
how to manage large client side only web apps

I am building a project which uses jQuery UI for the client side. My goal is to have my web-app never do a postback and do everything client side. While developing though I found almost all my code goes into 1 .js file and 1 .html file where I have a lot of div's which I show and hide when appropriate. Is there a better way to organize...

jQuery UI draggable does not work in Firefox with "error draggable() is not a function"

It is really weird that the draggable works in all browsers but Firefox. I tried in IE6.0, Opera, Safari, all are ok. But Firefox prompted below error: $("#draggable").draggable is not a function. Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt...

Open Jquery Dialog Using asp.net Gridview Template Field

Hi. How Can I Open Jquery Dialog with and image button that putted in Gridview Template Field? <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="افزودن"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:ImageButton ID="add" runat="server" CausesValidation="false" CommandName="adddetail" ...

how to drag the blue form in the red div using jquery-ui.

this is my code : <div id="test" style="width:200px;height:100px;background:red" class="tabs change_font_size"> <div> <a class="delete" style="float:right;font-size:20px;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;">delete</a> <form action="/" style="background:blue"> <input type="text" name="text"/>...

jquery confirm and exit functionality

In the html page shown,where is window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit code to be placesd so that when validate div is shown the alert message does not appear when the user clicks on cancel or save button.And if the user clicks or any other link the alert message should be shown If any other link is clicked makeajaxcall() function should b...

Making elements droppable by using its CSS class Name when multiple CSS classes are applied to a single element

Hello I've the following element <div class="class1 class2 class3"></div> I'm trying to get all the elements with class name 'class3' using jquery $('.class3').droppable(); But i'm not getting the above div as droppable. Any ideas? ...

Access a dynamically created control through javascript - ASP.NET

Hello I've a JavaScript function in my page through which i make some elements in the page as 'JQuery UI droppable'. function setDroppableTargets() { $(.cssDockZone).droppable(); } But the elements with the class cssDockZone is created dynamically upon user interaction. So in the code behind i create the control first and finally at ...

jQuery UI effect() method - what are the options for each effect?

jQuery UI has an effect() method which is demonstrated at: http://jqueryui.com/demos/effect/ It shows how you can specify various effects such as 'blind', 'fold', etc. For each effect you can also pass in an options hash, but I can't find a list of the available options anywhere. What are they? ...

jQuery UI autocomplete combobox - prevent form submit

I'm using the nifty 'combobox' variant of jQuery UI Autocomplete - see here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#combobox I have it within a Form element because its part of a form. The Autocomplete Combobox has a <button> that is used to show the whole drop down list. However when the user presses it, the form submits. This appear...

trying to spice up a jquery ui accordion

here's my current markup (via JSBin). i have a basic jquery ui accordion (i think everything is ok with it), but am looking to make it more visually appealing. Basically, I'm trying to mirror the look and feel of neon sky creative media's flash-based menu, which i can't post a link to because new users can only post 1 hyperlink max. j...

JQuery UI slider show but doesn't respond to events after the first click.

I setup three sliders. One is a range, and the other two are regular. The sliders render on the page, but on first click they go to either min or max. After that they seem to be stuck. Adding console.log to the event handlers show that they don't respond to anymore events after the first click. There are no console errors either. I...

jQuery UI button not "unclicking"

http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/#default They are very simple to use, but for some reason my buttons are not "unclicking". That is, after I have clicked a button, it maintains it's hover style. If I set it's onClick function to just do something simple like alert a message, I can click off the button, and it will return to normal. This ...

jQuery-UI's Sortable function moves div unnecessarily

Hi there, I have been working with jquery-ui's sortable demo for a while. On looking closely, I found that it nudges the divs slightly. Here's an online demo : http://jsbin.com/ijusu3 Try moving the the center one to the left, then you can see the right ones nudging about 2 pixels to the left. I would like to know why. This has bee...

Image Preloader Problem

i came up with this code and found out that in the first load of image, the transition works fine but at the second time, the transition will not appear. var imgIndex = 0; SlideImages(); function SlideImages() { $("<img />").attr("src",theImages[imgIndex]).attr("style","display:none;").load(function(){ ...

How to upgrade a custom jQuery UI theme?

I created 2 custom themes with themeroller for JQuery UI 1.7 with themeroller. Now that I update to jQuery UI 1.8.5, I want to make sure that also my themes are updated. How can I automatically re-generate/update my custom themes with themeroller? ...

JQuery dialog opens 2 dialogs after first use

Im using JQuery dialog and open an iframe inside it in the following way $('#div1').dialog("destroy"); if (criteria1== "L") { $("#div1").html("<iframe id='dialogFrame1' src='../WebPages/abc.aspx' Height='100%' Width='100%' frameborder='0'></iframe>"); } else { $("#div1").html("<iframe id='dialogFrame2' src='../WebPa...

How to get data from jquery callback to parent function

Hi, I'm using the jquery ui drag/drop code. Upon a drop a getJSON request gets executed to check the new data and update the database. This works fine, until my backend return an error, because I can't cancel the drop from within the anonymous function. If there's an error the backend returns json that looks like this: {"result":0} ...

Position Jquery UI Dialog on mouse position not working in IE 8

I am using Jquery UI Dialog and its working fine in FF/Chrome/Opera but there's some issue with IE, I am having latest version of JQuery UI 1.8.5 and all the workarounds setting position:absolute etc are not working at all, What I need is if my anchor tag is near to end of the browser window and there's not enough space for the ui dial...

JQuery dialog working alternatively

I have this piece of code to open up a JQuery dialog with specific controls according to 2 links. Now it works fine on the 1st attempt. But the 2nd time when I click the link to load the JQuery dialog, it opens a blank dialog. On closing it and clicking the link again it opens the right dialog. On repeated trials it throws me an error in...

jQuery UI - Autocomplete with extra params - returned data

All, I've moved on to using the ui autocomplete rather than the plugin, took me a while to figure out extra params based on an example I found here, but that part works. I'm having problems with dealing with the return data. In the code below I can alert out the title being returned, but I get a drop down of 'UNDEFINED' in the browser....