I'm trying to fade the background-color of a span tag using JQuery to emphasize when a change has occured. I was thinking the code would be someting like the following inside the click handler, but I can't seem to get it working. Can you show me where I went wrong?
Thanks Russ.
Hi there, for this code:
<div id="header">top of page</div>
<div class="message">hello, how are you</div>
<div class="message">I am fine</div>
$("#header").append('<div class="message">appended DIV</div>');
function() {
function() {
Hope you can help. Trying to hide all < li > tags greater than the third tag in an < ul >. What's happening however is that after the first 3 < li > tags, ALL subsequent < li > regardles of :gt(2) are hidden in all subsequent < ul >.
Here's my HTML structure.
LIST TITLEitem 1item 2item 3should be hiddenshould be hiddenLIST TITLE...
I'm new to jQuery (I must have had my head buried in sand for the last few years!) and I'm wondering if I could use it with an Infragistics grid for updating and inserting instead of the edit row template. We're currently constrained to using the 2.0 framework, and I'm stuck with the infra grids as well.
Does anyone know if this is pos...
I'm trying to include a vCard export function in an existing page full of account information.
The ugly methods would involve 1, submitting a form to the same page, processing it and re-rendering the whole page, or 2, a GET targeting an iframe on the page. I'd really like to avoid both of those, but I may have to use #2 to achieve the ...
Hopefully this is a simple question for a jQuery newbee. Is it possible to execute jQuery methods from a javascript method?
I've got some jQuery stuff adding zebra stripes to a table and some other things going on, but that table gets updated via an mvc ajax request and then none of the styles are applied to the table once the ajax call...
If an item is being deleted then I would like to fade it out and slide the other elements up to fill the empty space. Now, when I use fadeOut() the item doesn't have a height at the end which results in the other items jumping up (instead of sliding up nicely).
How can I slideUp() and element right after fadeOut()?
How can I pass the ID of .foo's parent as a parameter? I've tried
$(".foo").editable("script.php", {
submitdata: {
parent_id: $(this).parent().attr('id')
and every variant of that I can think of, but it just seems like the $(this) object is not wo...
Anyone want to have a crack at emulating what the BBC have done on their homepage boxed contents with the PLUS / MINUS icons showing/hiding elements in a list. http://www.bbc.co.uk/
I've tried to do this but so far the effect isn't exactly right.
Or, is there a plugin or something which would allow you to do a similar thing?
In my ASP.Net app, which is javascript and jQuery heavy, but also uses master pages and .Net Ajax pieces, I am consistently seeing on the status bar of IE 6 (and occasionally IE 7) the message "2 items remaining" or "15 items remaining" followed by "loading somegraphicsfile.png|gif ." This message never goes away and may or may not preve...
Within an iFrame, we need to get the parent's window/document height.
Is there a way to get this using jQuery?
I know we can use $(document).height() to get a page's height. I just can't figure out how to get the parent's value from within the iFrame.
Please help!
I am trying to use jQuery to fade out a div, using the fadeOut function. In most cases, it seems to work fine, but in certain cases, not all of the content fades out. If I have an absolutely positioned element and a floated element within the div, the fadeOut function doesn't work. If I only have an absolutely positioned element, it does...
I'm trying to update a span tag that is in a fieldset tag that is in a legend tag. The idea is to update the cost of a Software Item as components are selected. The code below works fine if I only have one software item (e.g. - Visual Studio 2008 Pro $2800), but if I add a second item in another fieldset, then when I try to update the ...
I am following a tutorial from nettuts, specifically here:
I am 3/4's of the way through the video and when I try to test the page, it is not working.
Here is the aspx page:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/...
I have an element that can have an arbitrary background colour (set via a CMS).
I want to highlight it by brightening it on mouse over and darkening it on mouse out.
I tried using .css('background-color') to get and set the value but it seemed to be a lot more fiddly than I expected.
What's the non-dumb way to do this?
Edit: Just to ...
The author in this screencast is using jquery to submit data to a database using php. The link is here:
How could I do the same thing using asp.net and sql server 2005?
I have two radio buttons like so
<input type="radio" name="rush" value="yes" />
<input type="radio" name="rush" value="no" checked="checked" />
What I want to do is when the form submit button is clicked, check if 'yes' is selected.
If it is, show a javascript confirm dialog
I've gotten this far, but am stuck, any help would be appr...
I am trying to implement JQuery Autocomplete pluggi using Django. I've been able to wire the thing together and I can actually see the result back in the HTML template. My problem is that the JQuery Autocomplete CSS doesn't seem to work. The results I get are not well formatted/styled, and they have no background and you cannot even sele...
I'm finding it difficult to find examples of using jQuery, so my bad for asking such a simple question. I've got this ul:
<ul id="navLinks">
<li class="selected" id="homeNavLink"></li>
<li id="aboutNavLink"></li>
<li id="contactNavLink"></li>
I'd like to write a function to change which li has the "selected"...
Hey everyone,
I am making a POST to a webservice that is local to the webserver. Everything works great until I host the site at my SSL enabled webserver. The webservice path is relative, meaning, I am making no reference to the protocol. eg. /webservices/method.asmx
The POST results in a runtime error. Has anyone seen this before?