which has just been inserted.
Is there a way to change the color to, say red, the Sundays in a Jquery Datepicker?
Hey guys I'm new to JS and I'm trying to combine some functions I built and add some new functionality, but I'm having a rough go.
$(".1trigger").click(function () {
$(".1expand").toggle("blind", 100);
$(".2trigger").click(function () {
$(".2expand").toggle("blind", 100);
$(".3trigger").click(function () {
Any ideas on how to make the clones draggable?
helper: 'clone',
cursor: 'pointer',
drop: function(event, ui) {
var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*...
I have a sortable list. When a new item is dropped into the list (from a draggable), I'd like to get access to it to perform some operations on it. This is what I have:
receive: function(event, ui) {
alert("this is the dropped item: " + ui.item.toString());
I need a modal dialog to open ontop of an tinyMCE editor and other jQuerified items. I followed the jquery site but its not modal, I can still change and access the rest of the page.
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Yes": function(){