
Adding feedback buttons

I've a static html file that is generated from docbook5 sources. Now I need to add feedback buttons, at the end of each section, so I'm appending (using jQuery) a link after each title: $(document).ready(function() { $("div[title]").append('<a href="mailto:me@host?subject=XXX">feedback</a>'); }) how to insert the div[title] into ...

Jquery Dialog and Dropdown Boxes

My dropdown boxes are showing through a jquery modal popup dialog, how do I fix this? I am using IE6 and Jquery 1.3.2 and I have the dialog bgiframe set to true. Any ideas? ...

Including Javascript within web pages

Hi guys, Can anyone please recommend the best and easiest way to include multiple Javascript files on a (PHP based) web page? I have a website that uses jQuery, and anything up to around 10 plugins on any one particular page. I'm not entirely sure of the best way to go about including all these files to make life simple for me as a dev...

want to add padding to a td with jquery

I need to find td within a div and add a class to all the td's within that div, how can I do that with jquery? ...

jQuery Slideup/Down Append Question

$(".item").hover( function () { $(this).slideDown().append( $("<div class=\"attending\">Yes/No</div>") ); }, function () { $(this).find("div:last").slideUp().remove(); } ); I am using the above code to append a div onto the bottom of an element when rolled over. I have a number of .item divs, each one gettin...

jquery to replace and update content

I'm making calls from managed code to javascript, and would like to display time (passed from managed code), I've got a function such as: function sometimefunction(sometime) { $(document).ready(function() { $('#currenttime').before($('<div class="timeupdate"></div>').html('<h3>Last update: ' + sometime+ '</h3')).remove();...

How can I check if an element is within another one in jQuery?

Is there any direct way in JavaScript or jQuery to check if an element is within another one. I'm not referring to the $(this).parent as the element I wish to find can be a random number steps lower in the tree of elements. As an example, I would like to check if < div id="THIS DIV"> would be within < div id="THIS PARENT">: <div id="T...

Checkbox and JQUERY: "is checked" always FALSE

The code is below and checkbox is always FALSE. But on page it is different. It doesn't get checked or unchecked. <script type="text/javascript"> $('.cbOzelHastaAdi').unbind('click'); $('.cbOzelHastaAdi').click( function() { var parentDiv = $(this).parent().get(0); var cbs = $(parentDiv).find('table input:checkbox'); if(...

Why is this function not replacing the class

I have a function that I'm testing, it is supposed to check all table headers to see if it has a particular class, remove it and replace it with another class. I'm using this to switch metadata parsers for the tablesorter plugin. The code I have so far is below: $(function(){ $("th").each(function(){ if ($(this).hasClass("{so...

Ajax query not firing, because it's generating the wrong URL

The following code populates a second dropdown when the first dropdown changes (i.e. cascading dropdowns). However, the Ajax call isn't firing, and I can't figure out why. I'm not getting any syntax or runtime errors. When in debug mode, the GetPlans action is never being called. The inner alert is never called, but the outer one is. To ...

slow hide event canceled by remove event in jquery

Hello, I have a question about how too keep one event perform an action without being canceled by the next line off code In this case I don't want the remove action cancel the hide behavior Maybe, this falls into the category off callbacks, but I am not sure if I can use it in this case the code beneath already resides in the callbac...

display icons (or content) on mouseover

In twitter, when you hover your mouse over a message a star and a reply icon appears on the right. Similarly, in facebook when you hover your mouse over to an update, the little 'hide' icon appears on the right also giving a little context menu. I want to have a similar approach in my project for drag & drop handles. What I can decide ...

webrick server / ie6 truncating javascript files in development mode

I'm using webrick to run my rails app in development mode. The page includes 4-5 javascript files, which are also being served by the same webrick instance. When I load the page on ie6, it appears the javascript files are getting truncated after the first few lines -- can anyone explain that? e.g. if the page contains this script tag:...

JQuery - Add onclick to dynamically generated img tag

Hi, I am creating several image dynamically using the following code: function refresh_gallery(galleryidentifier, albumid) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/Photos/Thumbnails/" + albumid + "/", data: {}, success: function(msg) { try { var fotos = eval(msg); $(galleryidentifier).empty(); if (fotos.length == 0) { $(...

Jquery Multiple load in a DIV

Here is my code $('#right').load('textes.html #nicolas'); $('#right').load('textes.html #antoine'); the problem is that the content of the div antoine overwrite in the right div the content load by the div nicolas div #right : load div nicolas from file textes.html = ok div #right : load div antoine from file textes.html = overwrite ...

Get/Set caret position of iFrame in Safari & Chrome

I'm using the jQuery plugin lwrte (http://code.google.com/p/lwrte/). I've implemented a custom drop down in the panel of the wysiwyg that, when select, outputs a value at the cursor position. This jQuery plugin uses an iFrame to accomplish the wysiwyg functionality. The above works in IE and in FF, but is broken in Chrome and Safari. Th...

How to cancel navigation when user clicks a link?

I'm trying to load some stuff using AJAX when a user clicks a link, but I want the link to actually go somewhere so that the app still works when javascript is disabled. Is there any way to just do something with javascript and cancel navigation when a link is clicked? What's the best practice? Can that be done, or do I need to replace ...

Is it possible for 2 JQuery-ajax working at the same time for the same page?

I tried to run 2 JQuery-ajax at the same time, but it's seem always done the 1st JQuery-ajax before the 2nd JQuery-ajax. Just wandering, is it possible for 2 JQuery-ajax working at the same time for the same page? For example: I created a page which will allows the user to insert a batch of records into the database, and at the same pa...

How to wait for ajax validation to complete before submitting a form?

Having a problem where the form submits before the validateUsername function has a chance to complete the username check on the server-side. How do I submit the form only after the validateUsername function completes? Hope this is clear... form.submit(function(){ if (validateUsername() & validateEmail() & validatePassword()) { retur...

Jquery ambiguous ajax error

This is the gut of my ajax call. function ajax(path, requestData, successCallBack, errorCallBack) { return $.ajax({ error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) ç(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown); }, success: function(json){ successCallBack(json); } }); } When there is an...