
What the best way to check arr, object, string with JQuery undefined + null+ trim(str)!==""?

Hi, 1. What the best way to check array or object with JQuery undefined + null? I check array like that: function f1(arr){ if(arr!==undefined&&arr!=null){ //code } } Is Jquery have better way? 2. What the best way to check String with JQuery trim(str)!==""? I check String like that: function f2(str){ if(str!=...

.valid() only validates first input with jQuery Validation plugin

Hey, I'm having a hard time getting the jQuery Validation plugin to work as i want. Please bare with me since i'm no jQ expert :) What I have is a form with several required inputs, rules as showed below: $("#makeEvent").validate({ onfocusout: false, rules: { name: { required: true, minLength: 2...

jQuery Form Validate() - Default Text

I am validating a bunch of text boxes but these boxes have a default value using a text water mark if they are empty. How do I create the validation rule so that it ignores a single default value? Originally the default value of these text boxes were all different (default value stored in ToolTip tag), then I realized it would be a lot...

How to remove the Existing javascript function for the button

<input name="mybutton" type="button" class="agh" id="id_button" value="Dim" onClick="resetDims();"> In the above Input tag i have to remove the entire "Onclick=myfunction();" and its function for the input tag and write my functionality for this button when we "click" $("#mybutton").onclick(function(){ //$("#mybutton").removeattr("...

jquery Return Random Value from array.

So this should be a relativly easy thing for most people but I'm having trouble with it. I'm using the jquery validate plugin and would like to return a random vaule on success. Right now I'm trying to use. var success_message = new Array (); success_message[0] = "Good!"; success_message[1] = "Ok!"; success_message[2] = ...

Jquery form :input

Is there a "simple" way to ensure that ALL the inputs in a form have "an entry". I need/want to disable the submit button unless all inputs have a value they are all input type=text. I assume it is something like for each but I am not very good at the for each in JQuery. Possible problem is that the inputs are "dynamically" generated ...

remove dynamic validation with Jquery Validate plugin

i have a simplified version of my problem here: http://www.arianhojat.com/temp/jquery/dynamic_validate/test.html Basically i had an email rule, and based on a checkbox i remove it... but it still isn't being removed... I tried moving it to its own rule with "add", then trying to remove via its accompanying "remove" function but still s...

jquery Validate Plugin. Generate random success message, once.

Yesterday I posted this question which is answered but it lead to another problem. I have the following code using jquery validation plugin: //array of success messages and randomly select one var messages = ["Good!", "Great!", "Awesome!", "Super!", "Nice!","Yay!", "Success!", "Ok!", "Perfect!","Sweet!" ]; function successM...

jQuery - why ajaxForm bypasses the validation procedure?

Hello all, I have the following code snippet: $(document).ready(function () { // bind 'regFormBody' and provide a simple callback function $('#regFormBody').ajaxForm(function() { alert("Thank you for your comment!"); }); // validate the #regFormBody form when it is submitted $("#regFormBody")...

How do I enable the Textbox using jquery which has been locked by radio buttons in php

I have two radio buttons say "yes" and "no" when i click "yes" the text box will be enabled. But for some reason Radio buttons are hidden in this form and no is the default. So i have a condition in php such as so If the "Code" variable doesnot Exists in the "arr" then we show radio buttons and by clicking "yes" we have the juery fu...

When validating a form via jquery, ensure field contains at least one letter...

So, I suck terribly at regex and javascript. As such, when I realized I needed to validate a form field via jquery to ensure that at least one alpha character was used, I decided to ask you fine folks for some help. I want to allow user to use apostrophes, spaces, dashes, periods, underscores, and alphanumeric chars in this field. The...

jquery validation only digits

Hello All, I am having the jquery.validate.js plugin and it is working fine for me. My question is : I am having a textbox and this textbox is mandatory and should only accept digits. In the js, I can see that there is validation for the digits and the problem is that I do not know how to use it. I only knew how to make the field re...

ValidateRegExp client-side vs server-side issue

I'm using monorail, activerecord, and jquery. I have a form with a zip code textbox. I have in my active record class associated to the form: [Property] [ValidateNonEmpty] [ValidateRegExp(@"/^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/", "Invalid")] public string ZipCode { get; set; } As you can see, I'm using the ValidateRegExp attribut...

jQuery validate set focus on error doesn't work on FormHelper elements

I'm using monorail and jQuery validation. The issue is that when you use the FormHelpers, such as: $FormHelper.TextField("user.username") It generates the following html: <input type="text" value="" name="user.username" id="user_username"> It also generates the following jQuery validate rule (via activerecord's ValidateRegExp attri...

Validating an Email Address on jQuery postback best practice

This question title is likely to be worded poorly so feel free to adjust. In my MVC application I have a custom attribute which i use to decorate email fields which then either passes or fails the model. On one pge though I allow the use to submit a comment but I submit via ajax and so do not do a full postback and no model validation....

jquery validation messages for fields

Hello All, I am having difficulties while trying to customize the jquery validate plugin. For validating each field, the validate.js is working fine and displaying the proper message near each field, but I need to add one more feature is that when it is right, the textbox border should be in green color and if it is wrong the color sho...

jQuery form validation, show only latest error message

Hi, I am using the jQuery form validation plugin. The problem I have is that if the form is invalid and I click submit, each time another error/success message appears on screen for each field. Essentially showing a history of the error/success messages until the form is valid. Why is this happening and how do I fix it so that only th...

How to redirect page on Jquery validation success

I am using jquery for validation set some rules. If validation success I want to redirect to another page. How can I do it? // validate contact form on keyup and submit $("#contactForm").validate({ //set the rules for the field names rules: { name: { required: true, minlength: 2 }, ...

jQuery validation plugin and Colorbox

I am opening up both a registration form and a login form in a modal window using Colorbox Unfortunately, the jQuery validate plug in doesn't work anymore. I did a search and found someone a question with the answer I needed here at Stack Overflow. I'm not really well versed with JavaScript yet so I had a bit of a problem implementing t...

jQuery Validation Plugin and Same/Duplicate Name Attributes.

Hi, first post here. I am using the jQuery validation plugin, to validate some custom forms, and submitting the forms to a CRM tool. The CRM tool has a wide array of Data variables, that we can post too, but on occasion there are fields which don't match and we need to post these all into the notes field in the CRM tool. Now the proble...