
How to use jQuery validate plugin to validate and not submit a form?

I have a set of elements on a page that where I would like to validate user input. However, the data in these elements is not to be submitted (no postback). Can I do this w/ the jQuery validate plugin? Do the elements have to be in a element anyway? Thanks ...

Jquery Validation plugin custom required text

Hi All, I am using the Jquery Validation plugin (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation) to valid a form on my page. I am using the "required" class to validate an input on my page and want to show custom required text when the field is empty. How can I do this. Code is as follows: <script> $(document).ready(function() { ...

Can we validate a html page fields which does not contain form tag using jquery?

This is code snippet of my html page can i validate the two text feilds specified using jquery ,i am not using any form tag in my html page <div id="panel1"> <fieldset id="fieldset1"> <legend>Registration Details:</legend> Name of business:<br/> <input size="30" type="text" id="businessname"/><br/> ...

how to fire code in case of a success or failed form validation with jquery validate

hi there, it seems that jquery validate plugin does not come with out of the box, success and failed callback options. how do i manage to launch some custom code when a form's validation fails? we need to change certain layout elements not related to the fields itself when a player enters invalid data. hope it is still possible ...

How can I add callbacks to jquery validation (when used in MVC 2)

I'm using jquery for validation in my MVC2 web app (as described here) and I'd like to wire up some callbacks that the jquery validation plugin supports, like invalidHandler, etc. I can manually edit the MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js and add my callbacks (in __MVC_EnableClientValidation, in the options variable) but I was looking for ...

Problem with form validation using jquery validate plugin

I have the following code to perform validation of SubmitForm shown below .when i click on AddressListing div tag and call the validation function ,it performs validation only for the businessname field but not for other remaining feilds.Only businessname name field will be highlighted in red color,but not other feilds. I am using the f...

jquery validation

Hi, i am using jquery validation as follow var validator=$("#myform") .validate({ rules: { field1: { required: true }, field2: { required: true }, field3: { required: true }, field4: { required: true } } }); field1, field2 are in tab0...

jquery ui tabs and form validation plugin

Hi; I'm using jquery Ui tabs and validation plugins, for my forms, the forms divided in 4 steps(like wizard) and navigate trough the tabs by navigation(not tabs), each steps contain form element and need to be validate,; her is my code: <script> $('#registration').validate({ errorClass: "warning", ...

how to display a symbol next to the textboxes after sucessfull validation using jquery plugins

I have the following code to perform validation of SubmitForm shown below on click of button form will be validated correctly it changes the textboxes to red color and displays error message with some symbol.But the problem is how will i display some other symbol for example right tick mark symbol or some text message on user entering co...

livequery not always live when used with jquery.validate

I use jquerylive plugin to add additional css classes to .field-validation-error class like this: $(".field-validation-error").livequery(function () { $(this).addClass('ui-state-error ui-corner-all'); }); when I get some spans with this class generated by jquery.validate the above code works, but at 2nd validation it doesn't. h...

jQuery Validate Plugin Error CSS

I would like to either/both change the label font color to RED on error or shade the textbox element red. The CSS I'm using is not working for me and not sure how to change the label of the radio/textbox instead if the label error which is added by the validate plugin. // HTML <form id="form1" name="form1" class="form1" method="post" >...

jQuery validation: a callback triggered by a certain rule?

Hi, I'm trying to do the following: I've got a form that is validated with the jQuery Validation Plugin. There is a field which has a couple of rules: var validator = $("#myForm").validate({ rules: { emailForRequest: { required: true, ema...

jQuery qTip callback not working

I'm using a jQuery plugin called qTip (http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip/docs/api/#callbacks) and trying to implement a callback function for dynamically loaded data. Here's what I have: $('#orders_table a').qtip('api').onRender(function(){ alert('test'); }) The qTip is being initialized for all of the links within the #o...

jQuery validate focusInvalid add page margin/padding?

Googled and found nothing, might be asking the wrong question but here goes. How do I add padding/margin on a element that is invalid? I'm using jQuery validate plug-in to validate user input and required fields (As well as some PHP server side validation). The fields are in the middle of the web-page so when the validation happens it...

Fancy client-side form validation in ASP.net MVC2

It appears that the jQuery-based version of ASP.NET MVC2 form validation didn't make it into the final release. This is a bit unfortunate. First off, I can't figure out whether the version that did make it into the final release has an extension point - akin to an "onvalidate" event to which I can attach my own code... For instance, I w...

how to customize the position of the error message for each field from jquery validate plugin

Hi, I am using the jquery validate plugin, in combination with some custom field types (custom select boxes) default behaviour of the jquery validation plugin is to insert the error message element, right after the form element. though that would render the error message inbetween the hidden select element, and the replaced ul element ...

jQuery Validate: Not default value

I have a category dropdown selection element in my form. The form is validated with jQuery as follows: $('#myForm').validate({ rules: { text: { required: true }, category: { required: true } }, messages: { text: { required: "Text required" ...

Jquery Validation: Call Valid without displaying errors?

Hi, Using JQuery Validation plugin, I am trying to call the .valid() method without the side-effects of displaying error messages on screen. I have tried a number of scenarios with no success, my latest being: $('#signup').validate({ showErrors: function() { return; }, errorElement: "", errorClass: "...

How do I localize the validation messages in JQuery's Validation?

Is there a standard practice for localizing the JQuery Validation messages? I've been able to hack something together by declaring my own ClassRules and referencing them instead of the default ones. My code. <input class="localized-required" id="myTextInput" name="myTextInput" type="text" value="" /> <script language="javascript" typ...

jQuery getScript issue in IE

We have validation rules in an external JS file that is being called via jQuery getScript: $.ajaxSetup({async:false}); $.getScript('scripts/validation/createPosting.js', function(){ checkFoapalPercentage(); }); $.ajaxSetup({async:true}); The script works fine in all other browsers (Firefox, Chrome, and Safari). Any idea why we're get...