PHP Framework with full jQuery integration?
i'm tired of reinventing the wheel on PHP and loving jQuery to death so which framework fits my needs? ...
i'm tired of reinventing the wheel on PHP and loving jQuery to death so which framework fits my needs? ...
So I recently took a closer look at JavaScript and jQuery and after that stumbled over the Firefox extension called Greasemonkey. Well, let me explain what I mean with the "modifiy"-event: I've got 2-3 userscripts for a certain page installed which automatically look if the page has changed in any way and if it has, they load the new co...
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to pass html back to a jQuery call, but for some reason my code refuses to work. t = get_template('success.html') html = t.render(Context({'success': True})) # should render '<p><h1>aoeu</h1></p>' x = "{'success' : '" + html + "'}" return HttpResponse(x) jQuery code: $.post("adduser", data, functi...
I'm using this date picker right now: It's just not suiting my needs. What are some good jquery date pickers? *I need to be able to select a date range. *I need to have a flat view that populates another input. ...
I looked at JQuery documentation, read FAQ and saw a lot of examples. It looks like to get a set of all elements in the document that is described by a rule, you code $(rule) where rule is a string whose syntax is described here. Document seems to be a hidden input parameter. Can I do the same with a subtree of the DOM? If I have a D...
Hi there. Please forgive the awkwardness of this question, I honestly don't know how to phrase a better query... The situation: I have a basic contact form within an xhtml/php page that I'm in the process of upgrading. I recently added a new unrelated jquery plugin on this page, so I would like to use the jquery functionality to help...
Hey! I'm just setting up a web page with a color picker. I choosed farbtastic. My problem is, that the callback function doesn't work. Here is the code I used: $('#colorPicker1').farbtastic('#background-color', function callback() { /*commands*/ }); The callback function is not called, when the user choosed a color. Does someone ha...
I want to use jGrowl plugin for jQuery ( to display some messages on a page. To do this, I call the ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock method like this: ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(Page), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "$.jGrowl('" + message + "');", true); ...
Hi, I have one control with some asp form elements, but how do I get the form elements in my other control. I usually do jQuery('#<%= MyDropDownList.ClientID %>).val(), but this is not possible since it is in the other control. How do I access the element without hardcoding it? So to sum it up: Control 1: Asp:DropDownList Control 2: Nee...
I am searching for a jquery plugin to get a fogbugz like dropdown menu so that you can type in the dropdown menu. This is what it should look like: ( the old video ) All the answers have been not giving me the typing part a...
i know that you can use themeroller to customize your UI theme but is it possible to do it by hand. if yes then is there any specific css that you have to follow. thank you ...
I am dynamically appending HTML to a webpage and I'm also using jQuery to manage stuff. When I add HTML code, jQuery ignores its existence. For example: $("td.elementToClick").click(... Will work great with jQuery. But if somewhere in the code I append: $("tr#myRowToAppend").append("<td class="elementToClick>...</td>"); jQuery wil...
I have a thumbnail gallery in a div on my sidebar. Each of these jpg images links to the larger jpg image in the main div of the same page. I have these loading in a div via fadein jquery with the following: $(function() { $('.vid-gallery-thumbnail a').click(function() { newImg = $(this).attr('href'); $('.ngg-imagebrowser img').fad...
Hello all i want to create tabs according to data from MySQL database using php for instance count the number of groups if they are 5 create 5 tabs.How could i do that. ...
Swedish characters get substituted when setting the tabTemplate option. For example using "ö" in the href: var $tabs = $("#tabs").tabs('option', 'tabTemplate', '<li><a href="#ö">#{label}</a></li>'); becomes: <li><a href="#%C3%B6">ö</a></li> ...
I would like to get the last modified date of a remote file by means of curl. Does anyone know how to do that? ...
I am trying to reduce some code here. I will explain how I have multiple Button controls. I am using the click event for each $("#B1").click(function() { var v1 = "abc"; }); $("#B2").click(function() { var v1 = "efg"; }); $("#B3").click(function() { var v1 = "x...
Hi! I want to prevent some parts of my javascript, written with jQuery if that matters, from executing in IE6. What are the prefered methods to accomplish this? Thanks! ...
I currently have links w/ class="ajax" that I want to retrieve the element with id="test" from the file "data.html" in the same directory, and put that content into the id="content" div on my page: <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("a.ajax").click(function(event){ $("#content").load("/data #test"); }); }); </script> <...
Im not sure if the title is what im trying to describe but ill have a go. I have two classes "big_green" and "small_blue" big_green = 100x100 green box small_blue = 50x50 blue box i remember there used to be a js library that allowed you to tween classes, i think it was mootools. Anyway, is there any way in jQuery to animate the cha...