
Toggle Menu Off/On using jQuery

Hi, I currently have a menu within a div called mnugrp and would like to add the following functionality onto my web page that will the allow the user to either hide the menu ("Menu Off") or show the menu ("Menu On") With the main menu showing to start off with I want to be able to place this "Menu Off" item on the page, which would be...

jQuery looping through open dialogs to get/update position of each

I am trying to make the jQuery dialogs stay in their position relative to the window size, so for instance: if the original viewport width is 900px and there are 2 dialogs, one at 100,100 and another at 450,200 when the window is resized to say 1200px the first dialog would be 400,100 and the second at 750,200 I currently have this hand...

jQuery UI Datepicker Today Link

I'm using the jQuery UI Datepicker for a project, but need the today button to enter the date into the textfield when a user clicks on it. By default it just selects the date but doesn't enter it into the field. I'm guessing this will just require a quick mod of my jQuery UI file, but what do I change? Thanks. Edit: I tried this: http:/...

Any ideas how I can detect mouse events beyond containment for a jquery-ui draggable?

Hi - I just made a div draggable, as in: .draggable({ axis: 'x', containment: [ pLeft+margin, 0, pWidth-(margin*2), 0] }).css('opacity', 0.6) and I can see the div overlayed over the parent and draggable along the x axis within the parent a few pixels away from left and right edge (from margin). This is the scenario. Question How do I...

jQuery-ui: How to programatically select selectables

I have a range of items that are selectable. I would like to add a button somewhere that activates a preset selection amongst those. Is there a way I can do that? What I would like is to tell it to "Select these guys" and then have all the events and all fired as normal, so I don't have to call all of those selection events manually. M...

What files should be included to use jQuery tabs?

I'm having yet another wtf moment with jQuery. I am importing the following files (among others) <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.ui.core.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js" type="text/javascript"></s...

Create div dynamically with options for the selected object

I have a component that is draggable, and would enable the option to select when you show a little div on one corner, with some options (delete, new). Well, I'm trying to see some components some programming to do that, and unfortunately found nothing practical. There are some library but has a size gigange (versions with 112KB min.) so...

Why is adding overflow:hidden causing an element to shrink

I'm using jQuery UI, and have built a toolbar (a div element), with button groups (span element), each containing buttons, radios etc. On some of the radio buttons, I have created complex labels to simulate MS Word 2007 style buttons. There is an iframe with a style preview, and a p element with the button name. E.g. <label ... > ...

Click events in a jQuery Dialog occur twice?

Hello, I have been dealing with an odd problem that .click() events happen twice whenever placed in a jQuery Dialog. My simple test case is below and a live example is here <div id="popup" style="display: none"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="testlink">Test Link</a> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#testlink').cli...

jQuery mutually exclusive lists, with one being sortable.

I'm trying to build a website that has one set of staff in the database, and multiple departments. Each staff member may be part of multiple departments. The back-end code is fine with a many-many setup like so: `staff` `depts` | id | name | | id | name | | 1 | Alice | | 1 | Legal | | 2 | Bob ...

Cycle to next tab if current tab is empty - Jquery UI Tabs

I'm using tabs from jquery ui. When the page loads and if the first tab is empty, I would like the second tab to get selected. and if the second tab is empty, then the third tab gets selected etc. This is what I have and it works, but is there a cleaner/better way to do it? $('#tabs').tabs( { selected: 0 } ); var fullTab = 0; if ($(...

jquery slider going over top?

Hello, My slider seems to be going over the top of the slider container? How can I limit it, or make it move at X px increments? http://dubcanada.net/play/emma/jquery/index.html ...

Load Ruby on Rails partial into jQuery UI dialog

Does anyone know how I can load a Ruby on Rails partial into a jquery dialog? I want to do something like this $('#advancedExerciseSearchLink').click(function() { $('#advancedSearch').load('/path/to/advancedsearchform_partial').dialog('show'); } I could pre-load the partial on the parent page and just show it when the advanced sear...

Which library should I use ?

I need to design an interface, where user can drag drop elements into page and design a web page. User will be restricted to add elements only to content area and elements which are added to content area also can be nested. For example, an image can be nested inside a paragraph. I have tried using jquery and was successful up to some e...

overlaying a jquery draggable div

I'm trying to make an optional draggable div, which shows up at some condition. This does work for me. The Initial location is fine, but the new div pushes the panel below further below. Now I want the draggable panel to be displayed on top of the rest of the panels (without reshuffling the existing panels). The code is below, and I put ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete use startsWith

I'm using the jQuery UI Autocomplete with a local datasource (source: myArray). I want the autocomplete to propose only the results that start with the string entered instead of the default case-insensitive contains search. Is there a simple solution for this or do I have to provide my custom search/source callback? ...

Testing for the presence of jQury UI modal dialog or alternative on page

Hi, I was wondering how you can test for the presence of a jQuery UI modal dialog with Selenium. I have done some Google searching but nothing is abundantly clear. although this page suggested isVisible(): http://groups.google.com/group/selenium-test-tool/browse_thread/thread/6affc0ef45a1d4a6?pli=1 I would also require to test eleme...

Howto clone/copy/mirror a jquery tab

How can i make jquery tabs, with exactly the same tabs on top AND bottom of the content? So these 2 tabs combined, and MIRRORing eachother: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/default.html http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/bottom.html ...

jquery datepicker : Validate current input value?

I've been using the Datepicker plugin from jQuery UI. I want to be able to validate if the input textbox it is attached to currently has a valid date or not. For example: If someone decides to type in 02/30/2010 I'd like to be able to somehow ask the plugin if that current input value is a valid date (which it is not in this case). Do...

jQuery UI sortable serialize or toarray methods - advice wanted.

I have been looking at http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/#default most of the day. I would imaging updating a database with the new values is what most would want. As I am using ASP.NET my idea is to use the serialize to send the new values to a page that updates the database. Here is the script: <script type="text/javascript"> j...