
JQuery Datepicker - only select mondays and thursdays...

I have the following code which only allows users to select Mondays from jquery datepicker. I want to adapt this to be able to select mondays and thursdays. Any ideas? beforeShowDay: function(date){ return [date.getDay() == 1,""]} ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete with a JSON datasource generated from Rails - not working

I'm trying to set up an input tag with jquery autocomplete function, but it's doesn't work when Im referring to an external JSON data. It works perfectly, however, with local JSON-like array... Let me explain this in my code: HTML file: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></s...

jQuery event sequence ....

Hello, I have a main screen with 2 parts a list and a detail section. Via a button, I open a modal dialog. On this modal dialog, 2 buttons one for save and the other for cancel. After the save, I call a function to refresh the list on the main screen and close the dialog. The problem, sometimes, the list is refresh before the end of the...

Jquery UI dialog background not growing when form loaded with ajax

When I load a form into a Jquery UI dialog, if the form is longer than the existing page, the background does not continue down the full length of the page. If I use the resizer to shrink the dialog and then stretch it back again then the background stretches with it. Just wondering if there is some kind of function I can call to r...

jquery-ui dialog: how to add tabs to content area ?

How can you add tabbing to the jquery-ui dialog content area ? ...

JQuery UI Autocomplete with .Net MVC: How to display the label when selected but save the value.

I have implemented Autocomplete and I'm having trouble with the label vs. value in the text box after the item is selected. When I type in a zip code, I see the label in the dropdown: but after I select one, instead of the label showing in the text box, the value (which is the ID that needs to be saved to the database) is displayed: ...

Why can't this checkbox, created dynamically with jQuery, be clicked?

jsFiddle I'm using a jQuery plugin that allows the user to draw boxes in an area. I use jQuery to put a checkbox (along with a dropdown list) in the box that appears when the user lets go of the mouse button (this is towards the bottom of the javascript in the jsFiddle). The problem is, the checkbox is unclickable. I do have some clic...

jQuery ui autocomplete - renderItem

I am using _renderItem to modify the result list .data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { var temp = item.url.substring(16, item.url.length) return $( "<li></li>" ) .data( "item.autocomplete", item ) .append( "<a>" + item.value + "<br>" + item.url + "<br>" + item.descri...

How do I use MVC HandleError attribute with JQueryUI Dialog?

I have HandleError attribute working normally, however: I have a jqueryui dialog that displays a partial view. If i generate an error in this action the dialog just remains blank and no redirect to the Error.aspx page. What do I need to do to get this to work? ...

Multiple jquery dropdown menus on 1 page

I'm new to jquery and i'm trying to make a dropdown menu list like on www.teefury.com (mens and woman sizes). I came pretty close but when i click 1 of the buttons all of them open (or on my second try only the first one). Thus my questions: Does anyone know a tutorial i can use for this? What's the best way to try and create one on my...

Jquery dialog, javascript

Hello I have a jquery dialog with an input text and some checkboxes. The problem is that i cant set focus or enter text in the inputs, I am using jqueryui 1.7.3 and 1.3.2 core, firefox 3.6.10? On IE the problem doesn't exist, so is this a bug of jquery or firefox? Any solutions? thanks code: $('#corr_types').dialog({ wi...

ASP.net ListView, EditTemplate + JQuery UI Sortable. Triggers EditTemplate on wrong ListView item.

I'm trying to implement .sortable on a ListView, with a few problems. Using this event I save the order of the elements: $('#sortable').bind("sortupdate", function (event, ui) { var array = $('#sortable').sortable("toArray"); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "../Resources/WebServices/MailTemplateCategory....

Changing the minDate in a JQueryUI Datepicker won't work

I have two datepickers: $('#Date1, #Date2').datepicker({ defaultDate: +1, minDate: +1 }); Whenever I select a date in Date1, I want to set this picked date as the minDate in Date2. I setted a function call for the onclick of Date1. function RefreshDate2() { $("#Date2").datepicker({ defaultDate: $("#Date1").datepicker("getDa...

jQuery UI Datepicker Add Days

I'm attempting to create something of range system for booking rooms on a hotel website and I'm using jQuery UI Datepicker to allow the user to select their check in date. What I then want to do is create another field that's simple "Number of Nights" and have jQuery Datepicker take the check in date, add the number of nights, and set th...

Jquery ui dialog does not close for the second time with dynamic iframe.....

$('.Editcoupon').click(function() { var strRef = ''; var strid = ''; var strSelectedval = ''; strRef = $(this).attr('ref'); strid = $(this).attr('id'); strqueryvalue = $(this).attr('ref').match(/Defaultcoupon=([0-9]+)/)[1]; $("...

jquery Autocomplete("widget") explained.

From the jQuery UI documentation: widget .autocomplete( "widget" ) Returns the .ui-autocomplete element. How can I use this in conjunction with actually specifying parameters for the autocomplete? I have a scenario such as this: $("#employees").autocomplete({ source: '/roster/home/search' }); I would like to add a ...

Can I centre a jQuery UI dialog to a div?

I've got a main content div, and I'd like to centre the dialog to that div, rather than to the page. Any ideas? I know there's a position utility, but I can't work out how to use it with the dialog position options. ...

Include jquery ui function in plugin

I am wondering how I can include the drag functionality from the jquery UI library in a separate plugin I am modifying. I want to make a div draggable, but don't want to have to write my own method. ...

Jquery Selector & Events

Jquery UI Function: // Datepicker $('#datepicker').datepicker({ inline: true }); Event: <input name="txtLogistics_ExecutionDate" type="text" id="datepicker" onfocus="datepicker();" /> My question is: have confusion on how to implement datepicker across multiple text fields. Do I have to named each text field ID on the function? H...

What do other people think of using "custom" attributes to make things easier (in jQuery)...

Hey, I am currently jQuerifying (if there is such a word) my website. I am not good at JavaScript at all, and not great on jQuery. Object orientation is way passed me in JS, but the rest of my site is object oriented VB.net. I noticed, from some experience I had of jQuery a while back, just how difficult it can be when loading pages for...