
attribute value

I have an atribute test that I get the value of like this $('#row').attr("test"); now I need to put this in a loop and get the value but its not working. This is what I am doing for(var i=0; i=mySpansCount; i++) { var x=($('#row').attr("test")); alert(x[i]); } All I am getting in alert box is undefined. Thanks ...

jquery attribute value in a loop

Possible Duplicate: attribute value I have an atribute test that I get the value of like this $('#row').attr("test"); //this works now I need to put this in a loop and get the value but its not working. This is what I am doing for(var i=0; i=mySpansCount; i++) { alert($('#row').attr("test")[i); } All I am getting in al...

I need to remove the jquery validation messages from a modal form

I am using a Jquery UI modal form to post data back to my action and it works fine. However when I put client side validation on and the user closes the modal without submitting the form retains the validation messages and styles. It there away to clear the validation messages on the client? What element is the message wrapped in? ...

jqueryui tabs : is it possible to keep the navigation tabs visible when content is scrolled vertically?

My jqueryui tab-set consists of several pages of fairly lengthy content -- the user must scroll vertically to move through each document. Here's a simplified version: /MAIN TEXT\ /END-NOTES\ ============================= blah blah blah . . . (lots more text) . the end If the user is reading through the main text, and has sc...

ASP.NET MVC2 Strange Validation Problem with Regex (DataAnnotations)

I've got my validation wired up through my Service layer, and my Birthdate property looks like this. <DisplayName("birthdate")> _ <RegularExpression("^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$", ErrorMessage:="Birthdate is not in the correct format.")> _ <DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode:=True, ConvertEmptyStringToNull:=True, DataFormatString...

jQuery autocomplete only working once in dialog.

I have this test code that works perfectly except the autocomplete stops working the second time the dialog is opened. I need to open the dialog this way using html because i want it to open really fast, and this was the best way. Why does autocomplete stop working the second time? var $container = $('#container'), $input = $contain...

.hide()/.show() and Droppable

I have a problem where the element calls .show() when the draggable triggers drag, does not let me drop into the droppable. How can I fix this? $(document).ready(function() { $(".folder").droppable({ greedy: true, drop: function(event, ui) { $(".folder").hide(); }, tolerance: 'touch' }); ...

Jquery Close Dialog Box

I am wanting to add a close button to this dialog box. Can anyone tell me how to add this into my script? var IE = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>=0) ? true : false; if(IE){ $(function(){ $("<div>") .css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '0px', 'left': '0px', backgroun...

Display page length at the bottom of table

All, I am using Jquery Data Tables. I am using the following example: DataTables with Pagination I was wondering if there's a way to display "Show 10 Entries" on the bottom instead of top. It should be displayed right before "Showing 1 to 10 of 51 entries".. at the bottom of the table. How can I do that? Thanks ...

Jquery Plugin Drag & Drop sample

Hello All.... I have a requirements, where I have to implements the drag & drop functionality for end client. From where end - client can drag a table fields in which they are interested. and even remove the dragged field back to the list. It would be great if anybody can provide me some demo link with source code... Thanks in advanc...

jQuery UI Date Picker

Hi, I am showing the birthday option and have used the jquery ui date picker. The problem is that I want show past dates for example starting from 1950 till 2000 but I don't know how to do that, i tried this but it did not work: $('#dob').datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: 'images/calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: tr...

How to display ui timepickr on front using z-index?

Inside colorbox, I am using timepickr. The problem is timepickr content cut down at edge of colorbox due to overflow: hidden. Here I pasted some code, // javascript code written by me jQuery(".transportPopup").colorbox({ initialWidth: 150, initialHeight: 150, width: 920, scrolling: false, transition: "elastic", opacity: 0.3 }, funct...

Jquery > Selector

In this example (which is working) on click of a button the section is toggled visible/invisible. Great but what is the code in line 2 actually doing?? I have found a reference to the :eq(0) part here on jQuery.com but the '>' I have no clue. Under firebug it doesn't seem to matter if the '>' is there or not. $("#btnHideShow").click(fu...

jquery dialog not the same after reopening

I fill the content of a div with $.get and show it with dialog('open') the first time inside the dialog everything works as expected ( inside I have other dialogs, with jquery.form .ajaxForm inside of them ) but after I close the dialog and open it again some things don't work <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { ...

How can i access the jqueryUI theme i generated through themeroller to use on my website?

Basically how do i use themeroller styles? Step 1 - to - actually seeing the styles on my page of choice. Here's the html im currently using to try to access the tabs <?php if (isset($user_number)){ ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title> Wahalu - Dashboard </title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/wahalu/css/style...

How to cancel jQuery UI dialog open?

I have the following: container.dialog().bind('dialogopen', function(event, ui) { ... if (someCondition) { $(this).dialog('close'); // the dialog is not closed! } } How I should make it work? Unfortunately there is no 'beforeopen' event to be hooked. ...

jquery skin slider?

Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to integrate jquery.ui slider into an image? ...

jquery ui bottonset() doesnt work

Hi all. Im trying to widgetize a group of radio buttons with jquery ui. jquery and jquery-ui is loaded from googleapis. I've uploaded a ui theme and included the css file in the header. This is how I call the buttonset function: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#color").buttonset(); }); </script> And this is the...

Vertical Toolbar like Menu using JQuery with Drag and Drop

Hello - I'm trying to build a vertical menu which has options like open, save, print, email and other options. I want this menu to be movable and any one of these icons to be dragged to container. I have looked at Jquery UI but I am looking for some menu example which has the css for this menu with these icons. Any help will be very ...

Disable a sortable?

Hi, I have a draggable connected to a sortable: $("#panelTarget").sortable({ distance: '15' }); var element = $('<li>Hello</li>'); element.appendTo('#panelSource'); element.draggable(); element.draggable("option", "connectToSortable", '#panelTarget'); at some point, I want to make it impossible for the user to drop items onto th...