
jQuery validation plugin - partial validation depending on trigger

I am using the jQuery validation plugin and I would like to validate a floating point number and format it to a specified number of decimal places. I am using element.value = parseFloat(value).toFixed(param); to format the floating point value if it is indeed a valid floating point value, I just only want to do this on blur, not on ...

jQuery textarea - insert pattern cursor position

In a text area how to insert the pattern name next to the cursor position using jQuery and after which the cursor should be after the pattern:This should happen on the button click <input type="button" value="insert pattern" > <textarea rows="10" id="comments">INSERT The condition</textarea> ...

How to extending Jquery validatation to validate 2 of 3 required phone number?

Hello, I am using jQuery Validation and here is the extension that I am using to validate US phone number. jQuery.validator.addMethod("phoneUS", function(phone_number, element) { phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\s+/g, ""); return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 && phone_number.match(/...

jQuery client validator doesn't work with disable_with option

I can't get jQuery client validator work with disable_with option, <form> <input id="album_title" name="album[title]" required="required" type="text" /> <input class="create" data-disable-with="Submitting ..." id="album_submit" name="commit" type="submit" value="Create Album" /> </form> While I try to submit the form with blank ...

How do I reference/access a Strongly Typed Html Helper in jquery?

I've mostly worked in MVC1. I'm now working with some MVC2 code. I have fields with Strongly Typed Html Helpers like: <div class="editor-field"> <%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Contract.client_name)%> <%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Contract.client_name) %> </div> How do I acce...

Jquery Validate Plugin Concern

Hi All, I am trying my way around on using the jquery validate plugin but I cant seem to make it work on one particular aspect. I have this scenario, my form has limited space so the label error generated by the validate plugin cannot be seen if ever there is a validation error So what I did is, I created a container below my form to ...

jquery validate

I've this jquery code, loading a remote page with a parameter from an input text form $(document).ready(function() { $('form').submit(function() { $('#result').load("/api.php", { 'url': $("input:text[name=url]").val() }); }); }); I need to validate the input text, that is a url. How can I use the...

Avoid uppercase input with jQuery Validate

I'm making a classifieds ads website where users submit ads through a form (like Craigslist). Many users write the title or description of their ads in UPPERCASE to get more attention, but I dont want to affect the overall appearance of the website. I would like to stop this, but still allow the use of acronyms of less than three upper...

Validate jQuery datepicker and time picker

I am using jquery datepicker and timepicker.Clicking on date and time it assigns the value to the respective textbox.But I want to do clientside validation like the selected date should be the greater than the current date and selected time should be greater than the current time.Can any one help me how to do this. ...

Jump browser window down to a DOM Element

OK, I'm sure I'm justing having a brain-fart after 2 weeks Honeymoon in Tuscany... by brains clear, and I'm googled out looking for keywords and how to do it, even scanned down the JQuery Valdate.js looking for the bit that does it... What I want to do is this; but don't know where to start. if ($("#errorMessage").exists()){ // Jump b...

jquery locale-aware number validation

I'd like to know if there is any locale-aware way to validate inputs using jquery validation plugin. In particular, I'm trying to validate a decimal number, but neither max, min, or number methods works as one would expect. I wrote some small custom validation methods, but I feel like this should/could be delivered right out-of-the-box...

What's the best approach for using ajaxform with jQuery validation?

I'm using the ajaxform jQuery plugin to create ajaxed HTML forms and want to implement validation using the jQuery Validation plugin. I'm not sure what is the best way to implement this. It doesn't work out-of-the-box for me. I set up the form with form.ajaxform({}) and then set up validation with form.validate({}). The invalidHandler...

JQuery validator plug-in "date" works but "dateDE" throws error

Hi! As basicly explained in the title I have a form with a date field. This beeing in Germany and all I would like to validate it against the provided "dateDE" validator. Here is my validator code $("#aufuhrRecherche").validate({ rules: { recherchegrund: "required", beginn: "dateDE", ende: "dateDE" }, messages: ...

Jquery validation groups

I can't figure out how jquery validation groups work, nor how they should work. I assumed it would serve as to validate conditions that needed more than one element to be tested, is that it? Couldn't find anything about it on the jquery validation docs... ...

jQuery Validate: Remove element AFTER validation BEFORE submit?

I have a SVG map of a city that when clicked, creates hidden elements in a div in my form. I'm using the jQuery Validation Plugin to validate my form. In order to make sure that the user has clicked on an area of the map, I thought to create a dummy hidden element inside where the normal hidden elements are and put the validation rule ...

jquery validate: custom validation rule

I want this form to make the field 'Nombre' required only if the user picks "Sí" as the answer to the select's question. Additionally, if the user selects "Sí", either an email or a phone (in teléfono) should be provided. I'm using the validate plugin and haven't found a doc in which a similar rule has been coded. How can I code this? ...

jquery validate (at least one field has text)

Hello everyone. So i have this page wich has several TextAreas (asp.net mvc). I need to validate that at least one of those fields has text in it. How can i do that with jquery? <%= Html.TextArea("taMetodologia",Model.Enmienda.Detalles.EnmiendaMetodologia, 8, 70,new {@class = "Especificaciones"}) %> That's an example of the textAreas...

Change color of highlighted textbox when using the jQuery validation plugin?

Hi, I just tried out the jQuery Validation Plugin and when I click in a textbox it gets highlighted with a brownish/beige color, how can I change this to another color? http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation#Validate_forms_like_you.27ve_never_been_validating_before.21 Thanks in advance. ...

jquery validate: how to keep error messages from altering the form disposition

When error messages appear in the form, they displace elements to the left. How can this be avoided? Example ...

jquery validate: how can I make a field validate on change?

On jquery's validate plugin, an error message only disappears after the user has made focus on another element. I want to make it disappear as soon as the right info is written. How can validation be triggered 'onchange'? ...