
Why doesn't jquery validation plugin's remote attribute work for me?

I use jquery validation plugin and the remote attribute works with emailId but not with mobileNo? var validator = $("#addform").validate({ rules: { Name: "required", MobileNo: { required: true, minlength: 10, remote: '<%=Url.Action("getClientMobNo", "Clients") %>' }, A...

Jquery plugin tools for maps

Can any one suggest a link or an example to create an atlas like tool using jquery What does google maps use? Thanks.. ...

jQuery Validation Plugin + equalTo Not Working

Hey guys, Here is what I am currently using to attempt to validate a form. When I press submit with no values entered into the form, I get the error messages for each of the inputs as expected. However, no matter what I put in newpassword2 or newemail2 they never 'pass' validation. I've tried everything from copy and paste to making ...

Making the JQuery Validation plugin evaluation non-lazy

Hi, According to the documentation for the JQuery validation plugin: the validation is lazy: Before submitting the form for the first time, the user can tab through fields without getting annoying messages Is there any way to display the messages as the user tabs through the form? Cheers ...

How to conditionally execute a jquery validation?

I am validating form using jquery validation plugin...... rules: { Name: "required", MobileNo: { required: true, minlength: 10, remote: '<%=Url.Action("getClientMobNo", "Clients") %>' }, Address: "required" }, messages: { Name: "please provide a client name", ...

How to disable button on form submittion when form is valid

I am using client side validation. How can I disable submit button, then form is valid? <script src="/content/js/jquery.validate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/Content/js/MicrosoftAjax.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/Content/js/MicrosoftMvcValidation.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <fi...

jQuery Validation Arguments

jQuery Validation plugin has "element" argument for required rule. I know how to use it for inline functions but what if I want to pass it to out-of-line JS function? I tried this: rules: { startHours: { required: startTimeRequired(element) }, but it didn't work. ...

jQuery Validate Required Select

I am trying to validate html select element using jQuery Validate plugin. I set "required" rule to true but it always passes validation because zero index is chosed by default. Is there any way to define empty value that is used by required rule? UPD. Example. Imagine we have the following html control: <select> <option value="defaul...

jQuery dialog window not displaying form data in IE6

I've got a form that uses a jQuery dialog window for verification of the form data. When the user clicks the submit button on the form, the dialog window displays (only if the form validates) and shows the data the user has entered in the form. If they verify that the data is correct, they click OK in the dialog window and the form gets...

jQuery Validate Element

jQuery Validate plugin passes element value to inline validate functions. I'm trying to get element's id and an error telling that "element.attr is not a function" : function someFunction(element) { var elementId = element.attr('id'); } rules: { someFiled: { required: someFunction } } ...

jQuery Validate Plugin get more control

How can I get more control or error placement? I have similar error messages for two elements and I want only one of them to be displayed. ...

JQuery validation with default input.

I am using this technique to place default input in the text fields as a hint to users. http://www.dailycoding.com/Posts/default_text_fields_using_simple_jquery_trick.aspx I would like to also validate the fields using jquery validate. How can i get the validater to ignore the default input? ...

jQuery Validate Plugin hide/show error container

I would like to render error containers invisible and show them only when errors appear (and hide again when they disappear). What is the easiest whay to implement such behaviour? ...

Conflict between Jquery Validate and Asp.net MVC

Hi I am using asp.net mvc 2.0 and jquery validate 1.7 (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) What happens is this. A user can click on a link to edit a product. When a user clicks on which product they want to edit a jquery dialog box appears with a form of textboxes and dropdown lists. These html controls ha...

Add autoFill capabilities to jQuery-UI 1.8.1

here's what I currently have, unfortunately I cannot seem to figure out how to get autoFill to work with jQuery-UI... It used to work with the straight up Autocomplete.js <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery...

How to get TinyMCE and Jquery validate to work together?

Hi I am using jquery validate and the jquery version of tinymce. I found this piece of code that makes tinymce to validate itself every time something changes in it. Hi I am using the jquery validate with my jquery tinymce so I have this in my code // update validation status on change onchange_callback: function (editor) ...

jQuery Validate - Require at least one from group, plus additional items.

I'm attempting to use 'jQuery Validate' on a form that requires an email address plus either all items of a shipping address completed or none at all. Using the sample provided by the solution to this question: jQuery Validate - “Either skip these fields, or fill at least X of them”, I have been able to successfully solve the validation...

Displaying the error message from web service in jquery validation custom method

Hello, I'm adding a custom method to jquery validation that calls a webservice, but the web service returns more then just a boolean. Is it possible to show the error based on return call of the web service. e.g. say I want an email address to be valid & not in use, so my web service checks this an returns 0 - ok, 1 - not valid, 2 - in ...

JQuery validation - how to set the title attribute to the error message

In JQuery validation the default behavior on an error is to create a label like so: <label for="FirstName" generated="true" class="error">This field is required.</label> Is it possible to change it so that it will output this instead (with a title attribute set to the error message)? <label for="FirstName" generated="true" class="err...

JQuery username validation - Ajax call

Hi, I am currently using JQuery's validation plugin for basic form validation such as required fields. I want to add functionality so that when the user types in the username field, an ajax call is triggered to check whether the username is already taken. My requirements are: Preferably integrate with JQuery Validation plugin, rathe...