
using telerik grid with jquery ui dialog!

Hi every one, in mvc user control called form.ascx, I have a Telerik Grid contained in a div called "details". from a page called edit.aspx i wrote the following: <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <div id="details"> <%Html.RenderPartial("form", Model != null ? Model.CurrentEnt...

jUI TimePicker and MySQL DATETIME column

I'm using the Martin Milesich TimePicker, which is basically the jUI datepicker with hour/minute sliders attached to it. I have a couple of queries regarding this: 1) I'm storing the data in a database field of type DATETIME - as you're probably aware the default format for this field is 2010-07-19 14:00:00. In my form field however I ...

How to display a dialog only when correct data is entered in a field?

I have a field in my form which accepts only numbers and I am validating in the below function. In the function I want to activate the dialog only when the user enter numbers only (no letters). When characters are entered it shold show an error. $('#submit').click(function(e){ $("#form").validationEngine({ inlineValidation...

Do I need to use tbody, it looks like the browsers are generating it anyway

I do like this on my document ready: $("thead").addClass("ui-state-default"); $("tbody").addClass("ui-state-highlight"); And I noticed that the class is added also to the tables that don't have tbody, I tested on all browsers. Should I ever bother to write tbody when i generate/write my HTML? ...

How to force jQuery animations to run simultaneously?

I have a web page with animations (JQuery Animation) all over the place. A typical animation sequence may contain three or four objects animating independently at the same time. The issue I am facing is that the queuing of the animations is not predictable. Some of the animations are running simultaneously while some others are not. I a...

jQuery Draggable() and keyboard control

Hey there, I have a page with the jQuery Draggable() enabled on #person and that #person is constrained to #map. (link to plugin: http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Draggables/draggable ) However, I have also added control with the Arrow keys on the keyboard. Now, they all play well together until I get to the edge of the constrained area (the ...

How do I combine multiple events in a jQuery UI autocomplete?

In the code below, I have the same function on three different events (focus, select, change). This seems redundant but I can't figure out how to combine the three into one. Thanks in advance for any ideas! $("input[name^='addSchool']").autocomplete({ source: function (request, response) { var temp = $("input[name^='addSchoo...

JQuery dialog form behavior issues

I'm using JQuery for the first time and I've been working with the JQuery UI dialog example. I've extended it with a few extra inputs. I'm experiencing odd behaviors in different browsers. When I try IE, the append works as expected. When I try Chrome, the append works but it appends twice. When I try FireFox, the form is visibl...

jquery draggable -- animate "clone" on drop

I'm building a widget which allows user to copy items from one list over to another, but dragging. I've figured out the helper: 'clone' option will allow me to drag a copy of my draggable, rather than the draggable itself. I'd like to have the clone animate/snap in to place when I drop it on my droppable, but it seems to be destroyed as...

event on tab deselect in jquery ui tabs

Hi I m using jquery ui tabs 1.8.1 I want to bind an event or a script to run when a tab gets deselected and any other tab is selected for eg. if i have four tabs and tab four is selected when i select tab 1 or tab 2 then a event should run such that i can stop any timers running in tab 4 Another question related is if i m running an...

Only Perform Action Once in jQuery

I am using jQuery UI and trying to disable all text boxes in a data group, but only do so once per loading of the tabs. Here is what I have so far: $(function () { $("#tabs").tabs({ cache: true, load: function (event, ui) { $(".data-group").one('load', function () { $(...

http://wiki.jqueryui.com/browse/#view=ViewAllObjects source code

Hi all, I am looking for the http://wiki.jqueryui.com/browse/#view=ViewAllObjects source code. any idea where i can find it ? -Aruna ...

how to clean the css style of jquery-ui be added automatically when someone use ".draggable()"

this is my code : <style type="text/css"> #draggable { width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 0.5em; float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0; border:1px solid #DDDDDD; color:#333333; background:#F2F2F2; } #droppable { width: 150px; height: 150px; padding: 0.5em; float: left; margin: 10px; border:1px solid #E78F08; ...

error data(...)option null in IE6 for ui.draggable .remove()

hi everyone when i try to remove the ui.draggable in the drop function i get the above error .that is only for internet explorer6 but for crhome and firefox it works probably.i have tried a work arround but it still does not works.the error has something to do with the jquery-ui.js file $(document).ready(function(){ $('input#hi...

jQueryUI dialog opens off screen in IE8

Whenever I open a dialog box in IE8 and the current page has vertical scrolls, the dialog box is opened off screen. For example: <body> <!-- This will be our button --> <div id="btntest" style="border:solid 1px; cursor:pointer;">Test button</div> <?php # 200 lines of blank spaces to show vertical scroll bars for($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++){...

jquery menu navigator

Hi all. I am looking for a sample code for a menu navigator like in the jquery wiki, "navigator". I have seen this http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/jquery_ipod_style_and_flyout_menus/ But i have no idea how to make it looks like the above one. Please help! Thank you -Aruna ...

Dragging issue in DIV

In a DIV tag, I had appended a SPAN control by using the following script, at load $("#<%=divDimensions.ClientID %>").append("<SPAN id='spnDrag' class='draggable' style='CURSOR:hand'>" + $(ui.draggable).text() + "</SPAN><br>"); where "divDimensions" is the DIV control. And the jquery script I had wriiten for dragging the span control...

Easy way to overwrite basic jQuery-UI css?

Hello, I feel like this is a silly question but I always find that modifying certain CSS attributes to be a hassle when working with jQuery. Let's say I define an element as a jQuery-UI object (like autocomplete or the datepicker) how do I go about modifying the CSS without having to go on the UI site and building my own theme? For exa...

jQuery draggable div makes overflow:hidden page scroll

I setup a draggable div with the .draggable() UI from jQuery's site. My main container div is set to be the width and height of the window with overflow:hidden so there will never be a scrollbar on the page. My problem is that when I start dragging my draggable div off the page it makes my page scroll (which I do not want). Here is my...

jQuery UI button won't stay hidden in IE7

Ok, I have made a twitter-style control panel to apply filters and sorting to a list, the code for it is like this: <div id="drawer"> <div id="orderDrawer" class="subDrawer" > <div class="closeDrawer clearfix ui-icon ui-icon-closethick">close</div> <h4>sorteer</h4> <div id="orderPanel"> <!-...