
Get Tree Node name

I have a ASP.Net TreeView Control with Checkboxes along Child nodes. I want to get Text of the checked Child Node in the TreeView control. And I want to get the checked Child Node Text using jQuery/javascript. Mostly I had used jQuery in the page I had done. I had used $(this).text(). But its not working. Since the control is ASP.Net Tr...

jquery how to get the button that has opened the dialog

Hello, I have a dialog that is opened by many buttons. How can I know which button has opened that dialog? $('#dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, buttons: { "Ok": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }, "Cancel": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }, open: function(event, ui) { //HERE ::...

Overlapping with Fusion Chart

While I drag an element (DIV or SPAN or any ), over the FusionChart control, the draggable element disappears. Sometimes the elements comes under the FusionChart. I need to drag the element over the Fusion Chart control. Here I am using Drag and Drop using jQuery. And i am dragging a text. What is the solution ? ...

jQuery Slider - How do I make a group of sliders having max value depending on another Slider?

Here is a hard one I have been trying to get it work. It does work half way however I think the logic is the problem. I will explain the situation and the problem below. Situation: Want to use a slider controller to select number of Adult,Child,Infant that can occupy inside a room. For example, a Room which can accommodate 3 person, whe...

How to get rid of margins in jquery layout

I am using jquery layout and I have a very hard time getting rid of the margins on the panes. There is always a margin and no amount of css will get rid of them. I am implementing the simple demo.simple demo So basically I want the same thing but without any margins/padding on the inner panes. Ill ajust these my self. The objective is to...

Trying to keep slid div open with SlideDown/Up

I'm building a menu control that consists of a header area and a content area that contains the links. I'm hiding the content area initially and then calling SlideDown when I hover over the header and SlideUp when you leave the header. My problem is I want to keep the content area open if you are over it, as well. <div id="header">H...

Problem with UI Layout plugin in combination with Tokenizing autocomplete plugin, MVC .NET application

Hello, i have problem with jquery layout plugin in combination with Tokenizing autocomplete plugin. When i click on close bar on one of panes inside which sits input text box with tokenizing autocomplete plugin, div close. But, when reope i can find 2 input text boxes with tokenizing plugin. Anyone have solution for this? Need to preve...

Why doesn't this DIV drop down in the right spot?

Okay, here is the problem. I have an unordered list with a bunch of items. For each item, there is a corresponding DIV that will drop down when the item is hovered over. The sample can be found here. Now, it works fine unless you scroll down the page a bit and then try to hover over the item. Then it slides down further up the page tha...

Datepicker formatting correctly

ok so i have a datepicker and the initial state is like this Jul. 21, 2010 but when i pick a date i get this format 07/21/2010 how do i get it so when i select the date from the datepicker it goes back to this format Jul. 21, 2010 here is my code <p class="left search_date"><%= text_field_tag "tee_date", @date.strftime('%b. %d, %Y'), :...

remove SPAN and BR in DIV

I have filled data enclosed in a SPAN tag and BR tag for line break, in a DIV control. From the DIV, I wanted to remove a patricular text, ie removing the whole SPAN and BR associated with the text too using jquery or javascript. I tried .remove() in jquery. It seems not working. I dont know what is the correct way. The script I used f...

Problem formatting jQuery UI Calendar

Hi Guys, I am stuck with a problem of formatting jQuery UI Calendar. The format for the calendar is based on the user preference. If the user selects the Date format from the first select box, then the UI calendar format should be based on that... Please share ideas on how to achieve this.. thanks in advance.. jQuery Code jQuery(functi...

jquery datepicker Buddhist date

Hi All, is there any jquery datepicker plugin to display as Buddhist date? currently I use jquery ui datepicker to display it, but it's not actually I want. here is the code $(document).ready( function() { $("#datepicker").datepicker( { appendText: ' yyyy-mm-dd', autoSize: true, buttonImage: 'images/calenda...

Unable to drag using image within anchor link in Chrome or IE

This is going to be fairly hard to explain, so I've put together a JsFiddle to help demonstrate. http://jsfiddle.net/j5TKr/ I've tried to include everything that I require without complicating it too much. The overall aim is to have a list of li's which can be selected (single click, ctrl-click, shift-click) or double-clicked to be open...

jQuery UI Sortable - Determine which element is beneath the element being dragged

I've implemented jQuery UI's Sortable plug-in on a simple unordered list. Is there any way to determine which element is beneath the element being dragged? In this screenshot Row 3, column 1 is hovering over Row 2-3, column 1. In this case; I would need to get hold of Row 2-3, column 1. ...

Silverlight player not working in jquery ui tab

Hello All,I have used jquery ui tab control and within that tab i placed JW Player(free silverlight player www. longtailvideo.com/players/jw-wmv-player/ ). Now let me describe my problem...I have four tab page 1. Player 2. Participant 3. Tag 4. Share. I placed JW player in first tab page. And other tab pages will display some data on dem...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with hybrid text/id search

I'm having a lot of trouble making jQuery's autocomplete widget work for me. I am using a list of key/value pairs from a server. I have the following requirements: If the user selects a value from the widget, I want to pass the ID to the server. If the user doesn't select a value and enters raw text, or modifies a value that has alr...

JQuery Drag/Drop/Modal Usage

I'm trying to use draggable/droppable in a manner that allows you to drag and item, drop it in place(not sort), and then click on it to bring up an edit modal. I'm getting stumped on how you make the item edittable(sp?) once you drop it. Currently my code looks almost exactly like the jquery draggable/droppable demo. But here it is any...

.change doesn't work, when the value changes via another script

i have a select tag <select name="valueAA" id="valueAA"> i use UI Slider, and i need to write a function onchange of select tag, but when it changes via slider, my function doesn't work. $("#valueAA").change(function() { alert("works");// doesn't work }) can i avoid such behavior without changing the ui s...

css selector jquery problem

I have the following code $(function() { $('#totalRecords').css('visibility', 'hidden'); alert("hi"); }); Problem is that it doesnt hide my drop down which is <span id="lblCodes" class="pol" style="top:4;left:209;">Codes</span> <span id="totalRecords" class="pol" style="top:4;left:350;visibility:visible;"> <select id...

jquery ui buttons inconsistent hover state

I've got 4 buttons using Jquery UI's "button" feature. 3 work flawlessly. the 4th does not seem to want to always apply the jquery ui hover class "ui-state-hover" when it is hovered. it does some of the time, but most of the time it only applies a "hover" class (i'm watching it in firebug) and that obviously doesn't match up w/ their ...