
distinguish between events original and cloned html block

Hi , I am using jquery 1.3 , When i clone the element with clone(true) all the data + event are copied , but the problem is to distinguish between event of the original html block and cloned html block. When i tries to fire event to cloned html blocks then original html block's event also get fired. so now the big problem is how to ...

jQuery UI AutoComplete Passing input data

I am sure this has been asked a ton of times, but would appreciate some assistance. I am trying to setup the jQuery UI, which I can get a static result list with from JSON. But I need to pass my INPUT value onto the PHP script to that it can actually filter the results. My Code for the Input Field <input id="search" /> My Code for...

change css inline using jquery

I have a button like this <input type="button" id="btnEdit" value="Edit Selected" class="emrBTN" style="top:5;right:95;width:100; visibility:hidden" /> I want to change the visibility to visible using jquery onclick ob a button event. How can I do that. Thanks ...

jQuery Highlighter Alternative

I searched everywhere but is there an alternative for http://www.dailymarkup.com/ ...

How to make JQuery UI work in a partial?

I am a COMPLETE beginner at JQuery (and javascript in general) but I'm having a go at this. Simple setup: Layout contains view, which contains simple JQuery tabs just like http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/default.html. I have the following haml in layout head: %head = javascript_include_tag "jquery", "ui/jquery.ui.core", "ui/jquery.ui...

Implementing JQuery UI 1.8.2 custom themes in ASP.Net MVC2

HI, I am new to JQuery. I am having issues implementing the same. I want to use the tab from the JQuery custom themes. The issue is that the css don't seem to apply. I have gone through a lot of blogs etc on google but nothing seem to work for me. I have followed what is mention here. I am also pasting the contents of site.master and /...

how to set background images when jquery dialog ui is open()

how to set background images when jquery dialog ui is open() how can i set background images of html page in jquery ...

jquery radio cannot change after 1st selection!

I have the following stucture: #main.accordion() h4#header1 <table><tbody><tr><td> <input type=radio name=1_1 value=1 id=1_1><label for='1_1'>1</label> <input type=radio name=1_1 value=2 id=1_2><label for='1_2'>2</label> <ul>some text</ul> With several h4 headers of similar structure. When I click on t...

Jquery UI Tabs add class

Below is my HTML set up for the tabs which all works fine, i want to extend it a bit by changing the class of the outer containing div (id=tab-wrap class=bike) to whatever tab is showing. The idea is to change the background image based on the tab. <div id="tab-wrap" class="bike"> <div id="batter-finder"> <h1>B...

How do I set the correct path in the jQuery script?

Dear all... I've been creating my website on another PC. Now I want to copy all PHP and jQuery files to my notebook... but all jQuery widgets does not show. How do I put the correct address in my script?? <link href="js/jquery.ui.all.css" rel=.....> The files are at: local disc(c:)/xampp/htdocs/js/jquery.ui.all ...

How to make two DIVs draggable?

Hi guys, Say I have Div1 and Div2. I want to make that when a user is dragging around Div1, Div2 should also drag along. Any ideas how do I make it? Here's what I got so far... $(document).ready(function() { $("#apDiv1").draggable(); $("#apDiv2").draggable(); //<- how do I link it do Div1 ? }); EDIT --------------------------...

How do i get jquery accordion working?

hey guys Need a quick solution to this . Basically I have My HTML like so : <div id="accordion"> <h3><a href="#">First header</a></h3> <div>First content</div> <h3><a href="#">Second header</a></h3> <div>Second content</div> </div> and javascript like this <script type="text/javascript"> $(fu...

jQuery cycle slideshow resize problem

Sample Link On this page I have a splash screen in the middle which is 100% width and it rotates graphical images every 8 sec. I have 3 div inside this slideshow. Main div contains the slideshow , internal div has repeater background image and internal div inside that has gradient image. Problem 1. When you try to make the browser sm...

jQuery modal and load problem

I'm having a problem with jQuery dialog and load on a web application i'm developing. On a search result page, on each entry i have a link that give a quick view of the result, firing a modal dialog that retrieves and show html content using jQuery load. Everything works great and i can close and open dialogs as i want without any proble...

Jumping a week or month in the jQuery UI Datepicker

PetersenDidIt did a great job answering this question. He showed how to use a link to update the jQueryUI Datepicker's selected date by one day. His solution was: $('a#next').click(function () { var $picker = $("#datepicker"); var date=new Date($picker.datepicker('getDate')); date.setDate(date.getDate()+1); $picker.datepicker('setDate'...

jQuery ui accordion with panel that contains scrolling content and a fixed header

I would like to have an accordion with a panel that has a fixed header with a date picker in it and scrollable content while the accordion has fillspace set to true. So the accordion panel called panel-hmmm should not scroll but the div inside called scrollable-content should. <div id="accordion-west"> <h3> <a href="#">hmmm<...

jQuery UI switchClass fails under IE8

I'm trying to use jQuery UI to animate a transition on a form and while the code works correctly in Firefox and Chrome, a Javascript error occures in IE8. I'm using jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js and the error given is: Message: 'end.0' is null or not an object - Line: 819 - Char: 6 My CSS: .formfield { background-color: White; ...

Refresh draggable containment

Hi Guys I have a draggable element that has containment set as parent. This works great but the div content can change making it taller. Is there anyway to trigger the drag event that will ensure it doesnt move from inside its parent. As right now it can overlap the parent until it is dragged then the containment kicks in. Best Regards...

Radio input in header of accordion problem ?BUG

SOLVED! $('#bset1').click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); I have several radio buttons in the element. Everything works fine, but when I add .accordion() t...

Google Map iframe in jquery-ui tabs changes view.

So, i've included a simple google map in a Jquery UI tab - but when the tab is opened, the map is centered in the wrong place (not too far off, but too much to be acceptable). Whith the tabs-functinality turned off there is no such problem. Ii this a known problem? SHould I be using the google maps API instead of including an iframe? E...