I have a web page with an iframe in it (I don't like it, but that's the way it has to be). It's not a cross-domain iframe so there's nothing to worry about there.
I have written a jQuery extension that does the centering of a ModalPopup (which is called from an overridden AjaxControlToolkit.ModalPopupBehavior._layout method) based on t...
I have a following scenario – and what I am really looking is real help from real people. Suggestions / Solutions ? Please.
I have an extranet web site for ex. www.foo.com (asp.net 3.5)
I am using JQuery 1.3.2 to call ValidateLogin PageMethods in default.aspx page ( www.foo.com/default.aspx)
The code will look like this
How do I use jquery to highlight the link when I click on it?
For example, when I click on the link class1_1, I want to make this link red (or another color).
The javascript code here:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#menu li").each(function(){
var ul=$(this).children("ul"...
I have a .NET page that has a submit button. I am using client side validation to validate the form element.
var register = $('#<%= Register.ClientId %>');
return false;
Now, the return false on top prevents the form from being submitted to the server on click. In any other l...
Anyone know of a good way to convert a JSON object to nested form fields? For example, given I have the JSON object
{'a':{'b':{'c':'1200'}}}, 'z':'foo', 'bar':{'baz':'1', 'id':2}}
I should get
{'a[b][c]':'1200', 'z':'foo', 'bar[baz]':'1', 'bar[id]':2};
Any ideas? I am currently using jquery and it feels like something like this alrea...
I have an object (in this case a rating object from js-kit) that I want to make invisible if the rating value is 'unrated'. I'm having trouble with geting the right jquery selector to do this.
It seems like this should work...
$(".js-rating-labelText:contains('unrated')").css("visibility", "hidden");
...but does not. .js-rating-label...
Using a color plugin to animate background color on hover.
$('.listing-2 li a').mouseover(function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#0e7796" }, 'fast');
$('.listing-2 li a').mouseout(function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#d6f2c5" }, 'fast');
How can I do the same for border color?
Disclaimer: I have no experience using YUI at all.
I was wondering how the following lines of jQuery code would look when written in YUI. Also, since YUI is using a hierarchical dependency system, which .js files need to be included in order for the code to work?
1. Given the ID of an HTML element, apply multiple style rules on the e...
Has anyone been able to get jQuery UI Tabs 3(Latest version) working with the back button?
I mean if the user hits the back button they should go to the previously visited tab on the page, not a different page.
The history plug in sounds like it can work, but i cant seem to make it work with
ajax loaded tabs.
If anyone has managed to ...
I want to determine the scroll of the users. I'm using jQuery.. And jquery have .scroll event.. But the .scroll event can't determine whether the user is scrolling the page downwards or upwards.
I have a MVC app and using JQuery.
I have anchor that I setup like this
<a href="#" id="addcomment">Add Comment</a>
then when the anchor is clicked I do this
$('#addcomment').click(function() {
Problem is when the anchor is clicked
the browser scrolls to top of window
immediately th...
I have been ask to design web based process designer (Business Process designer) in asp.net/c# . I have currently one programmer in my team and we have two months for this.We have found some open source BPM designers but we want to design our own as for our learning thirst?
please give suggestions
I'm using jQuery with ASP.NET 3.5 and the ajaxDotNet plugin. What are the differences are between these two?
could someone explain too me how this code will work
Because, I don't know if I should put the code in the plugin-file
or de head section off the page
what else do I need too pay attention for
the code is from http://www.kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/v2/demo/datePickerCloseMouseOut.html
thanks in advance, Richa...
How to call server side function using jquery wth out page refresh?
Am using JQuery Autocomplete on my templete, but as i get the results the Autocomplete only displays one item despite that the results that are fetched have more that one item. It only shows the first item on the list!
if i have a result list with ('python', 'pythonism', 'pythodus')
and on the autocomplete i type 'pyt' it onl...
I am working on a webpage that has a main menu, and a submenu that will hold different content for every button in the main menu.
To keep the submenu open while hovering over it, I am using a combination of hoverIntent, hover, and a state variable: $.hovering:
$(function() {
$.hovering = false;
I have a webpage with multiple DIV elements. If i use the jquery function SlideUp to hide one (which is towards the bottom of the page), the page automatically scrolls back to the top. How can I prevent this?
To trigger the jquery function, I do something like this:
$(MyLink).click(function() {
MyLink being...
I Like using Jquery and its companion Jquery Ui but can not find a way to animate background image over a certain period of time like 5 seconds.
I can not do something like:
Any ideas??
Hi, I am new to JQuery, so bear with me :).
I have a simple problem:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#instrument").change(function() {
$("#tunings").html("<select id=\"TuningSelector>\"[..]</div>");
$("#TuningSelector").change(function() {
Problem i...