
MVC2/Jquery validation issues.

I have read the following: http://weblogs.asp.net/imranbaloch/archive/2010/08/23/asp-net-mvc-jquery-validation-and-validationsummary.aspx http://haacked.com/archive/2009/11/19/aspnetmvc2-custom-validation.aspx And still can't get the jQuery validation to work with MVC2. I can get non jQuery working but when i swap out the JS files it ...

jQuery Validate with runtime controls

I have two datepickers where the user makes a selection. Then for each day in the selected interval I add an input textbox. I'm struggeling to get the jQuery Validate plugin working for the generated textboxes. It seems like if only the first is being validated. When the page is loaded I add a custom validate method and set up the form ...

jQuery: Validation errorPlacement

placing an error after an input box is simple and makes sense... but what if the error relates to a radio group and that group is within a table? I want the error to show up after the table... Any idea how to accomplish this? ...

submitHandler jquery.validate.js

hi very good, I want to summarize what I send the image, ie the input file, does not reach the addimagen.php file, and sure it's a javascript problem, because with php alone, if you do it right. I would like to know because I sent all the information I have the form, I have been doing some checks and not sending me and why it shows me ...

JQuery plugins : Use jquery-upload-progress and jquery validation together

Hi ! I would like to use these two JQuery plugins on the same form : JQuery validation plugin : http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/ JQuery-upload-progress : http://github.com/drogus/jquery-upload-progress The behavior that I would like to have: Validate the form with the validation plugin If no error sta...

jQuery validation - limit input to 3 specific lengths

Hi, I'm using jQuery as the validation tool for all of my forms and I have a request to limit the length of the inputs on one field to 8, 12, or 13 characters only. Now, I'm already doing minlength: 8, and maxlength: 13 to take care of the upper and lower limits but haven't figured out how to limit the entry to exactly one of the three ...

jQuery Validatation Plug-in How to show an Error Image but no text

Hello. I'm learning how to use the jQuery validation plug-in. What'd I'd like to do is only show an ICON (css bkg) if the field is valid or in error. Right now the plugin requires me to add text, but I don't want any... Ideas? Code Below: /* Sign In Form Validation */ $(document).ready(function() { // validate signup form on ke...

jQuery Validate Plugin Add Class errorPlacement Error Label

Using the errorPlacement hook I am able to add a certain class to a certain error element. However once the form has attempted to submit the second time, it looses that class I added. See the following code for the example. http://www.jsfiddle.net/NU63P/1 How can I keep that additional class on the element through the entire life-cyc...

JQuery Validate Plugin MS MVC: Won't validate

I'm trying out the jQuery Validation plugin jQuery Docs Here is the markup of my form: <% using (Html.BeginForm("action", "contoller", null, FormMethod.Post, new { id = "sxform" })){%> <div id="manifest"> Manifest Option:<br /> <%= Html.DropDownList("docid", ViewData["manifests"] as SelectList, new { @class = "requi...

Number of characters in a string

var a="password"; In any variable how to check if the length is not less than 6 characters and not > 12 $(a).len();????? ...

check the data of ckeditor is null or not

I'm using the ckeditor 3.4 as text editor for my website, and want to validate the data at client side first, before submitting the data to server. I can get the data of editor by using this code: var editorData = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData(); but having trouble to validate data. The problem is: - The data should be invalid i...

jquery - how to use errorPlacement for a specific element?

I have checkbox and a text follows it, like; [checkbox] I agree If the checkbox is not clicked when submitting, the current way of showing the error msg I have is(I use errorElement:"div"); [checkbox] This field is required. I agree** I would rather like; [checkbox] I agree This field is required Any idea how to get this done?. ...

Using jQuery validate to upload a form, using ajax in the submitHandler()... not working

I am using jquery validate with a form. I want to submit the form using ajax. When I put the ajax call in validate's submitHandler() The browser hangs. What's going on? The error message I get when I enable the validate method's debug is: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object" nsr...

jQuery Validation with Dialog

I have jQuery validation working pretty well using a dialog for the error messages. The problem I am having is that when I click submit, and all the fields are filled out correctly, I have a blank dialog popping up before the form submits. I can't seem to figure out how to stop that from happening. Setting the onSubmit to false will not ...

Why is my jQuery having an error when I put this line in?

Why is my jQuery having an error when I put this line in? <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $(".arrowbutton").click(function(){ id = $(this).attr('rel'); $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:"/upvote", data:{'id':id}, be...

How to assign an error message when adding css class validation rule

I have added a css class validation rule for jquery validator as follows: jQuery.validator.addClassRules({ requiredDatepicker: { required: true, date: true } }); However, when doing this I get the default error messages. How can I assign custom error messages when using addClassRules()? ...