
jQuery UI Dialog: $(".modal").dialog is not a function?

On my page, I am loading some HTML (via AJAX) into a div. The new HTML contains my $('.modal') jQuery UI Dialog. Once the HTML is loaded, FireBug gives me an error message for each modal in my HTML saying: $(".modal").dialog is not a function height: 'auto' The weird thing is that it's working. When I click the element that trigge...

jQuery UI: Show transition on Safari

Hey, I'm using jQuery UI to make transitions between pages on my website. It works great on Firefox, but on Safari this function slides the div to the extreme right, then it goes back to the center of the screen. Note that it's not like a bounce effect. Does anyone know a good solution for that? Thanks! ...

Editabel-selectbox using jquery

Hi I want to use a editable-select box using jquery 1.4 in my jsp in wps.\ Can any one post the answer. ...

Jquery remove,add and find query

In the following code,after removing the checkboxes and adding it again.The alert always becomes true for "could not find checkboxes" <div id="r_n"> <div name="r_t"><input type="checkbox" name="r_name" />Name</div> <div name="r_t"><input type="checkbox" name="r_name" />Address</div> <div name="r_t"><input type="checkbox" ...

Jquery UI Accordion - Cancel Change

Hi All, I have been wrestling with this one for a while now. I want to have a confirm() before someone changes the accordion. I have tried: $(document).ready(function() { var edited = false; $(".accordion-me").accordion({ autoHeight: false, navigation: true, changestart: function(event, ui) { ...

JQuery UI Auto-Sortable Accordian - is this possible?

Hello, I want to have something similar to the sortable accordian in JQuery UI, that automatically sorts itself i.e. the active accordion panel (the open one - last one clicked) automatically moves to the top of the accordion. Any ideas? Here's the link to the JQ UI page: http://jqueryui.com/demos/accordion/#sortable Thanks! Here's ...

How can I reproduce the "wait" functionality provided by JavaScript's confirm() function?

I'm trying to write a custom in-window confirm dialog (based on jQuery UI) that we can use to control all aspects of the window (button text, etc). What I'd really like is for the control to behave exactly the way that the built-in confirm() function behaves (call confirm(), script execution pauses until the user clicks ok or cancel, con...

JQuery: DatePicker defaults.

Hi all, I have a lot of JQuery DatePicker's in my application. How can I set to all this elements default settings/options? $(function() { $( "#<%=dtIncident2.ClientID %>" ).datepicker({ showOn: "button", buttonImage: "AppData/Images/calendar.gif", buttonImageOnly: true, showWeek:...

jQuery UI Accordion - reactivate default active element on mouseout

I'm using an accordion for navigation and I need each element to become active on mouseover, but on mouseout the initial active element should expand, instead of the last hovered one. This is what I'm trying: <div id="accordion"> <h3 id="item-1">Item 1</h3> <div id="item-1-content">Item 1 content</div> <h3 id="item-2">Item ...

Prepend New Section To Jquery UI Accordion When Link Is Clicked...? (Code Igniter)

Hello, I'd like to add a new section to a Jquery UI accordion when someone clicks a link, either on the same page or a different page. I've looked at the append() function but the content I'd be pulling in would contain PHP as well as HTML, so it'd need to be parsed. The link the user would be clicking would reference a database record...

jQueryUI - "invalid label" error in console

Getting a JS error when I load the following script: // increase the default animation speed to exaggerate the effect $.fx.speeds._default = 1000; $(function() { $( "#dialog" ).live('dialog',function() { autoOpen: false, show: "blind", hide: "explode" }); $( "#opener" ).live('click',function() { ...

Modifying Rails helpers to add HTML classes

I'm starting to use the jQuery UI CSS Framework for an app, which means I have to start adding classes to everything. So, for example, I want to make all buttons jQuery-themed, which means adding a class to all buttons. I imagine there's some way in Rails to modify the helpers so I don't have to manually add a :class => 'blah' to every ...

jQuery UI datepicker & dialog sends data to # when a date is selected

jQuery UI datepicker y dialog When a date is selcted in a datepicker that is in a dialog, the data is sent to #. When a date is selected, only the text should be selected and the data should not be sent until the submit is clicked. Is there a solution to this? ...

jquery append behaving strangely in jquery dialog

I have a jquery dialog in which I display a form. The form has a "picture_fields" div in it that I append new fields to if the user clicks on "Add More Pictures", i.e. the form displays with one "Picture" file-field, but the users can add more be clicking the "Add More Pictures" link. This all works great the first time the dialog with...

jquery Datepicker does not close when clicking on it

I am using jquery datepicker widget all over my application always initializing it with the same method, the simplest one $("[ID$=dueDate]").datepicker(); I have checked the documentation and there is nothing that seems to help on it. How can I have the datepicker to close when I click on a day? ...

jQuery UI Datepicker Range

I asked a pretty similar question a few days ago, but this one is different enough that I didn't feel like derailing the other helpful topic. I basically want to set up two text input fields and hook them both up with jQuery UI's Datepicker to have them act as a range... I want the second input field start date to be contingent upon what...

jQueryUI - uncaught exception: cannot call methods...

I'm very new to jQuery and trying to run a pretty simple jQueryUI dialog box in my PHP application. In firebug console I get the error: uncaught exception: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'open' Here is my code: $(function() { $( "#dialog" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, show: "blin...

how to set default jquery ui theme ?

I am working on Jquery-UI my question how to set default jquery ui theme ? please provide code. ...

looking for jQuery toolbar and listbox plugin

Hi, I am looking for 2 jQuery plugins: toolbar and listbox. Can somebody give any suggestions? Eric ...

jQuery UI DatePicker - Departing Date and Returning Date

Hi, Basically what I'm trying to do is create two DatePicker fields. The first is the departing date and the second is the returning date. So for example if someone was looking for a holiday that was a 5 night stay, when they loaded the page the dates would look as follows: 01/12/2010 | Calendar Icon 07/12/2010 | Calendar Icon For the...