I want to create a small tool on webproject which will let the user select tags on the page and i will save selections in an array for future use, so what i need is something near the functionality of firebug.
From where i can start? any good articles or tools can make things easier?
I want to write a script which allow the user when hovering on any element on the page "such as a, img, div" another hidden element will show on this current element and will have its position, width, height with transparent color.
How to do that using javascript/jquery?
Anyone knows a dom inspector javascript library or plugin?
I want to use this code inside a website i am creating, i searched too much but didn't fid except this one http://slayeroffice.com/tools/modi/v2.0/modi_help.html
Seams That no one understood about my question :(, i want find an example or plug in which let me implement ...
I have a code snippet like this
var searchurl="http://mysite.com/searchpath?q=test";
type: "GET",
url: searchurl,
cache: false,
dataType : "jsonp",
async : false,
success: function(data){
alert("outside ajax");
The problem is that I am not seeing async at work. "outside aja...
Here's my problem:
I have a selectable grid of div's that are tied to unique category IDs
I could probably re-write the grid to use hidden inputs as they are being selected, but it's a little late for that.
As the form is submitted (standard form.. no ajax), I want to gather the selected IDs into a variable.. this code below works when...
i want to make a body background switcher using jquery. you will have some buttons and each will change the body bg according to your choice. and i want to make it so like that it will save a cookie so that it can retrieve user's choice when you change the page.
first part i got it useing .addclass or .css
but i am stuck on the svaing ...
I didn't expect it but the following test fails on the cloned value check:
test("clone should retain values of select", function() {
var select = $("<select>").append($("<option>")
Below is the information required for this problem.
When default.aspx loads the user clicks a button which should then redirect to /test/default.aspx. I have the modal popup working just not with the redirect and ideas?
I have tried doing window.location = "/test/default.aspx"; and using a custom settim...
I'm working on a new ASP.NET MVC / JQuery app which will need to play short sound files in response to user actions. For example, in some cases, when a user clicks on a word, the computer should pronounce that word (there is a small finite list of words).
I'd like advice on the following:
Which sound file format(s) would you recomme...
I am auto generating selectors and ive ran into a problem. some attribute selectors dont work. for example, on this page the following selector does not work as expected:
I also noticed that I cant select a <form> using the value of the action attribute.
Question: Is there a full list s...
I have radio button list which has id as the value, I want to access the selected id in the jquery function.
I'm trying to create an "upload file, and email as an attachment" form where the file starts uploading after it has been selected (like Gmail), before sending the email. I would also like to implement a progress bar to show the status of the upload.
There should be all sorts of examples out there, but I just can't find them!
Do you kn...
Hi all.
I faced with problem that geomap by google fails with JQuery together in Internet explorer.
Otherwise in Firefox it looks like this:
Here comes js references
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=ABCDEFG">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ww...
Using jqeury, is it possible to get a list of all the events and to which element the event is bound to?
the empty selector says that: Matches all elements that have no children (including text nodes).Finds all elements that are empty - they don't have child elements or text.
What i want is to get elements which has no children but may have text inside., how?
I want select these elements which has no children but may hav...
For example, the following selects a division with id="2":
row = $("body").find("#2");
How do I do something like this:
row_id = 5;
row = $("body").find(row_id);
The above syntax produces an error. I checked the jQuery documentation and answers here without success.
Let's say the rule is as follows:
.largeField {
width: 65%;
Is there a way to get '65%' back somehow, and not the pixel value?
EDIT: Unfortunately using DOM methods is unreliable in my case, as I have a stylesheet which imports other stylesheets, and as a result the cssRules parameter ends up with either null or undefi...
I need to reask my old question, I probably shouldnt have asked it at 1am :P
It seems that some attributes are not being found using jquery's attribute selector:
So far it seems that i cant use form's action attribute, and img's src attribute. Is there a list somewhere of attributes that do not work so i can write...
I am trying to use the jQuery dialog UI library in order to position a dialog next to some text when it is hovered over. The jQuery dialog takes a position parameter which is measured from the top left corner of the current viewport (in other words, [0, 0] will always put it in the upper left hand corner of your browser window, regardle...
I have been working with the slider and am using the following code:
animate: true,
step: 1,
min: 0,
max: 10,
orientation: 'vertical',
start: function(event, ui){
$('#current_value').fadeIn().append('Value is ' + ui.value);
change: fun...